Model class, available in: Global contextThis class has 22 members:
XYZ bboxSize ROBounding box size
Geno geno ROGeno
int is_valid RO0 .. 1 (false/true)Validity
int numcheckpoints RONumber of checkpoints
int numconnections RONumber of neuron connections
int numjoints RONumber of joints
int numneurons RONumber of neurons
int numparts RONumber of parts
float sestartenergy
int shape_type RO0 .. 3
  • 0 = Unknown
  • 1 = Illegal
  • 2 = Ball-and-stick
  • 3 = Solids
  • Shape type
    float size_x ROBounding box x size(size_x,size_y,size_z) are dimensions of the axis-aligned bounding box of the creature, including imaginary Part sizes (Part.s, usually 1.0). A creature consisting of a single default part has the size of (2.0,2.0,2.0) - twice the Part.s value (like a sphere diameter is twice its radius).
    See also: Creature.moveAbs
    float size_y ROBounding box y sizeSee Model.size_x
    float size_z ROBounding box z sizeSee Model.size_x
    Model solid_model ROSolid shapes modelConversion of this Model to solid shapes. Note! Only available when this Model has shape_type==2 (Ball-and-stick).
    string VstyleVisual styleSee the Visual style definition context for more information
    function getCheckpoint RO(int index)returns ModelgetCheckpointCheckpoint Model objects are only valid as long as the parent Model object exists.
    See also: Model.newWithCheckpoints()

    // incorrect usage - calling getCheckpoint() on a temporary object:
    var c=Model.newWithCheckpoints("XXX").getCheckpoint(1).genotype.geno;

    // correct usage - keeping the parent Model reference in 'm':
    var m=Model.newWithCheckpoints("XXX");
    var c=m.getCheckpoint(1).genotype.geno;
    function getJoint RO(int index)returns JointgetJoint (static model information)
    function getNeuroDef RO(int index)returns NeuroDefgetNeuroDef
    function getPart RO(int index)returns PartgetPart (static model information)
    function newFromGeno(Geno)returns ModelCreate a new object
    function newFromString(string genotype)returns ModelCreate a new object
    function newWithCheckpoints(untyped Geno_object_or_string_genotype)returns ModelCreate a new objectCreates a Model with the "Checkpoints" option enabled. Genotype converters supporting Checkpoints provide a sequence of Models that reflects development stages of the creature (this sequence is used purely for debugging and visualization of phenotype growth/development). Checkpoint Models can be accessed using getCheckpoint(i) for i ranging from 0 to numcheckpoints-1. Models created without the Checkpoint option and Models coming from unsupported converters have numcheckpoints=0.
    Global context