NeuroClass class, available in: Global contextThe static NeuroClass object refers to the class selected in the NeuroClassLibrary. Most, but not all, properties have direct counterparts in *.neuro files that define custom neuron classes.This class has 12 members:
string descriptionLong description
string glyphGlyph vector dataThe neuron icon for use in NN diagrams, encoded as a comma-separated sequence of integer numbers.
  • N = the total number of all numbers following this one
  • NS = the number of line sequences
      repeated NS times:
    • NL = number of line segments (creating a polyline)
    • X,Y (repeated NL+1 times) - subsequent line segment coordinates, each line should fit in a 100x100 square
      - neuron input connections will be drawn at X=25 (varying Y for multiple inputs, Y=50 for a single input)
      - neuron output connection will be drawn at (X=75,Y=50)

16,2,3,25,50, 40,30, 60,30, 75,50,1,40,50, 60,50
N = 16 numbers following this oneNS = 2 line sequencesNL = the first sequence has 3 segmentscoordinates for 3 line segments = 4 endpoints = 8 numbersNL = the second sequence has 1 segmentcoordinates for 1 line segment

See also: a script for creating *.neuro icon from SVG
Compatibility: this field is called "icon" in *.neuro files.

int joint_shapes0 .. 15
Supported joint shapesBit mask of supported (1<<Joint::Shape) values, default 15=all joint shapes supported
string longnameLong, human readable nameUsed in hints
string nameClass nameUsed in genotypes
int prefinputsPreferred number of inputs-1 means "any number of inputs is OK"
int preflocation0 .. 2
  • 0 = None
  • 1 = Part
  • 2 = Joint
  • Preferred body location
    int prefoutput0 .. 1 (false/true)Provides outputShould be 1 if the neuron provides meaningful output value, 0 otherwise
    Interface properties ROInterface object connected with neuron class propertiesCompatibility: not preset in *.neuro files.
    int shape_types0 .. 3
  • 0 = None
  • 1 = Ball and stick
  • 2 = Solid
  • 3 = Both (default)
  • Supported model shape typesBit mask of supported (1<<Model::ShapeType) values, default 3=all shape types supported
    string summary ROSummaryTextual summary of all features.
    Compatibility: not preset in *.neuro files.
    int visualhintsVisual hintsThis is a bitfield. Compute the value by adding the following bits:
    1 = Invisible - don't draw neurons of this class
    2 = No label - don't draw classname label (below the neuron symbol) for this neuron class
    4 = First Part - draw the neuron at the first part when attached to a joint (default is in the middle)
    8 = Second Part - draw the neuron at the second part when attached to a joint (default is in the middle)
    16 = Effector - use muscle color when drawing this neuron
    32 = Sensor - use receptor color when drawing this neuron
    Compatiblity: visualhints is called "vhints" in *.neuro files.
    Global context