VertexBuilder class, available in: Visual style definitionThis class has 24 members:
object materialmaterial
SSGNode node ROgeometry nodeThis field returns the geometry node for use in GeomBuilder. You have to set all relevant geometry properties before using this field. The usual sequence:
1. newXXX - selects the geometry type (see your OpenGL manual for explanation)
2. Set all properties (add vertices, normals, colors, texture coordinates, material). All unspecified properties are assumed to have default values.
3. Use the resulting node ( GeomBuilder.add(VertexBuilder.node) )
int twosided0 .. 1 (false/true)twosided
function addCalculatedNormal()add calculated normal vectorcalculate the normal vector from 3 coordinates. integer arguments are the vertices' indices. 0,1,2... = first, second, third vertex, -1,-2,-3,... = last, last-1, last-2 vertex
function addColor()add color (4 values)
function addNormal()add normal vector (3 coordinates or vector)
function addNormal_1()add normal vector (3 coordinates), normalizing the coordinatesuse addNormal instead of this function
function addTexCoord()add texture coordinates (2 coordinates or vector)
function addVertex()add vertex (3 coordinates or vector)
function genTexCoords()generate texture coordinates
function genTexCoordsXY()generate texture coordinates for XY plane
function genTexCoordsXZ()generate texture coordinates for XZ plane
function genTexCoordsYZ()generate texture coordinates for YZ plane
function new(int type)doesn't return a valuestart new empty geometry
function newLineLoop()start new empty geometry
function newLines()start new empty geometry
function newLineStrip()start new empty geometry
function newPoints()start new empty geometry
function newPolygon()start new empty geometry
function newQuads()start new empty geometry
function newQuadStrip()start new empty geometry
function newTriangleFan()start new empty geometry
function newTriangles()start new empty geometry
function newTriangleStrip()start new empty geometry
Global context>>Experiment definition>>Visual style definition