Jumping arrow 

Hello everyone,
I'm new to this ng but I have been using Framsticks for some months now. It
is a great program!

I have done quite some evolution runs, and although most of them yielded
dull creatures, others resulted in more interesting ones.

The newest creature that I obtained is this "jumping arrow". It jumps in a
funny, rabbit-like fashion and it is quite fast. This is how it was made:
- random evolution for about 1 million cycles
- selection for distance for about 20 million cycles, with 10 creatures
simulated at once, otherwise standard settings.

This is the genotype:
((cfSX),MMXrLsXwX[| G :4.775,1 :-0.552][| * :-69.876,-1 :0.803],mX[@ -1
:883.393][ |-2 :0.768])

Has anyone got a similar creature?

By the way, can someone tell me what the different colors of the sticks


Użytkownik "JVking" napisał w wiadomo¶ci
> The newest creature that I obtained is this "jumping arrow". It jumps in a
> funny, rabbit-like fashion and it is quite fast.
> This is the genotype:
> ((cfSX),MMXrLsXwX[| G :4.775,1 :-0.552][| * :-69.876,-1 :0.803],mX[@ -1
> :883.393][ |-2 :0.768])
> Has anyone got a similar creature?

Yes, here is my "Jumping Y":

MX(X[| 0 :-0.893,G:0],rrLLX[G:-2.583]MX[| 0:0.797,-1:2.899])

and one of his ancesors "Moving Y"

X[2:-1.397](WX[ -1 :-4.285][| -2:1.428],rrX[1:-1.776,1 :-4.275]X[|

I also evolved a creature, that is quite similar to yours. It's very
interesting to see, how it uses it's front arms to stabilize the jumping and
to minimize friction.

Check it out:
