import json import math import random import argparse import bisect import copy import time as timelib from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont from scipy import stats from matplotlib import colors import numpy as np class LoadingError(Exception): pass class Drawer: def __init__(self, design, config_file, w=600, h=800, w_margin=10, h_margin=20): = design self.width = w self.height = h self.w_margin = w_margin self.h_margin = h_margin self.w_no_margs = w - 2* w_margin self.h_no_margs = h - 2* h_margin self.color_converter = colors.ColorConverter() self.settings = { 'colors_of_kinds': ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'magenta', 'yellow', 'cyan', 'orange', 'purple'], 'dots': { 'color': { 'meaning': 'Lifespan', 'normalize_cmap': False, 'cmap': {}, 'start': 'red', 'end': 'green', 'bias': 1 }, 'size': { 'meaning': 'EnergyEaten', 'start': 1, 'end': 6, 'bias': 0.5 }, 'opacity': { 'meaning': 'EnergyEaten', 'start': 0.2, 'end': 1, 'bias': 1 } }, 'lines': { 'color': { 'meaning': 'adepth', 'normalize_cmap': False, 'cmap': {}, 'start': 'black', 'end': 'red', 'bias': 3 }, 'width': { 'meaning': 'adepth', 'start': 0.1, 'end': 4, 'bias': 3 }, 'opacity': { 'meaning': 'adepth', 'start': 0.1, 'end': 0.8, 'bias': 5 } } } def merge(source, destination): for key, value in source.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): node = destination.setdefault(key, {}) merge(value, node) else: destination[key] = value return destination if config_file != "": with open(config_file) as config: c = json.load(config) self.settings = merge(c, self.settings) #print(json.dumps(self.settings, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) self.compile_cmaps() def compile_cmaps(self): def normalize_and_compile_cmap(cmap): for key in cmap: for arr in cmap[key]: arr[0] = (arr[0] - cmap[key][0][0]) / (cmap[key][-1][0] - cmap[key][0][0]) return colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('Custom', cmap) for part in ['dots', 'lines']: if self.settings[part]['color']['cmap']: if self.settings[part]['color']['normalize_cmap']: cmap = self.settings[part]['color']['cmap'] min =[self.settings[part]['color']['meaning'] + "_min"] max =[self.settings[part]['color']['meaning'] + "_max"] for key in cmap: if cmap[key][0][0] > min: cmap[key].insert(0, cmap[key][0][:]) cmap[key][0][0] = min if cmap[key][-1][0] < max: cmap[key].append(cmap[key][-1][:]) cmap[key][-1][0] = max og_cmap = normalize_and_compile_cmap(copy.deepcopy(cmap)) col2key = {'red':0, 'green':1, 'blue':2} for key in cmap: # for color from (r/g/b) #n's should be the same for all keys! n_min = (min - cmap[key][0][0]) / (cmap[key][-1][0] - cmap[key][0][0]) n_max = (max - cmap[key][0][0]) / (cmap[key][-1][0] - cmap[key][0][0]) min_col = og_cmap(n_min) max_col = og_cmap(n_max) cmap[key][0] = [min, min_col[col2key[key]], min_col[col2key[key]]] cmap[key][-1] = [max, max_col[col2key[key]], max_col[col2key[key]]] print(self.settings[part]['color']['cmap']) self.settings[part]['color']['cmap'] = normalize_and_compile_cmap(self.settings[part]['color']['cmap']) def draw_dots(self, file, min_width, max_width, max_height): for i in range(len( node =[i] if 'x' not in node: continue dot_style = self.compute_dot_style(node=i) self.add_dot(file, (self.w_margin+self.w_no_margs*(node['x']-min_width)/(max_width-min_width), self.h_margin+self.h_no_margs*node['y']/max_height), dot_style) def draw_lines(self, file, min_width, max_width, max_height): for parent in range(len( par_pos =[parent] if not 'x' in par_pos: continue for child in[parent]: chi_pos =[child] if 'x' not in chi_pos: continue line_style = self.compute_line_style(parent, child) self.add_line(file, (self.w_margin+self.w_no_margs*(par_pos['x']-min_width)/(max_width-min_width), self.h_margin+self.h_no_margs*par_pos['y']/max_height), (self.w_margin+self.w_no_margs*(chi_pos['x']-min_width)/(max_width-min_width), self.h_margin+self.h_no_margs*chi_pos['y']/max_height), line_style) def draw_scale(self, file, filename): self.add_text(file, "Generated