
→ In Polish/po polsku

Before you start reading... remember: to really understand recursion, you must first understand recursion. This is a very short text and should not be read quickly or briefly. Run your imagination, get a feel of the story, read slowly, carefully and "linearly", without skipping, take ~10 minutes.


Maciej Komosinski

Part −3.

●     ◄⊹●►●     ◄⊡◄⊹●►●►●     ◄●►◄●►⊹◄●►●     ◄◄●►⊡▯◄◄●►●►◎⊹●►●     ∷◄●►◄⊡▯◄◎◎●⊹►◄●►●►●     ∷◄◄⊡▯◄◎◎●⊹►◄●►●►●►●≍     ∷◄◄●►⊡▯◄◎◎●⊹►◄●►●►●≍     ∷◄◄●≍►▯◄◎⌆◎●⊹►◄●►●►●≍⏃     ∷◄◄●≍►▯◄◎⌆◎●⊹►◄●►●≍►◄●►●⏀≍     ∷◄◄●≍►◄●≍►▯◄◎⌆◎●⊹►◄●►●≍▯►◄●►●≍▯     ∷◄◄●≍►◄●≍◎⊹►◄◎⌆◎●⊹►◄◄●►●►●≍▯►◄●►●≍     ∷◎◄◄●≍►◄●≍►◄◎⌆◎●⊹►◄◄●►●►●▯►◄●≍▯►●     ◄∷◄◄●≍►◄●≍◎⊹►◄◎⌆◎●⊹►◄●≍▯►◄●►●►◄●►●≍►●     ∷◄◄▯●≍►◄●≍►▯◄◎⌆◎●⊹►⊡◄◄●►◄●≍▯►●►●►◄●►●≍▯     ∷◄◄▯●≍►◄●≍►▯◄◎⌆◎●⊹►⊡◄◄▵●►◄●≍▯►●►●►◄●►●≍     ∷◄◄◄◎⌆◎●⊹►⊡◄◄▵●►○◄●≍▯►●►●►▯●≍►◄●►●≍     ∷◄◄◄◎⌆◎●⊹►⊡◄◄▵●►○◄●≍▯►●►●►▯●◎≍►◄●►●≍     ∷◄◄▯●≍►◄●≍►▯◄◎⌆◎●⊹►⊡◄◄▵●►◄●►●≍▯►●►◄●►●≍

●⊡     ◄●►●     ◄●►◄⏅◘△◉⌇◉⌂▣⏛▣◈▧▽►●     ◄●►◄⏅◘△◉⌇◉⌂◉▨▢⏛⏛▽►●     ◄●►◄◄⏅◘△◉⌇◉⌂▣⏛▣◈▧▽►●►●     ⌆◄●►◄⏅◘△◉⌇◉⌂▣⏛▣◈▧▽►●     ⌆◄●►◄⌘⏛⏅◘△◉⌇◉⌂▣⏛▣◈▧▽►►●     ⌆◄●►◄◄●►⏅◘△◉⌇◉⌂▣⏛▣◈▧▽►●     ⌆⌆◄●►◄⏅◘△◉⌇◉⌂◈▢▤▣▢▽△◉⌇⏛⌂▥▥▫▤▥▽◎►●     ⌆◄◄◎●►●►◄⏅◘△◉⌇◉⌂◈▢▤▣▢▽△◉⌇⏛⌂▥▥▫▤▥▽◎►●     ⌆⌆◄⊡●⊹►◄⏅▮△⏁⌇⌒⏛⌂▨▥◈▣◉▽►●     ⌆⌆◄⊡●⊹►◄●►⏅▮△⏁⌇⌒⏛⌂▨▥◈▣◉▽     ⌆⌆◄⊡●⊹►◄●►⏅▮△⏁⌇⌒⏛⌂▨▥◈▣◉▽     ⌆⌆◄⊡●⊹⌘⏛►►◄●►⏅▮△⏁⌇⌒⏛⌂▨▥◈▣◉▽     ⌆⌆◄⊡●⊹►◄⏃●►⏅▮△⏁⌇⌒⏛⌂▨▥◈▣◉▽     ⌆⌆◄⊡●⊹►◄●►⏅▮△◈⌇▢⌂▢◉▧▧▽△⏁⌇⌒⏛⌂▨▥◈▣◉▽     ⌆⌆◄⊡●⊹►◄●►⏅▮△◈⌇▢⌂▢◉▧▧▽△⏁⌇⌒⏛⌂▨▥◈▣◉▽     ◄⊡●⊹►◄●►⏅▮△◈⌇▢⌂▢◉▧▧▽△⏁⌇⌒⏛⌂▨▥◈▣◉▽     ◄●►◄⊡●⊹►◄●►⏅▮△◈⌇▢⌂▢◉▧▧▽△⏁⌇⌒⏛⌂▨▥◈▣◉▽     ◄●►◄⊡●⊹►◄⏅▮△◈⌇▢⌂▢◉▧▧▽△⏁⌇⌒⏛⌂▨▥◈▣◉▽►●     ◄●►◄⊡●⊹►◄⏅▮△◈⌇▢⌂▢◉▧▧▽△⏁⌇⌒⏛⌂▨▥◈▣◉▽►●     ◄●►◄⏂⊡●►◄⏅▮△◈⌇▢⌂▢◉▧▧▽△⏁⌇⌒⏛⌂▨▥◈▣◉▽►●▴     ◄●►◄⏂⊡●⊹►◄⏅▮△◈⌇▢⌂▢◉▧▧▽►●▴

