05/18/23 03:43:42 (11 months ago)
Maciej Komosinski

No longer sort modifiers and cancel out antagonistic modifiers in f1 and f4; simplifying modifier sequences is now much less intrusive to allow for 2N distinct values of properties instead of only 2*N that resulted from earlier forced ordering (N is the number of same-letter upper- and lower-case characters in a modifier sequence)

1 edited


  • cpp/frams/genetics/genooperators.h

    r1233 r1241  
    215215        static void skipWS(char *&s); ///<advances pointer \a s skipping whitespaces.
    216216        static bool areAlike(char*, char*); ///<compares two text strings skipping whitespaces. Returns 1 when equal, 0 when different.
    217         static char* strchrn0(const char *str, char ch); ///<like strchr, but does not find zero char in \a str.
     217        static char* strchrn0(const char *str, char ch); ///<like strchr, but does not find ascii=0 char in \a str.
    219219        static int getRandomChar(const char *choices, const char *excluded); ///<returns index of a random character from \a choices excluding \a excluded, or -1 when everything is excluded or \a choices is empty.
    220         static string simplifiedModifiers(const char *str_of_char_pairs, vector<int> &char_counts); ///<returns a sequence of chars from \a str_of_char_pairs based on how many times each char occurred in \a char_counts. Assume that an even-index char and the following odd-index char have the opposite influence, so they cancel out.
     220        static string simplifiedModifiersFixedOrder(const char *str_of_char_pairs, vector<int> &char_counts); ///<returns a sequence of chars from \a str_of_char_pairs based on how many times each char occurred in \a char_counts. Assume that an even-index char and the following odd-index char have the opposite influence, so they cancel out. We don't use this function, because a fixed order imposed by this function means that the number of different parameter values produced by a sequence of modifiers is lowered (N same-letter upper- and lower-case chars yield only 2*N different values). Due to how modifiers work, the effect of aaA, aAa, Aaa etc. is different (N same-letter upper- and lower-case chars yield 2^N different values), so simplifying modifiers should not impose any order and should not interfere with their original order - see \a simplifiedModifiers().
    221221        //@}
     222        static string simplifiedModifiers(const string &original); ///<from the \a original sequence removes modifiers that are too numerous (exceeding a defined threshold number), starting the removal from the leftmost (="oldest" when interpreting the sequence from left to right) ones.
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