Obj3D class, available in: Framsticks Theater3D objectThis class has 27 members:
XYZ center RObouding box center
int children ROnumber of children
int filterfilter
Material materialmaterial
string namename
Obj3D parent ROparent object
XYZ positionposition
XYZ rotationrotation
XYZ scalescale
float size RObouding box size
Matrix transformtransformation matrix
int transparent0 .. 1 (false/true)is object transparent
int visible0 .. 1 (false/true)is object visible
function add(Obj3D child_object)doesn't return a valueadd child
function clone()returns Obj3Dcreate a copy
function delete()doesn't return a valuedelete object
function deleteChildren()doesn't return a valueremove all children
function get(untyped or_name)returns Obj3Dget child by index or name
function load(string filename)returns Obj3Dload from file
function newBillboard(Obj3D payload)returns Obj3Dcreate billboard object
function newEmpty()returns Obj3Dcreate new empty object
function newFromCreature(untyped)returns Obj3Dcreate a creature object
function newImage(string image, float width, float height, float horizontal_align, float vertical_align)returns Obj3Dcreate image object
function newText(string text, int horizontal_align, int vertical_align, Matrix transformation)returns Obj3Dcreate text object
function removeFromParent()doesn't return a valueremove from parent
function setPositionAndRotation(XYZ position, XYZ rotation)doesn't return a valueset position and rotation
function transformMesh(Matrix)doesn't return a valuemodify mesh vertices
Global context>>Experiment definition>>Command line interface>>Framsticks Theater