WireframeAppearance class, available in: Global contextThis object defines appearance of the elements of creatures (applies to the 'wireframe' display mode). Default shape definitions make food's "p:" look like a sphere, and manipulator's "p:" look like a robot hand. The model's Vstyle property is the name of the shape. Developers of experiment definitions can introduce new Vstyle(s) for their expdef and provide appropriate shape definitions by calling WireframeAppearance.set(...) in the onExpDefLoad() function.This class has 2 members:
function clear()doesn't return a valueClear
function set(string id, string definition, int color)doesn't return a valueIdArguments:

- "id" - can be
"1p_STYLENAME": affects a single-Part creature (without Joints)
"p_STYLENAME": affects all normal Parts
"j_STYLENAME": affects Joints
(STYLENAME corresponds to the Model.Vstyle value, and it can be empty).

- "definition" is a genotype describing the object shape

- "color" can be 0xRRGGBB or one of the special values: -3 = default creature color, -4 = default food color, -5 = default manipulator color

WireframeAppearance.set("j_predator","X",0xff0000);//make all predators (i.e. creatures with Vstyle=predator) red
WireframeAppearance.set("1p_food","...some...genotype...",-4);//change food appearance
WireframeAppearance.set("p_","//0\np:0,0,0\np:-0.1,0,0\np:0.1,0,0\np:0,-0.1,0\np:0,0.1,0\np:0,0,-0.1\np:0,0,0.1\nj:0,1\nj:0,2\nj:0,3\nj:0,4\nj:0,5\nj:0,6\n",0);//make Parts' orientation axes visible
Global context