

23:53 Changeset [630] by sz
added the option to write a separate "camerapath.inc" instead of updating the source ".pov" files
23:49 Changeset [629] by sz
scientific notation numbers ('e') are floating point, even without a dot


16:38 Changeset [628] by konrad
Fixed printing texts in svg and added support for additional porperties of creatures kept in [DIED] lines of the logs


19:13 Changeset [627] by konrad
tree-genealogy.py is now supporting multiple virtual parents (they are merged into one virtual parent)


15:01 Changeset [626] by konrad
Added multisampling (antialiasing) option for raster output


23:40 Changeset [625] by konrad
Font for tree-genealogy.py
19:45 Changeset [624] by konrad
New, faster, more flexible and refactored version of the tree-genealogy script. Supports drawing trees as both raster graphics (bmp/png/jpg) and vector graphics (svg).


17:19 Changeset [623] by konrad
Some minor changes
16:48 Changeset [622] by konrad
Added an option to restrict the tree to first X nodes.


17:18 Changeset [621] by konrad
Rewritten prepos_children to the iterative form + Turned on some debugging
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.