from " + filename.split("\\")[-1], (5, 5), "start") start_text = "" end_text = "" if == "BIRTHS": start_text = "Birth #0" end_text = "Birth #" + str(len( if == "REAL": start_text = "Time " + str(min( end_text = "Time " + str(max( if == "GENERATIONAL": start_text = "Depth " + str(['adepth_min']) end_text = "Depth " + str(['adepth_max']) self.add_dashed_line(file, (self.width*0.7, self.h_margin), (self.width, self.h_margin)) self.add_text(file, start_text, (self.width, self.h_margin), "end") self.add_dashed_line(file, (self.width*0.7, self.height-self.h_margin), (self.width, self.height-self.h_margin)) self.add_text(file, end_text, (self.width, self.height-self.h_margin), "end") def compute_property(self, part, prop, node): start = self.settings[part][prop]['start'] end = self.settings[part][prop]['end'] value = ([self.settings[part][prop]['meaning']][node] if self.settings[part][prop]['meaning'] in else 0 ) bias = self.settings[part][prop]['bias'] if prop == "color": if not self.settings[part][prop]['cmap']: return self.compute_color(start, end, value, bias) else: return self.compute_color_from_cmap(self.settings[part][prop]['cmap'], value, bias) else: return self.compute_value(start, end, value, bias) def compute_color_from_cmap(self, cmap, value, bias=1): value = 1 - (1-value)**bias rgba = cmap(value) return (100*rgba[0], 100*rgba[1], 100*rgba[2]) def compute_color(self, start, end, value, bias=1): if isinstance(value, str): value = int(value) r, g, b = self.color_converter.to_rgb(self.settings['colors_of_kinds'][value]) else: start_color = self.color_converter.to_rgb(start) end_color = self.color_converter.to_rgb(end) value = 1 - (1-value)**bias r = start_color[0]*(1-value)+end_color[0]*value g = start_color[1]*(1-value)+end_color[1]*value b = start_color[2]*(1-value)+end_color[2]*value return (100*r, 100*g, 100*b) def compute_value(self, start, end, value, bias=1): value = 1 - (1-value)**bias return start*(1-value) + end*value class PngDrawer(Drawer): def scale_up(self): self.width *= self.multi self.height *= self.multi self.w_margin *= self.multi self.h_margin *= self.multi self.h_no_margs *= self.multi self.w_no_margs *= self.multi def scale_down(self): self.width /= self.multi self.height /= self.multi self.w_margin /= self.multi self.h_margin /= self.multi self.h_no_margs /= self.multi self.w_no_margs /= self.multi def draw_design(self, filename, input_filename, multi=1, scale="SIMPLE"): print("Drawing...") self.multi=multi self.scale_up() back ='RGBA', (self.width, self.height), (255,255,255,0)) min_width = min([x['x'] for x in if 'x' in x]) max_width = max([x['x'] for x in if 'x' in x]) max_height = max([x['y'] for x in if 'y' in x]) self.draw_lines(back, min_width, max_width, max_height) self.draw_dots(back, min_width, max_width, max_height) if scale == "SIMPLE": self.draw_scale(back, input_filename) self.scale_down() back.thumbnail((self.width, self.height), Image.ANTIALIAS) def add_dot(self, file, pos, style): x, y = int(pos[0]), int(pos[1]) r = style['r']*self.multi offset = (int(x - r), int(y - r)) size = (2*int(r), 2*int(r)) c = style['color'] img ='RGBA', size) ImageDraw.Draw(img).ellipse((1, 1, size[0]-1, size[1]-1), (int(2.55*c[0]), int(2.55*c[1]), int(2.55*c[2]), int(255*style['opacity']))) file.paste(img, offset, mask=img) def add_line(self, file, from_pos, to_pos, style): fx, fy, tx, ty = int(from_pos[0]), int(from_pos[1]), int(to_pos[0]), int(to_pos[1]) w = int(style['width'])*self.multi offset = (min(fx-w, tx-w), min(fy-w, ty-w)) size = (abs(fx-tx)+2*w, abs(fy-ty)+2*w) if size[0] == 0 or size[1] == 0: return c = style['color'] img ='RGBA', size) ImageDraw.Draw(img).line((w, w, size[0]-w, size[1]-w) if (fx-tx)*(fy-ty)>0 else (size[0]-w, w, w, size[1]-w), (int(2.55*c[0]), int(2.55*c[1]), int(2.55*c[2]), int(255*style['opacity'])), w) file.paste(img, offset, mask=img) def add_dashed_line(self, file, from_pos, to_pos): style = {'color': (0,0,0), 'width': 1, 'opacity': 1} sublines = 50 # TODO could be faster: compute delta and only add delta each time (but currently we do not use it often) normdiv = 2*sublines-1 for i in range(sublines): from_pos_sub = (self.compute_value(from_pos[0], to_pos[0], 2*i/normdiv, 1), self.compute_value(from_pos[1], to_pos[1], 2*i/normdiv, 1)) to_pos_sub = (self.compute_value(from_pos[0], to_pos[0], (2*i+1)/normdiv, 1), self.compute_value(from_pos[1], to_pos[1], (2*i+1)/normdiv, 1)) self.add_line(file, from_pos_sub, to_pos_sub, style) def add_text(self, file, text, pos, anchor, style=''): font = ImageFont.truetype("Vera.ttf", 16*self.multi) img ='RGBA', (self.width, self.height)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) txtsize = draw.textsize(text, font=font) pos = pos if anchor == "start" else (pos[0]-txtsize[0], pos[1]) draw.text(pos, text, (0,0,0), font=font) file.paste(img, (0,0), mask=img) def compute_line_style(self, parent, child): return {'color': self.compute_property('lines', 'color', child), 'width': self.compute_property('lines', 'width', child), 'opacity': self.compute_property('lines', 'opacity', child)} def compute_dot_style(self, node): return {'color': self.compute_property('dots', 'color', node), 'r': self.compute_property('dots', 'size', node), 'opacity': self.compute_property('dots', 'opacity', node)} class SvgDrawer(Drawer): def draw_design(self, filename, input_filename, multi=1, scale="SIMPLE"): print("Drawing...") file = open(filename, "w") min_width = min([x['x'] for x in if 'x' in x]) max_width = max([x['x'] for x in if 'x' in x]) max_height = max([x['y'] for x in if 'y' in x]) file.write('') self.draw_lines(file, min_width, max_width, max_height) self.draw_dots(file, min_width, max_width, max_height) if scale == "SIMPLE": self.draw_scale(file, input_filename) file.write("") file.close() def add_text(self, file, text, pos, anchor, style=''): style = (style if style != '' else 'style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 12; fill: #000000;"') # assuming font size 12, it should be taken from the style string! file.write('' + text + '') def add_dot(self, file, pos, style): file.write('') def add_line(self, file, from_pos, to_pos, style): file.write('') def add_dashed_line(self, file, from_pos, to_pos): style = 'stroke="black" stroke-width="0.5" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-dasharray="5, 5"' self.add_line(file, from_pos, to_pos, style) def compute_line_style(self, parent, child): return self.compute_stroke_color('lines', child) + ' ' \ + self.compute_stroke_width('lines', child) + ' ' \ + self.compute_stroke_opacity(child) def compute_dot_style(self, node): return self.compute_dot_size(node) + ' ' \ + self.compute_fill_opacity(node) + ' ' \ + self.compute_dot_fill(node) def compute_stroke_color(self, part, node): color = self.compute_property(part, 'color', node) return 'stroke="rgb(' + str(color[0]) + '%,' + str(color[1]) + '%,' + str(color[2]) + '%)"' def compute_stroke_width(self, part, node): return 'stroke-width="' + str(self.compute_property(part, 'width', node)) + '"' def compute_stroke_opacity(self, node): return 'stroke-opacity="' + str(self.compute_property('lines', 'opacity', node)) + '"' def compute_fill_opacity(self, node): return 'fill-opacity="' + str(self.compute_property('dots', 'opacity', node)) + '"' def compute_dot_size(self, node): return 'r="' + str(self.compute_property('dots', 'size', node)) + '"' def compute_dot_fill(self, node): color = self.compute_property('dots', 'color', node) return 'fill="rgb(' + str(color[0]) + '%,' + str(color[1]) + '%,' + str(color[2]) + '%)"' class Designer: def __init__(self, tree, jitter=False, time="GENERATIONAL", balance="DENSITY"): self.props = {} self.tree = tree self.TIME = time self.JITTER = jitter if balance == "RANDOM": self.xmin_crowd = self.xmin_crowd_random elif balance == "MIN": self.xmin_crowd = self.xmin_crowd_min elif balance == "DENSITY": self.xmin_crowd = self.xmin_crowd_density else: raise ValueError("Error, the value of BALANCE does not match any