Opened 7 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

#62 closed defect (fixed)

Multiple issues with f4 to fix each one independently, discuss when needed

Reported by: Maciej Komosinski Owned by: Grzegorz Latosiński
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: genetic representations Version:
Keywords: Cc:

Description (last modified by Maciej Komosinski)

  1. add f4 tests with invalid genotypes (to test problematic parsing, valgrind)
  2. add f1 tests to see if introducing GeneProps? did not change the calculation of properties (and detect the 'm' bug!)
  3. implement approximate, fast, very low and constant complexity coloring in f4 (styles) just like it is done in f1
  4. oper_f4.cpp:137 maybe move all modifier definitions to one location
  5. oper_f4.cpp:178 address this TODO
  6. f4_general.cpp:478 address this TODO
  7. "default move control to neuclasshandler" unclear meaning
  8. same: "error: if no previous"
  9. same: "Need to check if exists"
  10. same: //they belong to neurons
  11. same: "tc3 is only to ensure that in the end of neuron parameter definition"
  12. check: sprintf((char*)buf2.c_str(), "%d", i1); and all other similar use cases
  13. makeNull() never used?
  14. char count; repetition counter - TODO discuss the CHAR type
  15. f4_general.h from line 160 upwards. Fix English, merge (remove spaces) * (pointer) with variable names or type names when there is no variable name
  16. unify modifier macros between f1 and f4?
  17. still true? #define F4_MODIFIERS_VISUAL "" //not supported in f4
  18. fix Geno_f4::style, old pieces of code remain and clash with new
  19. still needed?
    	double       state;            ///<state of neuron
    	double       inertia;          ///<inertia of neuron
    	double       force;            ///<force of neuron
    	double       sigmo;            ///<sigmoid of neuron
  20. out of line comment?

// a collection of cells, like Organism, for developmental encoding
and another
// convert f4 geno string to tree structure (internal)

  1. unclear in parentheses:
    @return 0 if repair can be performed, -1 otherwise (the repair flag wasn't set in constructor)
  2. int min, int max -> int mn, int mx
  3. @param current parent of the analysed branch of the genotype - there is no "current" arg?
  4. notation everywhere:
    double * v -> double *v
    const char * parse() -> const char* parse()

Change History (8)

comment:1 Changed 6 years ago by Maciej Komosinski

In 767:

More strict parsing of the repetition counter; bug fixes; improved docs [refs #62]

comment:2 Changed 6 years ago by Maciej Komosinski

Description: modified (diff)

comment:3 Changed 6 years ago by Maciej Komosinski

Description: modified (diff)

Restored the full list of (fixed earlier) issues, for documentation purposes

comment:4 Changed 6 years ago by Maciej Komosinski

In 770:

Avoided "min" and "max" as variable names, fixes issue 22 [refs #62]

comment:5 Changed 6 years ago by Maciej Komosinski

In 771:

Added color and size modifiers in f4; avoided unnecessary conditions in styling; fixes issue 17 and concerns issue 18 [refs #62]

comment:6 Changed 6 years ago by Maciej Komosinski

In 772:

Unified #define modifiers in f1 and f4, fixes issue number 16 [refs #62]

comment:7 Changed 6 years ago by Maciej Komosinski

In 773:

Improved styling implementation, fixes issue number 18 [refs #62]

comment:8 Changed 6 years ago by Maciej Komosinski

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

In 774:

Removed unused "state" field (issue number 19), improved docs (issues number 20,21,23), code formatting (issue number 24) [closes #62]

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