Changeset 31 for cpp/geno_fx/geno_fx.h

10/21/09 23:45:09 (15 years ago)
Maciej Komosinski

mutated connection weights are unlimited (previously the range was -10..10) and another approach to allowed ranges of mutated values (was: absorb, now: reflect)

1 edited


  • cpp/geno_fx/geno_fx.h

    r3 r31  
    185185   static bool mutateProperty(ParamInterface &p,int propindex); ///<like mutatePropertyNaive(), but uses special probability distributions for some neuron properties.
    186186   static bool getMutatedProperty(ParamInterface &p,int i,double oldval,double &newval); ///<like mutateProperty(), but just returns \e newval, does not get nor set it using \e p.
    187    static double mutateCreep(char type,double current,double mn,double mx); ///<returns \e current value creep-mutated with Gaussian distribution within [ \e mn , \e mx ] interval. Forced precision: 3 digits after comma. \e type must be either 'd' (integer) or 'f' (float/double).
     187   static double mutateCreepNoLimit(char type,double current,double mn,double mx); ///<returns \e current value creep-mutated with Gaussian distribution within [ \e mn , \e mx ] interval. Forced precision: 3 digits after comma. \e type must be either 'd' (integer) or 'f' (float/double).
     188   static double mutateCreep(char type,double current,double mn,double mx); ///<just as mutateCreepNoLimit(), but forces mutated value into the [mn,mx] range using the 'reflect' approach.
    188189   static NeuroClass* getRandomNeuroClass(); ///<returns random neuroclass or NULL when no active classes.
    189190   static NeuroClass* parseNeuroClass(char *&s); ///<returns neuroclass or NULL if the string does not begin with a valid name. Advance \e s pointer.
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