stats class, available in: Global contextThis class has 134 members:
int gen_count RONumber of genetic operations so far
int gen_mvalid ROMutations valid
int gen_mvalidated ROMutations validated
int gen_minvalid ROMutations invalidcouldn't be repaired
int gen_mfailed ROMutations failedcouldn't be performed
int gen_xovalid ROCrossovers valid
int gen_xovalidated ROCrossovers validated
int gen_xoinvalid ROCrossovers invalidcouldn't be repaired
int gen_xofailed ROCrossovers failedcouldn't be performed
float gen_mutimpr ROMutations total effecttotal cumulative mutation change
float gen_xoimpr ROCrossovers total effecttotal cumulative crossover change
loop eneg laitinI
int _property_changed_index ROLast changed property index
string _property_changed_id ROLast changed property id
int st_count ROCount
straP ydob fo rebmuN :loop eneg laitinI
float st_min_numparts ROMinimal Number of body Parts
float st_avg_numparts ROAverage Number of body Parts
float st_max_numparts ROMaximal Number of body Parts
stnioJ ydob fo rebmuN :loop eneg laitinI
float st_min_numjoints ROMinimal Number of body Joints
float st_avg_numjoints ROAverage Number of body Joints
float st_max_numjoints ROMaximal Number of body Joints
snoruen fo rebmuN :loop eneg laitinI
float st_min_numneurons ROMinimal Number of neurons
float st_avg_numneurons ROAverage Number of neurons
float st_max_numneurons ROMaximal Number of neurons
snoitcennoc laruen fo rebmuN :loop eneg laitinI
float st_min_numconnections ROMinimal Number of neural connections
float st_avg_numconnections ROAverage Number of neural connections
float st_max_numconnections ROMaximal Number of neural connections
rebmun lanidrO :loop eneg laitinI
float st_min_num ROMinimal Ordinal number
float st_avg_num ROAverage Ordinal number
float st_max_num ROMaximal Ordinal number
noitareneG :loop eneg laitinI
float st_min_gnum ROMinimal Generation
float st_avg_gnum ROAverage Generation
float st_max_gnum ROMaximal Generation
secnatsnI :loop eneg laitinI
float st_min_instances ROMinimal Instances
float st_avg_instances ROAverage Instances
float st_max_instances ROMaximal Instances
naps efiL :loop eneg laitinI
float st_min_lifespan ROMinimal Life span
float st_avg_lifespan ROAverage Life span
float st_max_lifespan ROMaximal Life span
yticoleV :loop eneg laitinI
float st_min_velocity ROMinimal Velocity
float st_avg_velocity ROAverage Velocity
float st_max_velocity ROMaximal Velocity
ecnatsiD :loop eneg laitinI
float st_min_distance ROMinimal Distance
float st_avg_distance ROAverage Distance
float st_max_distance ROMaximal Distance
yticolev lacitreV :loop eneg laitinI
float st_min_vertvel ROMinimal Vertical velocity
float st_avg_vertvel ROAverage Vertical velocity
float st_max_vertvel ROMaximal Vertical velocity
noitisop lacitreV :loop eneg laitinI
float st_min_vertpos ROMinimal Vertical position
float st_avg_vertpos ROAverage Vertical position
float st_max_vertpos ROMaximal Vertical position
ssentiF :loop eneg laitinI
float st_min_fit ROMinimal Fitness
float st_avg_fit ROAverage Fitness
float st_max_fit ROMaximal Fitness
ssentif laniF :loop eneg laitinI
float st_min_fit2 ROMinimal Final fitness
float st_avg_fit2 ROAverage Final fitness
float st_max_fit2 ROMaximal Final fitness
yticolev doirep tneceR :serutaerc eviL
float st_min_c_velocity ROMinimal Recent period velocity
float st_avg_c_velocity ROAverage Recent period velocity
float st_max_c_velocity ROMaximal Recent period velocity
yticolev lacitrev doirep tneceR :serutaerc eviL
float st_min_c_vertvelocity ROMinimal Recent period vertical velocity
float st_avg_c_vertvelocity ROAverage Recent period vertical velocity
float st_max_c_vertvelocity ROMaximal Recent period vertical velocity
noitisop lacitrev doirep tneceR :serutaerc eviL
float st_min_c_vertpos ROMinimal Recent period vertical position
float st_avg_c_vertpos ROAverage Recent period vertical position
float st_max_c_vertpos ROMaximal Recent period vertical position
x noitisoP :serutaerc eviL
float st_min_pos_x ROMinimal Position x
float st_avg_pos_x ROAverage Position x
float st_max_pos_x ROMaximal Position x
y noitisoP :serutaerc eviL
float st_min_pos_y ROMinimal Position y
float st_avg_pos_y ROAverage Position y
float st_max_pos_y ROMaximal Position y
z noitisoP :serutaerc eviL
float st_min_pos_z ROMinimal Position z
float st_avg_pos_z ROAverage Position z
float st_max_pos_z ROMaximal Position z
ezis x xob gnidnuoB :serutaerc eviL
float st_min_size_x ROMinimal Bounding box x size
float st_avg_size_x ROAverage Bounding box x size
float st_max_size_x ROMaximal Bounding box x size
ezis y xob gnidnuoB :serutaerc eviL
float st_min_size_y ROMinimal Bounding box y size
float st_avg_size_y ROAverage Bounding box y size
float st_max_size_y ROMaximal Bounding box y size
ezis z xob gnidnuoB :serutaerc eviL
float st_min_size_z ROMinimal Bounding box z size
float st_avg_size_z ROAverage Bounding box z size
float st_max_size_z ROMaximal Bounding box z size
x.retnec :serutaerc eviL
float st_min_center_x ROMinimal center.x
float st_avg_center_x ROAverage center.x
float st_max_center_x ROMaximal center.x
y.retnec :serutaerc eviL
float st_min_center_y ROMinimal center.y
float st_avg_center_y ROAverage center.y
float st_max_center_y ROMaximal center.y
z.retnec :serutaerc eviL
float st_min_center_z ROMinimal center.z
float st_avg_center_z ROAverage center.z
float st_max_center_z ROMaximal center.z
function _propertyAdd(string id, string type_description, string name, int flags, string help_text)doesn't return a valueAdd property (id,type,name,help)Using most _property functions is restricted for internal purposes. Use "property:" or "state:" definitions in your script files to change object properties.
function _propertyAddGroup(string name)doesn't return a valueAdd property groupUsing most _property functions is restricted for internal purposes. Use "property:" or "state:" definitions in your script files to change object properties.
function _propertyChange(string id, string type_description, string name, int flags, string help_text)doesn't return a valueChange propertyUsing most _property functions is restricted for internal purposes. Use "property:" or "state:" definitions in your script files to change object properties.
function _propertyClear()doesn't return a valueRemove all propertiesUsing most _property functions is restricted for internal purposes. Use "property:" or "state:" definitions in your script files to change object properties.
function _propertyExists(string name)returns intCheck for property existence
function _propertyRemove(int index)doesn't return a valueRemove propertyUsing most _property functions is restricted for internal purposes. Use "property:" or "state:" definitions in your script files to change object properties.
function _propertyRemoveGroup(int index)doesn't return a valueRemove property groupUsing most _property functions is restricted for internal purposes. Use "property:" or "state:" definitions in your script files to change object properties.
function clrstats()doesn't return a valueClear stats and history
Global context