EnergyParticles class, available in: Global contextThis class has 12 members:
float enpa_amount_max0.01 .. 1000
Particle energy maximumA maximum amount of energy a single particle can represent. If energy transferred in a single simulation step exceeds this amount, more particles are created.
float enpa_amount_min0 .. 1000
Particle energy minimumA particle is emitted if the amount of energy transferred in a single step exceeds this threshold
float enpa_display_max0 .. 1
Max particle sizeVisible particle size at maximum energy
float enpa_display_min0 .. 1
Min particle sizeVisible particle size at minimum energy
float enpa_fade0 .. 1
Fade out orphansGradually decrease particle size before it disappears when its energy transfer has ended while the particle was on its way. The remaining energy amount is multiplied by this factor in each step. 0 means: disappear immediately, 1 means: don't decrease the size at all. Note that these parameters only concern visualization and the actual energy was already transferred.
int enpa_lifespan_max1 .. 100
Lifespan maximumParticle's lifespan is a random number taken from the specified range [min,max]
int enpa_lifespan_min1 .. 100
Lifespan minimumParticle's lifespan is a random number taken from the specified range [min,max]
float enpa_random_pos0 .. 1
Randomize positionsThe amount of random shift used for individual particles (uniform distribution)
float enpa_speedup0 .. 1
Particle speedupIncrease particle speed by this factor in each simulation step. This can help reach moving targets (along with "Turn towards target").
int enpa_step_maxparticles1 .. 100
Max particles per stepLimit the number of particles created in a single step for each energy transfer
int enpa_total_limit10 .. 10000
Total particle limitLimit the total number of existing energy particles (to save performance)
float enpa_turn0 .. 1
Turn towards targetIgnore (0) or directly follow (1) the potentially moving target of a particle. Intermediate values create momentum effect as if the target was gradually adjusted.
Global context