expected value.") def calculate_measures(self): print("Calculating measures...") self.compute_depth() self.compute_maxdepth() self.compute_adepth() self.compute_children() self.compute_kind() self.compute_time() self.compute_progress() self.compute_custom() def xmin_crowd_random(self, x1, x2, y): return (x1 if random.randrange(2) == 0 else x2) def xmin_crowd_min(self, x1, x2, y): x1_closest = 999999 x2_closest = 999999 miny = y-3 maxy = y+3 i = bisect.bisect_left(self.y_sorted, miny) while True: if len(self.positions_sorted) <= i or self.positions_sorted[i]['y'] > maxy: break pos = self.positions_sorted[i] x1_closest = min(x1_closest, abs(x1-pos['x'])) x2_closest = min(x2_closest, abs(x2-pos['x'])) i += 1 return (x1 if x1_closest > x2_closest else x2) def xmin_crowd_density(self, x1, x2, y): # TODO experimental - requires further work to make it less 'jumpy' and more predictable CONST_LOCAL_AREA_RADIUS = 5 CONST_GLOBAL_AREA_RADIUS = 10 CONST_WINDOW_SIZE = 20000 #TODO should depend on the maxY ? x1_dist_loc = 0 x2_dist_loc = 0 count_loc = 1 x1_dist_glob = 0 x2_dist_glob = 0 count_glob = 1 miny = y-CONST_WINDOW_SIZE maxy = y+CONST_WINDOW_SIZE i_left = bisect.bisect_left(self.y_sorted, miny) i_right = bisect.bisect_right(self.y_sorted, maxy) #TODO test: maxy=y should give the same results, right? def include_pos(pos): nonlocal x1_dist_loc, x2_dist_loc, x1_dist_glob, x2_dist_glob, count_loc, count_glob dysq = (pos['y']-y)**2 + 1 #+1 so 1/dysq is at most 1 dx1 = math.fabs(pos['x']-x1) dx2 = math.fabs(pos['x']-x2) d = math.fabs(pos['x'] - (x1+x2)/2) if d < CONST_LOCAL_AREA_RADIUS: x1_dist_loc += math.sqrt(dx1/dysq + dx1**2) x2_dist_loc += math.sqrt(dx2/dysq + dx2**2) count_loc += 1 elif d > CONST_GLOBAL_AREA_RADIUS: x1_dist_glob += math.sqrt(dx1/dysq + dx1**2) x2_dist_glob += math.sqrt(dx2/dysq + dx2**2) count_glob += 1 # optimized to draw from all the nodes, if less than 10 nodes in the range if len(self.positions_sorted) > i_left: if i_right - i_left < 10: for j in range(i_left, i_right): include_pos(self.positions_sorted[j]) else: for j in range(10): pos = self.positions_sorted[random.randrange(i_left, i_right)] include_pos(pos) return (x1 if (x1_dist_loc-x2_dist_loc)/count_loc-(x1_dist_glob-x2_dist_glob)/count_glob > 0 else x2) #return (x1 if x1_dist +random.gauss(0, 0.00001) > x2_dist +random.gauss(0, 0.00001) else x2) #print(x1_dist, x2_dist) #x1_dist = x1_dist**2 #x2_dist = x2_dist**2 #return x1 if x1_dist+x2_dist==0 else (x1*x1_dist + x2*x2_dist) / (x1_dist+x2_dist) + random.gauss(0, 0.01) #return (x1 if random.randint(0, int(x1_dist+x2_dist)) < x1_dist else x2) def calculate_node_positions(self, ignore_last=0): print("Calculating positions...") def add_node(node): index = bisect.bisect_left(self.y_sorted, node['y']) self.y_sorted.insert(index, node['y']) self.positions_sorted.insert(index, node) self.positions[node['id']] = node self.positions_sorted = [{'x':0, 'y':0, 'id':0}] self.y_sorted = [0] self.positions = [{} for x in range(len(self.tree.parents))] self.positions[0] = {'x':0, 'y':0, 'id':0} # order by maximum depth of the parent guarantees that co child is evaluated before its parent visiting_order = [i for i in range(0, len(self.tree.parents))] visiting_order = sorted(visiting_order, key=lambda q:\ 0 if q == 0 else self.props["maxdepth"][q]) start_time = timelib.time() # for each child of the current node for node_counter,child in enumerate(visiting_order, start=1): # debug info - elapsed time if node_counter % 100000 == 0: print("%d%%\t%d\t%g" % (node_counter*100/len(self.tree.parents), node_counter, timelib.time()-start_time)) start_time = timelib.time() # using normalized adepth if self.props['adepth'][child] >= ignore_last/self.props['adepth_max']: ypos = 0 if self.TIME == "BIRTHS": ypos = child elif self.TIME == "GENERATIONAL": # one more than its parent (what if more than one parent?) ypos = max([self.positions[par]['y'] for par, v in self.tree.parents[child].items()])+1 \ if self.tree.parents[child] else 0 elif self.TIME == "REAL": ypos = self.tree.time[child] if len(self.tree.parents[child]) == 1: # if current_node is the only parent parent, similarity = [(par, v) for par, v in self.tree.parents[child].items()][0] if self.JITTER: dissimilarity = (1-similarity) + random.gauss(0, 0.01) + 0.001 else: dissimilarity = (1-similarity) + 0.001 add_node({'id':child, 'y':ypos, 'x': self.xmin_crowd(self.positions[parent]['x']-dissimilarity, self.positions[parent]['x']+dissimilarity, ypos)}) else: # position weighted by the degree of inheritence from each parent total_inheretance = sum([v for k, v in self.tree.parents[child].items()]) xpos = sum([self.positions[k]['x']*v/total_inheretance for k, v in self.tree.parents[child].items()]) if self.JITTER: add_node({'id':child, 'y':ypos, 'x':xpos + random.gauss(0, 0.1)}) else: add_node({'id':child, 'y':ypos, 'x':xpos}) def compute_custom(self): for prop in self.tree.props: self.props[prop] = [None for x in range(len(self.tree.children))] for i in range(len(self.props[prop])): self.props[prop][i] = self.tree.props[prop][i] self.normalize_prop(prop) def compute_time(self): # simple rewrite from the tree self.props["time"] = [0 for x in range(len(self.tree.children))] for i in range(len(self.props['time'])): self.props['time'][i] = self.tree.time[i] self.normalize_prop('time') def compute_kind(self): # simple rewrite from the tree self.props["kind"] = [0 for x in range(len(self.tree.children))] for i in range (len(self.props['kind'])): self.props['kind'][i] = str(self.tree.kind[i]) def compute_depth(self): self.props["depth"] = [999999999 for x in range(len(self.tree.children))] visited = [0 for x in range(len(self.tree.children))] nodes_to_visit = [0] visited[0] = 1 self.props["depth"][0] = 0 while True: current_node = nodes_to_visit[0] for child in self.tree.children[current_node]: if visited[child] == 0: visited[child] = 1 nodes_to_visit.append(child) self.props["depth"][child] = self.props["depth"][current_node]+1 nodes_to_visit = nodes_to_visit[1:] if len(nodes_to_visit) == 0: break self.normalize_prop('depth') def compute_maxdepth(self): self.props["maxdepth"] = [999999999 for x in range(len(self.tree.children))] visited = [0 for x in range(len(self.tree.children))] nodes_to_visit = [0] visited[0] = 1 self.props["maxdepth"][0] = 0 while True: current_node = nodes_to_visit[0] for child in self.tree.children[current_node]: if visited[child] == 0: visited[child] = 1 nodes_to_visit.append(child) self.props["maxdepth"][child] = self.props["maxdepth"][current_node]+1 elif self.props["maxdepth"][child] < self.props["maxdepth"][current_node]+1: self.props["maxdepth"][child] = self.props["maxdepth"][current_node]+1 if child not in nodes_to_visit: nodes_to_visit.append(child) nodes_to_visit = nodes_to_visit[1:] if len(nodes_to_visit) == 0: break self.normalize_prop('maxdepth') def compute_adepth(self): self.props["adepth"] = [0 for x in range(len(self.tree.children))] # order by maximum depth of the parent guarantees that co child is evaluated before its parent visiting_order = [i for i in range(0, len(self.tree.parents))] visiting_order = sorted(visiting_order, key=lambda q: self.props["maxdepth"][q])[::-1] for node in visiting_order: children = self.tree.children[node] if len(children) != 0: # 0 by default self.props["adepth"][node] = max([self.props["adepth"][child] for child in children])+1 self.normalize_prop('adepth') def compute_children(self): self.props["children"] = [0 for x in range(len(self.tree.children))] for i in range (len(self.props['children'])): self.props['children'][i] = len(self.tree.children[i]) self.normalize_prop('children') def compute_progress(self): self.props["progress"] = [0 for x in range(len(self.tree.children))] for i in range(len(self.props['children'])): times = sorted([self.props["time"][self.tree.children[i][j]]*100000 for j in range(len(self.tree.children[i]))]) if len(times) > 4: times = [times[i+1] - times[i] for i in