VisualStyle class, available in: Framsticks TheaterThis class has 34 members:
sdleiFelyts lausiV
string styleStyle
string name ROTitle
multiline string info ROInformation
multiline string code ROCode
int tex0 .. 2
  • 0 = Off
  • 1 = On (default)
  • 2 = Shadows only
  • Textures
    int smooth0 .. 1 (false/true)
    Smooth shading
    int neurons0 .. 1 (false/true)
    Show neurons
    int dust0 .. 1 (false/true)
    Show dust
    int energy0 .. 1 (false/true)
    Show energy transfers
    sliateD :elyts lausiV
    int _property_changed_index ROLast changed property index
    string _property_changed_id ROLast changed property id
    int worldpan0 .. 3
  • 0 = None
  • 1 = Field
  • 2 = Ocean (default)
  • 3 = Dark city
  • World panorama
    int worldbgcolor0 .. 16777215
    World view background
    int hideworld0 .. 1 (false/true)
    Hide world objects except creaturesCan be useful for screenshots
    int modelpan0 .. 3
  • 0 = Solid background
  • 1 = Field (default)
  • 2 = Ocean
  • 3 = Dark city
  • Body view panorama
    int bgcolor0 .. 16777215
    Body view background
    int rgb_parts_joints0 .. 1 (false/true)
    RGB-colored body partsThe color of body Parts and Joints can be individually controlled by the (red, green, blue) genes, instead of the only-green look reflecting assimilation ability
    int show_parts_as_balls0 .. 1 (false/true)
    Display parts as balls
    int bbox0 .. 1 (false/true)
    Body view bounding box
    int joint_width10 .. 150
    Stick width (%)
    int shadows0 .. 1 (false/true)
    int axes0 .. 1 (false/true)
    X/Y/Z axes
    int haxes0 .. 1 (false/true)
    Hinge axes
    int shownames0 .. 1 (false/true)
    Show names
    int symmetryplane0 .. 1 (false/true)
    Guess symmetry plane (in body view)Displays a guess of the symmetry plane (may take a long time to compue for complex bodies).
    The plane is only shown in the 3D body view of a creature, not in the world view.
    Use scripting and the ModelSymmetry class to compute symmetry accurately.
    Details of the symmetry estimation procedure are described in
    function _propertyAdd(string id, string type_description, string name, int flags, string help_text)doesn't return a valueAdd property (id,type,name,help)Using most _property functions is restricted for internal purposes. Use "property:" or "state:" definitions in your script files to change object properties.
    function _propertyAddGroup(string name)doesn't return a valueAdd property groupUsing most _property functions is restricted for internal purposes. Use "property:" or "state:" definitions in your script files to change object properties.
    function _propertyChange(string id, string type_description, string name, int flags, string help_text)doesn't return a valueChange propertyUsing most _property functions is restricted for internal purposes. Use "property:" or "state:" definitions in your script files to change object properties.
    function _propertyClear()doesn't return a valueRemove all propertiesUsing most _property functions is restricted for internal purposes. Use "property:" or "state:" definitions in your script files to change object properties.
    function _propertyExists(string name)returns intCheck for property existence
    function _propertyRemove(int index)doesn't return a valueRemove propertyUsing most _property functions is restricted for internal purposes. Use "property:" or "state:" definitions in your script files to change object properties.
    function _propertyRemoveGroup(int index)doesn't return a valueRemove property groupUsing most _property functions is restricted for internal purposes. Use "property:" or "state:" definitions in your script files to change object properties.
    function rebuild()Rebuild visuals
    function streload()Reload style
    Global context>>Experiment definition>>Command line interface>>Framsticks Theater