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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#42 fixed ModelGeometry division by 0.0 for a single ellipsoid shape oriona Maciej Komosinski

For the following structure/genotype:


in externalAreaOfSurface(), in the second iteration of

	while (surface.tryGetNext(point))

In function

void MeshBuilder::EllipsoidSurface::findNextAreaEdgeAndPhase()

There is div by 0.0 (invalid FP operation) because edge.x and edge.z are 0.0:

limit.z = edge.z*edge.z / sqrt(edge.x*edge.x + edge.z*edge.z);

Similar defect to fix: numerous sqrt: DOMAIN error exceptions when running geometry unit tests.

#43 fixed ModelGeometry: sizes and orientations depend on sampling density and model orientation Maciej Komosinski

Testing a ball (genotype //0\np:sh=1,ry=1\n) - balls have no specific orientation and are perfectly symmetrical so this might be an excuse for such dependence, yet... look at the example below. The first value in a line is the sampling density (0.1, 1, 2.5 or 4.3217452):

Windows+Visual Studio 2013 compilation, %g:

0.1 12.5664 0 [(2.0,2.0,2.0),Orient@(-0,1,0)]
1 12.5664 1.01829 [(2.0,2.0,2.0),Orient@(-0,1,0)]
2.5 12.5664 1.98001 [(2.0,1.9986484217435,1.97326669133902),Orient@(-0.415242,0.498119,0.472743
4.32175 12.5664 2.97095 [(2.0,2.0,2.0),Orient@(-0,1,0)]

Windows+Visual Studio 2017 debug compilation, %.17g:

0.10000000000000001 12.566370614359172 0 [(2.0,2.0,2.0),Orient@(-0,1,0)]
1 12.566370614359172 1.2728649512171213 [(2.0,2.0,2.0),Orient@(-0,1,0)]
2.5 12.566370614359172 2.2275136646299623 [(2.0,1.9986484217435,1.97326669133902),Orient@(-0.415242,0.498119,0.472743)]
4.3217451999999996 12.566370614359172 3.1994853921717938 [(2.0,2.0,2.0),Orient@(-0,1,0)]

So for density=2.5, the computed orientation is weird.

Same test, this time linux+gcc, different result (%g for now):

0.1 12.5664 0 [(2.0,2.0,2.0),Orient@(-0,1,0)]
1 12.5664 1.01829 [(2.0,2.0,2.0),Orient@(-0,1,0)]
2.5 12.5664 1.98001 [(2.0,2.0,2.0),Orient@(-0,1,0)]
4.32175 12.5664 2.97095 [(2.0,2.0,2.0),Orient@(-0,1,0)]

Identify causes of this influence/non-determinism and eliminate if possible.

#44 fixed ModelGeometry: for cuboids, sampling points should be located on edges Maciej Komosinski

Improperly placed sampling points (missing one "row" along edges? needs verification) may be the reason for inaccurate estimation of cuboid sizes. Test with:

frams "var m=Model.newFromString(\"//0\np:sh=2\n\"); var mg=ModelGeometry.forModel(m); mg.geom_density=2; Simulator.print(mg.sizesAndAxes());" -q

Instead of nice round numbers, we get

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