range(len(times)-1)] #print(times) slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(range(len(times)), times) self.props['progress'][i] = slope if not np.isnan(slope) and not np.isinf(slope) else 0 for i in range(0, 5): self.props['progress'][self.props['progress'].index(min(self.props['progress']))] = 0 self.props['progress'][self.props['progress'].index(max(self.props['progress']))] = 0 mini = min(self.props['progress']) maxi = max(self.props['progress']) for k in range(len(self.props['progress'])): if self.props['progress'][k] == 0: self.props['progress'][k] = mini #for k in range(len(self.props['progress'])): # self.props['progress'][k] = 1-self.props['progress'][k] self.normalize_prop('progress') def normalize_prop(self, prop): noneless = [v for v in self.props[prop] if (type(v)!=str and type(v)!=list)] if len(noneless) > 0: max_val = max(noneless) min_val = min(noneless) print("%s: [%g, %g]" % (prop, min_val, max_val)) self.props[prop +'_max'] = max_val self.props[prop +'_min'] = min_val for i in range(len(self.props[prop])): if self.props[prop][i] is not None: qqq = self.props[prop][i] self.props[prop][i] = 0 if max_val == min_val else (self.props[prop][i] - min_val) / (max_val - min_val) class TreeData: simple_data = None children = [] parents = [] time = [] kind = [] def __init__(self): #, simple_data=False): #self.simple_data = simple_data pass def load(self, filename, max_nodes=0): print("Loading...") CLI_PREFIX = "Script.Message:" default_props = ["Time", "FromIDs", "ID", "Operation", "Inherited"] merged_with_virtual_parent = [] #this list will contain individuals for which the parent could not be found self.ids = {} def get_id(id, createOnError = True): if createOnError: if id not in self.ids: self.ids[id] = len(self.ids) else: if id not in self.ids: return None return self.ids[id] file = open(filename) # counting the number of expected nodes nodes = 0 for line in file: line_arr = line.split(' ', 1) if len(line_arr) == 2: if line_arr[0] == CLI_PREFIX: line_arr = line_arr[1].split(' ', 1) if line_arr[0] == "[OFFSPRING]": nodes += 1 nodes = min(nodes, max_nodes if max_nodes != 0 else nodes)+1 self.parents = [{} for x in range(nodes)] self.children = [[] for x in range(nodes)] self.time = [0] * nodes self.kind = [0] * nodes self.life_lenght = [0] * nodes self.props = {} print("nodes: %d" % len(self.parents)) loaded_so_far = 0 lasttime = timelib.time() for line in file: line_arr = line.split(' ', 1) if len(line_arr) == 2: if line_arr[0] == CLI_PREFIX: line_arr = line_arr[1].split(' ', 1) if line_arr[0] == "[OFFSPRING]": try: creature = json.loads(line_arr[1]) except ValueError: print("Json format error - the line cannot be read. Breaking the loading loop.") # fixing arrays by removing the last element # ! assuming that only the last line is broken ! self.parents.pop() self.children.pop() self.time.pop() self.kind.pop() self.life_lenght.pop() nodes -= 1 break if "FromIDs" in creature: # make sure that ID's of parents are lower than that of their children for i in range(0, len(creature["FromIDs"])): if creature["FromIDs"][i] not in self.ids: get_id("virtual_parent") creature_id = get_id(creature["ID"]) # debug if loaded_so_far%1000 == 0: #print(". " + str(creature_id) + " " + str(timelib.time() - lasttime)) lasttime = timelib.time() # we assign to each parent its contribution to the genotype of the child for i in range(0, len(creature["FromIDs"])): if creature["FromIDs"][i] in self.ids: parent_id = get_id(creature["FromIDs"][i]) else: if creature["FromIDs"][i] not in merged_with_virtual_parent: merged_with_virtual_parent.append(creature["FromIDs"][i]) parent_id = get_id("virtual_parent") inherited = (creature["Inherited"][i] if 'Inherited' in creature else 1) self.parents[creature_id][parent_id] = inherited if "Time" in creature: self.time[creature_id] = creature["Time"] if "Kind" in creature: self.kind[creature_id] = creature["Kind"] for prop in creature: if prop not in default_props: if prop not in self.props: self.props[prop] = [0 for i in range(nodes)] self.props[prop][creature_id] = creature[prop] loaded_so_far += 1 else: raise LoadingError("[OFFSPRING] misses the 'FromIDs' field!") if line_arr[0] == "[DIED]": creature = json.loads(line_arr[1]) creature_id = get_id(creature["ID"], False) if creature_id is not None: for prop in creature: if prop not in default_props: if prop not in self.props: self.props[prop] = [0 for i in range(nodes)] self.props[prop][creature_id] = creature[prop] if loaded_so_far >= max_nodes and max_nodes != 0: break print("NOTE: all individuals with parent not provided or missing were connected to a single 'virtual parent' node: " + str(merged_with_virtual_parent)) for k in range(len(self.parents)): v = self.parents[k] for val in self.parents[k]: self.children[val].append(k) depth = {} kind = {} def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Draws a genealogical tree (generates a SVG file) based on parent-child relationship ' 'information from a text file. Supports files generated by Framsticks experiments.') parser.add_argument('-i', '--in', dest='input', required=True, help='input file name with stuctured evolutionary data') parser.add_argument('-o', '--out', dest='output', required=True, help='output file name for the evolutionary tree (SVG/PNG/JPG/BMP)') parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', dest='config', default="", help='config file name ') parser.add_argument('-W', '--width', default=600, type=int, dest='width', help='width of the output image (600 by default)') parser.add_argument('-H', '--height', default=800, type=int, dest='height', help='height of the output image (800 by default)') parser.add_argument('-m', '--multi', default=1, type=int, dest='multi', help='multisampling factor (applicable only for raster images)') parser.add_argument('-t', '--time', default='GENERATIONAL', dest='time', help='values on vertical axis (BIRTHS/GENERATIONAL(d)/REAL); ' 'BIRTHS: time measured as the number of births since the beginning; ' 'GENERATIONAL: time measured as number of ancestors; ' 'REAL: real time of the simulation') parser.add_argument('-b', '--balance', default='DENSITY', dest='balance', help='method of placing nodes in the tree (RANDOM/MIN/DENSITY(d))') parser.add_argument('-s', '--scale', default='SIMPLE', dest='scale', help='type of timescale added to the tree (NONE(d)/SIMPLE)') parser.add_argument('-j', '--jitter', dest="jitter", action='store_true', help='draw horizontal positions of children from the normal distribution') parser.add_argument('-p', '--skip', dest="skip", type=int, default=0, help='skip last P levels of the tree (0 by default)') parser.add_argument('-x', '--max-nodes', type=int, default=0, dest='max_nodes', help='maximum number of nodes drawn (starting from the first one)') parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, dest='seed', help='seed for the random number generator (-1 for random)') parser.set_defaults(draw_tree=True) parser.set_defaults(draw_skeleton=False) parser.set_defaults(draw_spine=False) parser.set_defaults(seed=-1) args = parser.parse_args() TIME = args.time.upper() BALANCE = args.balance.upper() SCALE = args.scale.upper() JITTER = args.jitter if not TIME in ['BIRTHS', 'GENERATIONAL', 'REAL']\ or not BALANCE in ['RANDOM', 'MIN', 'DENSITY']\ or not SCALE in ['NONE', 'SIMPLE']: print("Incorrect value of one of the parameters! (time or balance or scale).") #user has to figure out which parameter is wrong... return dir = args.input seed = args.seed if seed == -1: seed = random.randint(0, 10000) random.seed(seed) print("randomseed:", seed) tree = TreeData() tree.load(dir, max_nodes=args.max_nodes) designer = Designer(tree, jitter=JITTER, time=TIME, balance=BALANCE) designer.calculate_measures() designer.calculate_node_positions(ignore_last=args.skip) if args.output.endswith(".svg"): drawer = SvgDrawer(designer, args.config, w=args.width, h=args.height) else: drawer = PngDrawer(designer, args.config, w=args.width, h=args.height) drawer.draw_design(args.output, args.input, multi=args.multi, scale=SCALE) main()