MechPart class, available in: Global contextThis class has 24 members:
float xposition.x
float yposition.y
float zposition.z
XYZ pos ROposition
XYZ v ROvelocity
Orient orient ROorientation
Part part ROPart objectcorresponding Part object
seitreporp rehtO
float mmassThe mass of a MechPart is the same as the mass of its corresponding Part and cannot be changed. For f0, the mass of each Part is calculated as the number of its incident Joints. For f0s, the mass of each Part is calculated internally as its density*volume.
float ssize
float volvolume
float frfriction
float vxvelocity.x
float vyvelocity.y
float vzvelocity.z
float oxxorientation.x.x
float oxyorientation.x.y
float oxzorientation.x.z
float oyxorientation.y.x
float oyyorientation.y.y
float oyzorientation.y.z
float ozxorientation.z.x
float ozyorientation.z.y
float ozzorientation.z.z
function applyForce(float x, float y, float z)doesn't return a valueapply force
Global context