import os, os.path, sys, platform, re, copy import traceback # for custom printing of exception trace/stack import errno # for delete_file_if_present() import argparse from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from time import sleep import telnetlib import comparison # our source import globals # our source def test(args, test_name, input, output_net, output_msg, exe_prog, exeargs): print(test_name, end=" ") command = prepare_exe_with_name(exe_prog) command += exeargs if len(output_net) > 0: command += globals.EXENETMODE if args.valgrind: command = globals.EXEVALGRINDMODE + command p = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, stdin=PIPE) if len(output_net) > 0: sleep(10 if args.valgrind else 1) # time for the server to warm up tn = telnetlib.Telnet("localhost", 9009) tn.write(bytes(input, "UTF-8")) sleep(2) # time for the server to respond... # if we had a command in the frams server protocol to close the connection gracefully, then we could use read_all() instead of the trick with sleep()+read_very_eager()+close() stdnet = tn.read_very_eager().decode().split("\n") # the server uses "\n" as the end-of-line character on each platform tn.close() # after this, the server is supposed to close by itself (the -N option) input = "" # under Windows, and block while the process works, under linux it may be different # # # p.terminate() #this was required when the server did not have the -N option # #fortunately it is possible to reclaim (a part of?) stream contents after the process is killed... under Windows this is the ending of the stream (stdoutdata, stderrdata) = p.communicate(bytes(input, "UTF-8")) # the server process ends... stdoutdata = stdoutdata.decode() # bytes to str stderrdata = stderrdata.decode() # bytes to str # p.stdin.write(we) #this is not recommended because buffers can overflow and the process will hang up (and indeed it does under Windows) - so communicate() is recommended # stdout = # p.terminate() # print repr(input) # print repr(stdoutdata) stdout = stdoutdata.split(os.linesep) # print stdout stderr = stderrdata.split(os.linesep) ok = check(stdnet if len(output_net) > 0 else stdout, output_list if len(output_list) > 0 else output_net, output_msg) if p.returncode != 0 and p.returncode is not None: print(" ", p.returncode, "<- returned code") if len(stderrdata) > 0: print(" (stderr has %d lines)" % len(stderr)) # valgrind examples: # ==2176== ERROR SUMMARY: 597 errors from 50 contexts (suppressed: 35 from 8) # ==3488== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 35 from 8) if (not args.valgrind) or ("ERROR SUMMARY:" in stderrdata and " 0 errors" not in stderrdata) or (args.always_show_stderr): print(stderrdata) if not ok and args.stop: sys.exit("First test failure, stopping early.") return ok def compare(jest, goal, was_compared_to): p = comparison.Comparison(jest, goal) if p.ok: print("\r", globals.ANSI_SETGREEN + " ok" + globals.ANSI_RESET) else: print("\r", globals.ANSI_SETRED + " FAIL\7" + globals.ANSI_RESET) print(p.result) f = open(os.path.join(globals.THISDIR, '_last_failed' + was_compared_to + '.output'), 'w') # files are easier to compare than stdout print('\n'.join(jest), end="", file=f) f = open(os.path.join(globals.THISDIR, '_last_failed' + was_compared_to + '.goal'), 'w') # files are easier to compare than stdout print('\n'.join(goal), end="", file=f) return p.ok def remove_prefix(text, prefix): return text[len(prefix):] if text.startswith(prefix) else text def check(stdout, output_net, output_msg): actual_out_msg = [] if len(output_net) > 0: # in case of the server, there is no filtering for line in stdout: actual_out_msg.append(line) return compare(actual_out_msg, output_net, '') else: FROMSCRIPT = "Script.Message: " beginnings = tuple(["[" + v + "] " for v in ("INFO", "WARN", "ERROR", "CRITICAL")]) # there is also "DEBUG" header_begin = 'VMNeuronManager.autoload: Neuro classes added: ' # header section printed when the simulator is created header_end = "UserScripts.autoload: " # ending of the header section now_in_header = False for line in stdout: if now_in_header: if header_end in line: # "in" because multithreaded simulators prefix their messages with their numerical id, e.g. #12/... now_in_header = False continue else: if header_begin in line: # as above now_in_header = True continue line = remove_prefix(line, beginnings[0]) # cut out [INFO], other prefixes we want to leave as they are line = remove_prefix(line, FROMSCRIPT) # cut out FROMSCRIPT actual_out_msg.append(line) if actual_out_msg[-1] == '': # empty line at the end which is not present in our "goal" contents actual_out_msg.pop() return compare(actual_out_msg, output_msg, '') def delete_file_if_present(filename): print('"%s" (%s)' % (filename, "the file was present" if os.path.exists(filename) else "this file did not exist")) try: os.remove(filename) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: # errno.ENOENT = no such file or directory raise # re-raise exception if a different error occurred def reset_values(): global input_text, output_net, output_msg, test_name, ini, output_list, exeargs, exe_prog input_text = "" output_list = [] ini = "" output_net, output_msg = [], [] exeargs = [] test_name = "no-name test" def is_test_active(): global test_name if name_template == "": return True if re.match(name_template, test_name): return True return False def prepare_exe_with_name(name): if name in globals.EXENAMES: exename = copy.copy(globals.EXENAMES[name]) # without copy, the following modifications would change values in the EXENAMES table else: exename = [name] for rule in globals.EXERULES: exename[0] = re.sub(rule[0], rule[1], exename[0]) return exename def print_exception(): print("\n"+("-"*60),'begin exception') traceback.print_exc() print("-"*60,'end exception') def main(): global input_text, name_template, test_name, exe_prog, exeargs name_template = "" exeargs = [] parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-val", "--valgrind", help="Use valgrind", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-c", "--nocolor", help="Don't use color output", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-f", "--file", help="File name with tests", required=True) parser.add_argument("-tp", "--tests-path", help="tests directory, files containing test definitions, inputs and outputs are relative to this directory, default is '" + globals.THISDIR + "'") parser.add_argument("-fp", "--files-path", help="files directory, files tested by OUTFILECOMPARE are referenced relative to this directory, default is '" + globals.FILESDIR + "'") parser.add_argument("-wp", "--working-path", help="working directory, test executables are launched after chdir to this directory, default is '" + globals.EXEDIR + "'") parser.add_argument("-n", "--name", help="Test name (regexp)") # e.g. '^((?!python).)*$' = these tests which don't have the word "python" in their name parser.add_argument("-s", "--stop", help="Stops on first difference", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-ds", "--diffslashes", help="Discriminate between slashes (consider / and \\ different)", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-err", "--always-show-stderr", help="Always print stderr (by default it is hidden if 0 errors in valgrind)", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-e", "--exe", help="Regexp 'search=replace' rule(s) transforming executable name(s) into paths (eg. '(.*)=path/to/\\1.exe')", action='append') # in the example, double backslash is just for printing parser.add_argument("-p", "--platform", help="Override platform identifier (referencing platform specific files " + globals.SPEC_INSERTPLATFORMDEPENDENTFILE + "), default:sys.platform (win32,linux2)") args = parser.parse_args() if args.valgrind: print("Using valgrind...") if args.diffslashes: globals.DIFFSLASHES = args.diffslashes if args.file: main_test_filename = args.file if args.tests_path: globals.THISDIR = args.tests_path if args.files_path: globals.FILESDIR = args.files_path if args.working_path: globals.EXEDIR = args.working_path if name_template = if args.exe: for e in args.exe: search, replace = e.split('=', 1) globals.EXERULES.append((search, replace)) if args.platform: globals.PLATFORM = args.platform os.chdir(globals.EXEDIR) globals.init_colors(args) fin = open(os.path.join(globals.THISDIR, args.file)) reset_values() exe_prog = "default" # no longer in reset_values (exe: persists across tests) outfile = [] tests_failed = 0 tests_total = 0 for line in fin: line = globals.stripEOL(line) if len(line) == 0 or line.startswith("#"): continue line = line.split(":", 1) # print line command = line[0] if command == "TESTNAME": reset_values() test_name = line[1] elif command == "arg": exeargs.append(line[1]) elif command == "exe": exe_prog = line[1] elif command == "in": input_text += line[1] + "\n" elif command == "out-net": output_net.append(line[1]) elif command == "out-file": outfile.append(line[1]) elif command == "out-mesg": output_msg.append(line[1]) elif command == "out": output_list.append(line[1]) elif command == "DELETEFILENOW": if is_test_active(): print("\t ", command, end=" ") delete_file_if_present(os.path.join(globals.FILESDIR, line[1])) elif command == "OUTFILECLEAR": outfile = [] elif command == "OUTFILECOMPARE": if is_test_active(): print("\t", command, '"%s"' % line[1], end=" ") try: contents = [] with open(os.path.join(globals.FILESDIR, line[1]), 'r') as main_test_filename: for line in main_test_filename: contents.append(globals.stripEOL(line)) ok = compare(contents, outfile, '_file') except Exception as e: # could also 'raise' for some types of exceptions if we wanted print_exception() ok = 0 tests_failed += int(not ok) tests_total += 1 elif command == "RUNTEST": if is_test_active(): print("\t", command, end=" ") try: ok = test(args, test_name, input_text, output_net, output_msg, exe_prog, exeargs) except Exception as e: # could also 'raise' for some types of exceptions if we wanted print_exception() ok = 0 tests_failed += int(not ok) tests_total += 1 else: raise Exception("Don't know what to do with this line in test file: ", line) return (tests_failed, tests_total) if __name__ == "__main__": tests_failed, tests_total = main() print("%d / %d failed tests" % (tests_failed, tests_total)) sys.exit(tests_failed) # return the number of failed tests as exit code ("error level") to shell