SignalView class, available in: Global contextThis object can be used by an Experiment Definition or a Framsticks Theater show script to configure the preferred Signal visualization in the experiment. SignalView.mode and SignalView.label can also be adjusted in the Framsticks GUI (overriding the script-configured state).This class has 6 members:
multiline string labelsLabelsThe label formula should return text to be displayed over the signal source, presumably by reading some values from the supplied Signal object. It is especially useful for more sophisticated signal usage scenarios, when Signal.value keeps a reference to an object (the default signal label only shows <XXX Object at xxxxx> in such cases).

Examples: (switch to "Automatic" mode to see labels, then remove the label formula and compare the effect)

return "x";
return "val="+Signal.value;
return "power="+Signal.power;
int mode0 .. 2
  • 0 = Off
  • 1 = Custom
  • 2 = Automatic (default)
  • Mode"Automatic" labels all signal sources in all channels and shows the intensity map of the first channel. This is sufficient for many simple setups, but as the number of signals and channels grows, the display becomes cluttered. In such cases, the experiment definition can define "Custom" signal visualization tailored for the particular experiment.
    function addMap(string channel, int color)doesn't return a valueadd channel
    function addSignals(string channel, int color, int angle_x, int angle_y, int angle_z)doesn't return a valueadd channel
    function addSignalsFilter(string channel, int color, int angle_x, int angle_y, int angle_z, int flavor, int filter)doesn't return a valueadd channel
    function clear()Clear 'Custom' mode settingsRemoves custom display settings that might have been defined by various scripts (expdef or show).
    Global context