Sharing class, available in: Framsticks TheaterThis class has 14 members:
string attach_fileAttach file
int can_shop RO0 .. 1 (false/true)Is shopping available?
string HTML ROSharing HTML
multiline string messageMessage
int service0 .. 4
  • 0 = None
  • 1 = Facebook
  • 2 = Twitter
  • 3 = Email
  • 4 = Save
  • Sharing service
    int supported RO0 .. 1 (false/true)Is sharing suported?
    int tip_units ROtip units
    int tip_value ROtip value
    string urlURL
    function addScreenshot()doesn't return a valueAdd current screen picture
    function execute()doesn't return a valueExecute the sharing action
    function initiate(int code)doesn't return a valuesimulate sharing button click
    function removeImage()doesn't return a valueRemove image
    function select(string prompt, object function)doesn't return a valueDisplay the selection popup
    Global context>>Experiment definition>>Command line interface>>Framsticks Theater