World class, available in: Global contextEnvironment properties.This class has 11 members:
float nnspeed0 .. 1000
NN speedNumber of neural network simulation steps in each physics simulation step
int rndcollisions0 .. 1 (false/true)
Random collision orderWhen enabled, custom collision handlers are invoked in random order. This can help remove unfair bias in some experiments - for example where the same collision order in each simulation step would cause some creatures colliding with food to consume energy while other colliding creatures would starve.
WorldSignals signals ROSignal sources
int simtype0 .. 1
  • 0 = MechaStick (default)
  • 1 = ODE
  • Simulation engineMechaStick is a fast and simple primary Framsticks simulation engine.
    ODE is Open Dynamics Engine by Russel Smith et al.

    NOTE: switching between simulation engines causes removal of all objects in the world (e.g. creatures).
    int wrldbnd0 .. 2
  • 0 = None (default)
  • 1 = Fence
  • 2 = Teleport (wraparound)
  • BoundariesTeleporting a creature that is outside of the world area is attempted every 'performance sampling period' steps. Teleport succeeds only when the target location in the world is empty (there is no collision).
    float wrldg0 .. 10
    GravityYou can adjust gravity for your experiments.
    The "official" setting used to evaluate and compare creatures is 1.
    multiline string wrldmapMapDescription of the world (only applies to world types: "Blocks" or "Height field").
    To generate a random landscape, use:
    r[scaling] <sizex> <sizey> [seed]
    To generate a custom landscape, provide height values:
    m[scaling] <sizex> <sizey> digits...
    M[scaling] <sizex> <sizey> numbers...

    "digits..." is a sequence of integer values 0,1,2,..,9. You may also use '-' and '|' characters for smooth slides between blocks.
    "numbers..." is a sequence of floating point values, so the "M" option provides more freedom.
    [scaling] is an optional linear scaling expression in the form of *FACTOR+OFFSET or *FACTOR-OFFSET, for example "r*0.1-2 5 5" creates a 5x5 random map with a 10% amplitude, shifted down by 2.

    See also the WorldMap object.
    float wrldsiz10 .. 10000
    SizeSide length of the world
    int wrldtyp0 .. 2
  • 0 = Flat surface (default)
  • 1 = Blocks
  • 2 = Height field
  • Type
    float wrldwat-20 .. 200
    Water level
    function wrldchg()doesn't return a valueTrigger world update
    Global context