Custom Query (36 matches)


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Results (4 - 6 of 36)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#35 fixed complete multi-threading issues sz Maciej Komosinski

...including answering questions regarding efficiency and performance depending on the number of threads and capacity. Perform comparative tests on a Linux machine. Then complete the report.

#36 fixed Object size in neurodiagram sz mmichalski

Document & explain the meaning/purpose of "size" in neurodiagram.cpp (e.g. line 293).

#42 fixed ModelGeometry division by 0.0 for a single ellipsoid shape oriona Maciej Komosinski

For the following structure/genotype:


in externalAreaOfSurface(), in the second iteration of

	while (surface.tryGetNext(point))

In function

void MeshBuilder::EllipsoidSurface::findNextAreaEdgeAndPhase()

There is div by 0.0 (invalid FP operation) because edge.x and edge.z are 0.0:

limit.z = edge.z*edge.z / sqrt(edge.x*edge.x + edge.z*edge.z);

Similar defect to fix: numerous sqrt: DOMAIN error exceptions when running geometry unit tests.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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