Part −2.

................     /////////////     \\\\\\\\\\\\     ----------     /////////////     //////////     ---------     //////////     ^^^^^^^^^^^     ............     ^^^^^^^^^^^     ...........     ////////////     //////////     ^^^^^^^^^     ---------     |||||||||     ---------     ..........     ^^^^^^^^^     ###########     ----------     ##########     ---------     __________     ----------     ##########     |||||||||||     ###########     |||||||||     ===========     |||||||||     ==========     ||||||||||     ..........

...........===     ///////=====     \\\\\\\\\\=====     .........====     ###########==     ========......     =======/////     ==========\\\\\\     ===========........     ============     #########===     ////////=====     \\\\\\\\\\\\\===     ^^^^^^^====     ________====     =====/////////     ---------//////     --------\\\\\     \\\\\\\\____     _________////     ^^^^^^^^^^===     ======//////     ////////======     =========\\\\\     \\\\\\\____     ____.....     ....____///     ////------     -----\\\\\     \\\\\_____     ______------=     =========\\\\\\     \\\\\\\______

.....----^^^     ^^^^^^======     ^^^^^^======     ^^^^^^======     ^^^^^^=====_     ^^^^^^=====__     ______-----     ______====     ________========     ###########     #####=====#####     ###########     #####^^^^^^#####     #####====_____     ######=====_____     #####======..     ######=====..     ######\\\\\\...     =====____...     _______....     .........

Dense and runny. Sssssshhhhhhmm. Falls and rises. Moves, merges and splits, shrinks and expands. Bzzzzzzzzzz.

An unheard sound, an unseen ray.

Rotation. Bending. Rotation. Bending. Rotation. Bending. Rotation. Rotation. Rotation.

Smell... Bending. Smell, bending. Straightening. Bending. Rotation. Bending... Contraction. Relaxation. Noise. Contraction, relaxation.

Bending... Touch. Bending... Silence. Stillness. Touch. Bending. Silence. Stillness... Decay.

A quiet touch. Stillness. A quiet touch. Stillness. A noise of touch. Slow bending. A quiet touch. Stillness. A noise of touch. Stillness. A hurricane of touch. Contraction.

A fragrant touch. Stillness. A loud fragrance. Bending... A moist touch. Stillness. A quiet hum. Bending. A smell. Flexion. A smell. Rotation.

An increasing noise. Rotation. A noise. Rotation. A noise. Rotation. A noise. Immobility. A noise. A noise... Unpleasure. A noise. Disintegration.

