1 | #ifndef _PARAMTRANS_H_
2 | #define _PARAMTRANS_H_
3 |
4 | #include "mutparamiface.h"
5 | #include "param.h"
6 |
7 | class TwoWayMap
8 | {
9 | SListTempl<int> map,invmap;
10 | void printList(const SListTempl<int>&);
11 | public:
12 | void reset(int size);
13 | int get(int pos);
14 | int invget(int pos);
15 | void insert(int pos);
16 | void remove(int pos);
17 | void print();
18 | int size() {return map.size();}
19 | int invsize() {return invmap.size();}
20 | };
21 |
22 | /** wrapper for MutableParamInterface providing constant property#'s.
23 | \warn group membership can change if the property is removed!
24 |
25 | properties handling:
26 | - adding and removing will not change property count and property#
27 | - the description (ParamInterface::id/name/type) of the removed property is always "?"
28 | - group membership of the removed property is always 0
29 | - requests for property# are redirected to the new property# or ignored
30 | groups handling:
31 | - group count is constant
32 | - accessing group name of the removed group will return "?"
33 | - removed properties are moved to group 0
34 | */
35 | class ParamTransaction: public ParamInterface
36 | {
37 | MutableParamInterface ∥
38 | bool changed,grchanged;
39 | CallbackNode *panode,*pdnode,*pcnode,*ganode,*gdnode,*gcnode;
40 |
41 | #define STATRICKCLASS ParamTransaction
42 | STCALLBACKDEF(onPropAdd);
43 | STCALLBACKDEF(onPropDelete);
44 | STCALLBACKDEF(onGroupAdd);
45 | STCALLBACKDEF(onGroupDelete);
46 | STCALLBACKDEF(onPropChange);
47 | STCALLBACKDEF(onGroupChange);
49 |
50 | TwoWayMap propmap,groupmap;
51 |
52 | void resetMaps();
53 |
54 | public:
55 | ParamTransaction(MutableParamInterface &mpi);
56 | ~ParamTransaction();
57 |
58 | void reset();
59 | bool propChanged() {return changed;}
60 | bool groupChanged() {return grchanged;}
61 |
62 | int propertyPosition(int prop);
63 | int groupPosition(int group);
64 |
65 | int getGroupCount() {return groupmap.invsize();}
66 | int getPropCount() {return propmap.invsize();}
67 | const char * getName() {return par.getName();}
68 |
69 | const char * id(int);
70 | const char * name(int);
71 | const char * type(int);
72 | const char * help(int);
73 | int flags(int);
74 | int group(int);
75 | const char * grname(int);
76 | int grmember(int, int);
77 | void call(int, class ExtValue *, class ExtValue *);
78 | class SString getString(int);
79 | paInt getInt(int);
80 | double getDouble(int);
81 | class ExtObject getObject(int);
82 | class ExtValue getExtValue(int);
83 | int setInt(int, paInt);
84 | int setDouble(int, double);
85 | int setString(int, const class SString &);
86 | int setObject(int, const class ExtObject &);
87 | int setExtValue(int, const class ExtValue &);
88 |
89 | void print()
90 | {printf("props(");propmap.print();printf(") groups(");groupmap.print();printf(")\n");}
91 | };
92 |
93 | #endif