Observations from a newbie and 1 Question 

a quick observation i've found that a restricted population(10-25) with no
cloning and deletion of only the worst is a quick way to get early
results...at least for directed evolution. I also have been inducing what i
call 'plaques' on the population at random times where i delete all but the
best few. Especially usefull when your population has grown fairly

Their are only a couple of things on my 'wish list' for V2

1. electric fences: boundraries that give off negative energy this would
hopefully induce object avoidance in foodseeking creatures since touching
them would decrease lifespan

2. better smell receptors(i think this is being worked on)

3. Genome Cleanup option: unless i'm mistaken RRRFFrrfX[@1:1][@1:3] is the
same as RFX[@1:4] The reason i say as an option is because i can see the
benefits of having the 'messy' version and its more in keeping with the
biological nature but cleaning it up for posting examples etc.....

okay for my one question is the how are the modifiers applied in this
example. example cleaned up for clarity

XRMI(X,X,X) =?
X(RMIX,X,X) or
some other way i'm too dense to see?

thanks for your time and look out for my two legged upright walker thats
evolving as we speak.....right now it's acting like a drunken chicken but
i'm working on it


>1. electric fences: boundraries that give off negative energy this would
>hopefully induce object avoidance in foodseeking creatures since touching
>them would decrease lifespan

Just getting stuck on an obstacle or a fence is already sufficient to
decrease lifespan (it decreases likelihood that you'll get to your next meal
before you starve to death.) Appropriately placed touch sensors can be used
in obstacle avoidance. For a demonstration, check out my battlefram
"Pokahontas" (watch out for that poker!) in a fenced world, size=50,
autofeeding=4, ballenergy=1000.

lllfffSSSSSX[0:2.420,2:-2,1 :-1][-1
:-1.970](X,lllSSXlllXlllX),fffIXlllfffMMMsX[ -1


Pete Mandik