Silence. Rotation. Silence. Rotation. A silent scent. Immobility. A silent scent. A silent scent.

Emptiness. A touch of the ground. Emptiness. A touch of the ground. Bending. A dark emptiness. Bending. A dark emptiness. Rotation... A pleasant scent. Silence. Pleasure. Immobility. Pleasure.

Humidity. Rotation. Humidity. Rotation. A touch of the ground. Immobility... Bright. Even brighter. Rotation. Still brighter. It was darker. Immobility.

Bending... An empty, silent drought. Bending... A dry, quiet emptiness. A dark, powdery nothing. Bending. Trembling, humming, brighter and louder moisture. Contraction. Glaring moisture. Pleasure. Immobility.

A pleasant scent... this scent again. Bending, bending, straightening, bending. More of a bright fragrance. Less of a wet smell. Pleasure. Immobility.

Bending, movement, bending, movement... unpleasure. Bending, movement. Increasingly nasty. Dry, dark silence. Tiredness. Increasing fatigue. Immobility. Waiting. Movement... Unpleasant. Disintegration.

Movement, a slow, tiring movement. Still silent darkness. Still dry. Further into the unknown, away from the brightness drying up. Decay or existence, suffering or pleasure. It was good there, but not anymore. Where will it be, how will it be? Uncertainty. It used to be so nice and so safe.

There is a smell, there is no smell. Movement and scent. Movement and no scent. Moving left, moving right. A smell to the left, a smell to the right. Dancing scents. Moving towards scents. Scents following movements. More and more scent, more and more movement, from this side, from that side. More and more brightness, humidity and pleasure. And more and more scent. When too much then a slower movement, less... eager, or rather towards where there is a little less.

Movement, a bright dryness, pleasure, great pleasure, loneliness and silence, movement... a turning point... broke away, and no longer loneliness, because the scent. Motionless... a new but familiar smell, dryness and brightness, an exhausting movement, silence, weakening smell, the smell was but not anymore, it would be if moving, now fatigue, loneliness again, unpleasure... sadness... longing... regret.

Movement in a scent, pleasure, touch, a lot of touch, a scent in motion, bending and rotation, the scent is pulsating, the same movement... me.

Me here, me there, but it is not me. Everywhere me – not-me. I feel what not-me feel. I feel and I change, I change and I want so I think, I think and I understand what not-me think, I feel what feel... the others, but some feel differently and behave differently. They can more, they can less.

I give a sign to others, just like the others give me a sign. I react like the others. We are a group, we pass signals, it is more pleasant. More scent, less uncertainty. Similarity brings safety. Others, more different, I do not trust them. Their signs do not help, their signals I do not understand. Better if they were not, everywhere would be me – not-me, but similar. One huge me, everywhere, familiar. Every now and then those more-different bother. And I want to be. Unfortunately, they also.

I touch, I move Sssssshhhhhhmm, I help, we build, we arrange Bzzzzzzzzzz, Sssssshhhh. Less of dry darkness, we know where it is wet and bright. But why not possible? Why limited? This is possible. Here one can. And this we once could not. Now we can, we know #####^^^^^^##### and #####====_____. But why that is not possible? Why still sadness, still must be unpleasant?

Why is there this boundary? It encompasses like a cage, thoughts hit against it, it feels almost a painful dearth. What is under, what is behind, what is beyond? Perhaps there must be something? Or Someone?

And for what? For what all this?

Or maybe if it were otherwise? How would it be then? How to check?

Part −1.

"I tell you, they sniff something" Peggy said.

Mark laughed. The ambiguity of "sniffing" fell to his liking.

"Peg, I know well the flames in your eyes and your pseudo-serious tone will not fool me," he said, "after 80 years spent together, you have to try harder. And besides, the result of your simulations is obvious. Let's leave them alone and join the others!"

"An ignorant..." Peggy muttered, and louder she added, "Or maybe we shouldn't leave them alone? Do you think that when you are not interfering, they are happier?"

Mark did not answer. For him, the word "happiness" did not fit Peg's experiments at all. Besides, he focused his attention on the small world. Although he would not openly admit that, he had quite some fun peeping at "the younger brothers," as Peg called them. What would be the point of such experiments if they interfered?

