Hi, i'm new. Please check out my creatures. 

Hi all,

I got some nice Framsticks, i hope they aren't boring on you.

The first one is a creature with two arms to get forward. At the front it
got a Stamina (S) reinforced sting. I use to call this creature crawler
Crawler. I built the physical structure and let him then evolve (only Neural

The next is probably familiar to all. It's a sea snake that moves under
water. The NN is plenty evolved.

MMMsX[@0 :2.156][3
A rectangle like creature, that moves on ground.

X[@ 1 :3.033](,,X[| 2 :-2.081](,,X[ |-2 :1.582,= :0.725][ @= :0.000,-1
And last but not least, a small tailhopper. It's pretty fast for it's small
body and tiny brain (1 Neuron)


Thanks in forward,
Wolfgang Fercher.


This is a creature (non-moving) which waits patiently until another creature
arrives. Then it uses his Sting to kill the other and consume it's energy.
It's hard to evolve such kind of creature, so i didn't.

All muscles (4 Bend Muscles) are controlled by 1 neuron. This neuron is
affected by two smell (S) neurons, two detect another creature.
It was not easy to find the right NN weights so that the sting will go back
after attacking, so that he can use it
At first i thought, one smell receptor would be enough, but then i realized
that the creature was attacking, also when the enemy was back, left or
right. So i used another, and both together, help the creature to realize
the direction the enemy is in.

I hope my english did not confuse you :-)

Well, here it is: