Gene Pools 

I'm a philosopher, not a programmer. I've been trying, in vain, to figure
out a way to get more than one gene pool into my simulations, so that I can
create a larger world with more complexities and multiple life forms, all
evolving and co-evolving together.

But all the resources for Framsticks seem to be disappearing rather quickly,
and I cant find much help other than this small forum.

Can anyone help me, or point me in the right, still active, direction?


Maciej Komosinski's picture

Hello Nick,

> I'm a philosopher, not a programmer. I've been trying, in vain, to figure
> out a way to get more than one gene pool into my simulations, so that I can
> create a larger world with more complexities and multiple life forms, all
> evolving and co-evolving together.

There is no automatic way to have more gene pools, because if you have
more gene pools, you have some purpose in mind. Therefore you need to
tell precisely what should happen within and among these gene pools.

You can do so by creating your own experiment definition (*.expdef
script) or modifying an existing one (for example, generational.expdef
uses two gene pools for previous and next set of genotypes).

Anyway, to modify experiment definitions, you have to know FramScript
and a bit of programming. (Did you complete the Framsticks Tutorial?)
Once you understand expdef's, putting your ideas into script code should
be quite easy.

> But all the resources for Framsticks seem to be disappearing rather quickly,
> and I cant find much help other than this small forum.

What do you mean by disappearing? AFAIK everything is in place ;-)



> There is no automatic way to have more gene pools, because if you have
> more gene pools, you have some purpose in mind. Therefore you need to tell
> precisely what should happen within and among these gene pools.

> You can do so by creating your own experiment definition (*.expdef script)

Ive been reading through and trying to make sense of the ecosystem expdef,
which has a good bit of info about what it's trying to do. Ive also gone
through all the expdefs that come with the program, standard, generational,

Essentially, what I'm trying to do is have five separate gene pools to allow
for easier, more visually available speciation. The similarity speciation
paramater doesn't seem to create the kind of differentiation within the main
gene pool (at least not after a full day of running the program), and seems
to drop the step rate (though I'm working with a pretty big world).

Here's what I want to do:

Model an ecosystem similar to the predator/prey ecosystem, but one which
evolves over time, rather than beginning with premade predator and prey

Future additions:

Some species will reproduce sexually. Others asexually. I assume it would be
possible to create a script which would allow for plant reproduction, where
a certain genotype would visit one "tree" for food, and then another tree,
without actually killing the trees it touches. The second tree, upon being
"eaten from" would then reproduce. And so on down the line.

That will take some higher level scripting and may not be realistic, even if
I studied scripting quite closely and with some dedication.

Essentially, I want organisms that live and compete under water, and others
that live and compete on the ground. I want these various genotypes to have
different fitness criteria to allow for nicheing.

My problem with the multiple genepools that I have added is that the frams
never populate the second, third, etc genepools. Only the first gets updated
with performance data. I assume this has to do with the onkill function.

> What do you mean by disappearing? AFAIK everything is in place ;-)

When I first became fascinated with Framsticks last December, it seemed that
the community was a bit larger, and there wre more downloads. I may be wrong
about that. It makes sense that the community is slowing down a little, but
I think this is an amazing program you've written, and I wish there were
more experiments that were being shared and more parameters available, with
documentation and downloads about results.