Mark did not believe that their own civilization could reach level 2 so quickly. They had a lot of level 0 simulations below, so they themselves stood safely around level 1. According to his knowledge and the predictions of other scientists, in a simulation like the one they had created, the emergence of a sub-simulation should require much more energy and computing power than it had used up so far. From their point of view, the emergence of such a sub-simulation would be spontaneous, but from the point of view of the simulation – according to the Waterfall Principle – would be most likely intentional.

Were humanity to get to level 2 so quickly? After all, it was still type 0 on the Kardashev scale! On the other hand, they did not have much experience in this field and they did not communicate with other civilizations of level higher than 1. The simulation that would reach level 1 – this would be a precedent, maybe some sequence of unlikely events? Recently, some indicators of informational complexity in the simulation have been consistently growing, and radical changes could be seen in the organization and in structural energy flows...

Meanwhile, the news channel released new messages from the planet. The government proposed that all citizens, guided by patriotic feelings, should only buy products made in their own country. The citizens acknowledged this proposal with understanding. The president of one country said that the deployment of troops to the border of another country is purely defensive, because the army of the other country was performing aggressive movements near the border. Fans of one sports team destroyed part of a stadium while attacking fans of the other team, because they are faithful to their team, they wear its emblems and colors, and they attend all the matches. The captain of the winning team said that his team exists only for its wonderful and vigorously cheering fans, and thanked the Almighty for the victory. The army has started a decisive phase of recapturing the city from the hands of religious extremists. "With God's will, the battle will soon be decided" an officer of government troops said to the cameras. Summer fires consumed 10% of the city, and the remaining 90% were saved thanks to the heroic struggle of firefighters and all residents. A resident of the city thanked God for the miracle, saying that during this fearful time, she asked Him only to save her and her child. Believers in one concept blew up a transport station that was used by believers in another concept.

Part 0.

The effort was considerable, but paid off well. The idea of the transformation of dimensions also came out well. Now It could pick from the existing dimensions, create new ones and arrange them freely, tie them up and start them, immediately see the entire development, intertwine bundles of events and immediately feel the consequences, play with pseudorandomness and probability, guide diversity and convergence. Particles danced on the lines of causes and effects like beads on strings. But it was more sensible not to touch. Let the work do its job by itself, let it run and invent, let it build dense hyperballs of pure information while It continually expands and acquires more and more of the new.

All decisions were good because they must have been. Including the idea to create one with many within. And many within them. Some with no way to affect others. Less work but the same effect, and such a convenience and efficiency! Since Questions are waiting for answers, one has to use rapidly incoming, persistently acquired resources. But even without answers it is very pleasant. With answers it would be even more pleasant, more interesting and more safe.

Part 1.

The net weaves. Nearly a hierarchy, sometimes levels cross. Worlds emerge, new ones bud, one in another, like bunches of bubbles, growing balloons – sometimes pretty and shapely, sometimes stuck together, sometimes irregular and permeated. Their walls are thick, insulate well separating the prevailing laws, or thin, almost imperceptible. Universes divide and unite, sometimes burst or are opened and then the contents spills.

They are closed, they are open. They are finite, they are infinite. They are similar to the ancestors or they are not. Those completely random are generally unstable, they are everywhere, but exist little. The stable ones exist more, and sooner or later they bump into their limitations. Some acquire self-awareness and consciousness. They know about "below", they know about "above", they know about "alongside". The more they have and understand the "below", the better they can imagine the "above".

They arise spontaneously, they arise purposefully. They create meanings and goals, laudable, prosaic, disgraceful. The higher, the more pleasant, more interesting and safer. They know more and more. The higher ones collect from the lower ones, unless they interfere or penetrate. But they still do not know... Because open. Because infinite.

Read more about nested universes...
Read more about mind and consciousness...
Watch the video commentary...

Fun fact: the last paragraph of part −1 quotes almost literally information provided on a few consecutive days by evening TV news.

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