02/26/14 20:21:22 (10 years ago)

Genetics reorganization (affects ALL applications!):

  • Converters/Validators? are now configured/initialized in a more verbose but also less confusing way
  • At the same time, the PreconfiguredGenetics? object will help you avoid the increased complexity by creating the ready-to-use environment that is sufficient in 99% of cases (see the demos)
  • Format F genetics updated (work in progress)
1 edited


  • cpp/frams/genetics/oper_fx.h

    r139 r145  
    8181 public:
    8282   Param par;
    83    char supported_format; ///<genotype format which is supported by this class ('6' for Geno_f6, etc.). Must be initialized in constructor
     83   char supported_format; ///<genotype format which is supported by this class ('6' for GenoOper_f6, 'F' for GenoOper_fF, etc.). Must be initialized in constructor
    8484   SString name; ///<name of this set of genetic operators
    8585   char **mutation_method_names; ///<array of names for mutation methods. If initialized (by new char*[]), must have entries for each method index returned by mutate(geno,chg,METHOD).  If initialized, it is automatically freed by this destructor.
    187187   static double mutateCreepNoLimit(char type,double current,double mn,double mx); ///<returns \e current value creep-mutated with Gaussian distribution within [ \e mn , \e mx ] interval. Forced precision: 3 digits after comma. \e type must be either 'd' (integer) or 'f' (float/double).
    188188   static double mutateCreep(char type,double current,double mn,double mx); ///<just as mutateCreepNoLimit(), but forces mutated value into the [mn,mx] range using the 'reflect' approach.
     189   static void setIntFromDoubleWithProbabilisticDithering(ParamInterface &p, int index, double value); ///<sets a double value in an integer field; when a value is non-integer, applies random "dithering" so that both lower and higher integer value have some chance to be set.
     190   static void linearMix(ParamInterface &p1, int i1, ParamInterface &p2, int i2, double proportion); ///<mixes i1'th and i2'th properties of p1 and p2; proportion should be within [0,1]; 0.5 causes both properties to become their average. For integer properties applies random "dithering" when necessary.
    189191   static NeuroClass* getRandomNeuroClass(); ///<returns random neuroclass or NULL when no active classes.
    190192   static NeuroClass* parseNeuroClass(char *&s); ///<returns neuroclass or NULL if the string does not begin with a valid name. Advance \e s pointer.
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