Custom Query (13 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#63 ModelGeometry: support part.hollow when calculating volume new minor Framsticks core
#5 zoom on selected creature (double click or selecting on a list) new Maciej Komosinski major Update 3D client client 3D
#6 an option to turn off/on panorama (3d background) new Maciej Komosinski major client 3D
#7 visualize receptors and effectors new Maciej Komosinski major client 3D
#8 stress visualization new Maciej Komosinski major client 3D
#9 handle orientation of Parts and Joints new Maciej Komosinski major client 3D
#10 visualize genotypes new Maciej Komosinski major Update 3D client client 3D
#11 use the real parser of framsticks objects new Maciej Komosinski major Update 3D client client 3D
#12 use communication module package for communication new Maciej Komosinski major Develop communication module client 3D
#13 step-by-step visualization new Maciej Komosinski major Update 3D client client 3D
#34 parametrized styles new Maciej Komosinski major client 3D
#32 two-level parsing new Maciej Komosinski major framclipse
#49 Allow manual reference checking new Mateusz Poszwa major framclipse
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.