7 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Displays progress as convenient percentage
7 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Minor optimization
7 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Slightly more helpful error message
7 years |
konrad |
Broken last lines in input logs will not crash the script anymore (the …
7 years |
konrad |
Improved the compute_depth function so now it works much faster for …
7 years |
konrad |
Fixed the "ValueError?: max() arg is an empty sequence" error occurring …
7 years |
konrad |
compute_adepth no longer uses recursion (so it should work better …
7 years |
konrad |
Fixed a bug attempting to normalize a list of lists
7 years |
konrad |
Fixed a bug with an incorrect order of assigning placement to nodes
7 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Improved comments, removed unnecessary TODO regarding "Rr" modifiers
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Code formatting
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
f4 modifiers implemented similarly to f1 modifiers, and a base for …
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Added three functions that may be useful in general
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
More appropriate name for the "model_energy_max" variable
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Unified property names of f1 and f4; improved docs; 3.141 -> M_PI
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Improved variable names and docs
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
As default foraminifera initial chamber radius in Framsticks units …
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Fixed argument type in GenMan?.getSimplest()
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
- fF foraminifera encoding supports scaling (radius) of the initial …
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Added missing #include
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Mark last Part white - a visual aid for easier editing of f9 genotypes
8 years |
sz |
Updated for the upcoming Framsticks v5.0rc9
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
- Ensure solid shapes (SolidsShapeTypeModel?) are used in geometry …
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
FramScript?'s ModelGeometr? converts and caches the input model so …
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Model shape conversion no longer requires const Model&
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Detecting more unwanted flags in Param sanity check
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
- One function name made shorter
- Fixed some typos
- Predictable …
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
A comment on potential optimization in ModelGeometryInfo?
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Removed useless READONLY flag in functions
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Better description of the VIRTFILE_OVERLOADING macro
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
More strict checking for improper flag/type combinations
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Model::buildUsingSolidShapeTypes() can now handle single-Part models …
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
0,1 -> false,true
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Warn when missing closing tilde (~) and code formatting
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Display diagnostic message when threads not released properly
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Warn when trying to remove non-existing indexed object
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Updated URLs, removed non-ascii characters
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Support for multiple coexisting implementations of the same neuron …
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
f0 is strict now, will not accept float when int is expected
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Invalid references from neurons to Parts/Joints? are now reported
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
The meaning of f9 3D-direction genes made consistent with Framsticks …
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Implemented insert() in FramScript? Vector class
8 years |
sz |
Updated for Framsticks version 5.0rc8
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Introduced a separate function to provide a human-friendly description …
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Introduced separate functions for formatting time.
8 years |
sz |
script updated (moveAbs, size_, pos_, center_)
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Extended code so that NeuroClass? properties are described in more detail
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Modulo by zero is safe just as division by zero and prints analogous …
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Introduced specialized info_* fields in (Mini)Genotype that match FEC …
8 years |
sz |
Updated for the upcoming Framsticks release - the old Shapes object is …
8 years |
konrad |
Added measure of progress (based on regression of time-distances …
8 years |
sz |
Updated to avoid using deprecated API (Creature.moveAbs, size_x/y/z, …
8 years |
sz |
Updated the script to use more modern framscript features, most …
8 years |
sz |
added the option to write a separate "camerapath.inc" instead of …
8 years |
sz |
scientific notation numbers ('e') are floating point, even without a dot
8 years |
konrad |
Fixed printing texts in svg and added support for additional …
8 years |
konrad |
tree-genealogy.py is now supporting multiple virtual parents (they are …
8 years |
konrad |
Added multisampling (antialiasing) option for raster output
8 years |
konrad |
Font for tree-genealogy.py
8 years |
konrad |
New, faster, more flexible and refactored version of the …
8 years |
konrad |
Some minor changes
8 years |
konrad |
Added an option to restrict the tree to first X nodes.
8 years |
konrad |
Rewritten prepos_children to the iterative form + Turned on some debugging
8 years |
konrad |
The parameters should not be case specific anymore, also added some …
8 years |
konrad |
Changed spine and skeleton drawing methods from recurrent to iterative …
8 years |
konrad |
Removed the recurrent version of the tree-drawing method, fixed and …
8 years |
konrad |
Added non-recurrent verion of tree drawing function, …
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Introduced an option to swap (exchange) X and Y axes
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Improved descriptions
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Fixed typos
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Introduced options to flip (invert, negate) X and/or Y axes
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Updated after field rename
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Code formatting
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
- Introduced levels of checking the validity of a Model
- If a Joint …
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Labels can have colors dependent on label text
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Displays the fraction of variance preserved after MDS
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Updated for new format of dissimilarity matrix (with the optional two …
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Code formatting
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
- Added 'fixedZaxis' option to paramtab (so that it is accessible from …
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Made the amount of jitter a continuous, adjustable parameter
8 years |
oriona |
Integer command line arguments converted to ints in main call.
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
- More flexible reading of distance matrices from files
- Can also …
8 years |
oriona |
Possibility of fixing z axis during the alignment added.
8 years |
oriona |
Number of returned dimensions set to minimum of desired number and the …
8 years |
oriona |
Function for computing variances removed.
8 years |
oriona |
MDS algorithm changed to cmdscale. Coordinates export to file added.
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
No longer ignores "jitter" and "outname" parameters
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Uncomment to make it work with no graphical backend
8 years |
oriona |
Rotation of creatures in z axis changed to random. LocalDrive? usage …
8 years |
konrad |
Fixed drawing the spine and the skeleton for the tree-genealogy.py
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Added the missing visual style declaration for foraminifera creatures
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
More meaningful variable names
8 years |
Maciej Komosinski |
Added a comment
8 years |
oriona |
Feed period changed to food flux in grams per square meter per second. …
8 years |
konrad |
Fixed dark lines inside lines in tree-genealogy.py
9 years |
oriona |
Movement of forams in z axis restricted.
9 years |
oriona |
Enhanced nutrient visualization corrected.
9 years |
konrad |
Tiny refactoring of tree-genealogy.py