import os.path import re as _re import warnings from framsfiles._context import _create_specs_from_xml warnings.simplefilter('always', UserWarning) _INT_FLOAT_REGEX = r'([+|-]?(?:0|[1-9]\d*))(\.\d+)?([eE][-+]?\d+)?' _NATURAL_REGEX = r'(?:0|[1-9]\d*)' _HEX__NUMBER_REGEX = r'[+|-]?0[xX][\da-fA-F]*' _NUMBER_REGEX = '({}|{})'.format(_HEX__NUMBER_REGEX, _INT_FLOAT_REGEX) _TYLDA_REGEX = '(? max: raise ValueError(_MAX_VAL_EXCEEDED_ERROR.format(max, x)) return x return parse def _str_to_number(s): assert isinstance(s, str) s = s.strip() try: parsed_int = int(s, 0) return parsed_int except ValueError: pass try: parsed_float = float(s) return parsed_float except ValueError: pass raise ValueError(_NOT_A_NUMBER_ERROR.format(s)) def parse_value(value, classname=None, key=None, context=None, autoparse=True): assert isinstance(value, str) value = value.strip() # TODO maybe check 'Global context' as well? if (context, classname) in _specs: spec = _specs[(context, classname)] if key in spec: parser = _create_generic_parser(**spec[key]) return parser(value) else: warnings.warn(_UNEXPECTED_KEY_WARNING.format(key, classname, context)) if value.startswith("@Serialized:"): prop = value.split(":", 1)[1] prop = deserialize(prop) return prop elif autoparse: try: parsed_number = _str_to_number(value) return parsed_number except ValueError: pass return value def _extract_string(exp): exp = exp[1:] str_end_match =, exp) if str_end_match is None: raise ValueError(_STRING_NOT_CLOSED_ERROR.format(exp)) str_end = str_end_match.span()[0] s = exp[:str_end] reminder = exp[str_end + 1:] s = _re.sub(_ESCAPED_QUOTE_REGEX, '"', s) s = _re.sub(_ESCAPED_TAB_REGEX, '\t', s) s = _re.sub(_ESCAPED_NEWLINE_REGEX, '\n', s) return s, reminder def _extract_number(exp): match = _re.match(_NUMBER_REGEX, exp) number_as_str = reminder = exp[match.span()[1]:] number = _str_to_number(number_as_str) return number, reminder # TODO maybe do it nicer?? def _extract_xyz(exp): exp = exp.strip() if not exp.startswith('XYZ['): raise ValueError(_XYZ_ERROR.format(exp)) exp = exp[4:] x, exp = _extract_number(exp) x = float(x) exp = exp.strip() if exp[0] != ',': raise ValueError(_XYZ_ERROR.format(exp)) exp = exp[1:] y, exp = _extract_number(exp) y = float(y) exp = exp.strip() if exp[0] != ',': raise ValueError(_XYZ_ERROR.format(exp)) exp = exp[1:] z, exp = _extract_number(exp) z = float(z) exp = exp.strip() if exp[0] != ']': raise ValueError(_XYZ_ERROR.format(exp)) return (x, y, z), exp[1:] def _extract_reference(exp): exp = exp[1:].strip() i_match = _re.match(_NATURAL_REGEX, exp) if i_match is None: raise ValueError(_REFERENCE_FORMAT_ERROR.format(exp)) else: end_i = i_match.span()[1] ref_index = int(exp[:end_i]) reminder = exp[end_i:] return ref_index, reminder def _extract_custom_object(exp): open_braces = 0 open_sbrackets = 0 open_pbrackets = 0 # TODO maybe do it smarter? suffix_end_match ='<|\[|\{]', exp) if suffix_end_match is None: # TODO raise ValueError() suffix_end_i = suffix_end_match.span()[0] i = 0 for i, c in enumerate(exp[suffix_end_i:], start=suffix_end_i): if c == '<': open_pbrackets += 1 elif c == '[': open_sbrackets += 1 elif c == '{': open_braces += 1 elif c == '>': open_pbrackets -= 1 elif c == ']': open_sbrackets -= 1 elif c == '}': open_braces -= 1 if open_braces == 0 and open_sbrackets == 0 and open_pbrackets == 0: break if open_braces != 0 or open_sbrackets != 0 or open_pbrackets != 0: # TODO raise ValueError() return exp[0:i + 1], exp[i + 1:] def deserialize(expression): stripped_exp = expression.strip() if stripped_exp == '': raise ValueError(_EMPTY_SERIALIZED_ERROR) # Just load with json ... if stripped_exp == 'null': return None objects = [] references = [] main_object_determined = False main_object = None expect_dict_value = False last_dict_key = None exp = stripped_exp opened_lists = 0 opened_dicts = 0 while len(exp) > 0: current_object_is_reference = False if main_object_determined and len(objects) == 0: raise ValueError(_NO_OBJECT_ERROR) if expect_dict_value: if exp[0] == ':': exp = exp[1:].strip() else: raise ValueError(_COLON_EXPECTED_ERROR.foramt(exp[0])) # List continuation # TODO support for XYZ tuples if exp[0] == ",": if not (isinstance(objects[-1], list) or (isinstance(objects[-1], dict) and not expect_dict_value)): # TODO msg raise ValueError() else: exp = exp[1:].strip() if exp[0] == "]": if not isinstance(objects[-1], list): # TODO msg raise ValueError() else: opened_lists -= 1 objects.pop() exp = exp[1:].strip() continue elif exp[0] == "}": opened_dicts -= 1 if not isinstance(objects[-1], dict): # TODO msg raise ValueError() else: objects.pop() exp = exp[1:].strip() continue # List start elif exp.startswith("null"): current_object = None exp = exp[4:] elif exp.startswith("XYZ"): current_object, exp = _extract_xyz(exp) elif exp[0] == "[": current_object = list() opened_lists += 1 exp = exp[1:] elif exp[0] == "{": current_object = dict() opened_dicts += 1 exp = exp[1:] elif exp[0] == '"': current_object, exp = _extract_string(exp) elif _re.match(_NUMBER_REGEX, exp) is not None: current_object, exp = _extract_number(exp) elif exp[0] == '^': i, exp = _extract_reference(exp) if i >= len(references): # TODO msg raise ValueError() current_object = references[i] current_object_is_reference = True else: current_object, exp = _extract_custom_object(exp) if len(objects) > 0: if isinstance(objects[-1], list): objects[-1].append(current_object) elif isinstance(objects[-1], dict): if expect_dict_value: objects[-1][last_dict_key] = current_object last_dict_key = None expect_dict_value = False else: if not isinstance(current_object, str): # TODO msg raise ValueError() last_dict_key = current_object expect_dict_value = True if isinstance(current_object, (list, dict, tuple)) and not current_object_is_reference: objects.append(current_object) references.append(current_object) if not main_object_determined: main_object_determined = True main_object = current_object exp = exp.strip() if opened_lists != 0: # TODO msg raise ValueError() if opened_dicts != 0: # TODO msg raise ValueError() return main_object def loads(input_string, context=None, autocast=True): """ Parses string in Framsticks' format to a list of dictionaries. :param input_string: String to parse. :param context: Context of parsing compliant with contexts found in 'framscript.xml' e.g. 'expdef file'. :param autocast: If true numbers will be parsed automatically if possible. If false every field will be treated as a string. :return: A list of dictionaries representing Framsticks objects. """ assert isinstance(input_string, str) if context is not None and context not in _contexts: warnings.warn(_UNSUPPORTED_CONTEXT_WARNING.format(context)) lines = input_string.split("\n") multiline_value = None multiline_key = None current_object = None objects = [] parsing_error = False class_name = None try: for line_num, line in enumerate(lines): if multiline_key is not None: endmatch =, line) if endmatch is not None: endi = endmatch.span()[0] value = line[0:endi] reminder = line[endi + 1:].strip() if reminder != "": # TODO msg raise ValueError() else: value = line + "\n" if, value) is not None: # TODO msg raise ValueError() value = _re.sub(_ESCAPED_TYLDA_REGEX, '~', value) multiline_value += value if endmatch is not None: current_object[multiline_key] = multiline_value multiline_value = None multiline_key = None # Ignores comment lines (if outside multiline prop) elif line.startswith("#"): continue else: line = line.strip() if current_object is not None: if line == "": current_object = None continue else: if ":" in line: class_name, suffix = line.split(":", 1) if suffix != "": raise ValueError(_NONEMPTY_CLASSNAME) current_object = {"_classname": class_name} objects.append(current_object) continue if current_object is not None: key, value = line.split(":", 1) # TODO check if the key is supported for given class if key.strip() == "": # TODO msg raise ValueError() if value.strip() == "~": multiline_value = "" multiline_key = key else: value = parse_value(value, classname=class_name, key=key, context=context, autoparse=autocast) current_object[key] = value except ValueError as ex: parsing_error = True error_msg = str(ex) if multiline_key is not None: current_object[multiline_key] = multiline_value warnings.warn(_MULTILINE_NOT_CLOSED_WARNING.format(multiline_key)) if parsing_error: error_msc = "Parsing error. Incorrect syntax in line {}:\n{}\n{}".format(line_num, error_msg, line) raise ValueError(error_msc) return objects def load(filename, context=None, autocast=True): """ Parses the file with a given filename to a list of dictionaries. :param filename: Name of the file to parse. :param context: Context of parsing compliant with contexts found in 'framscript.xml' e.g. 'expdef file'. If context is left emtpy it will be inferred from the file's extension/ :param autocast: If true numbers will be parsed automatically if possible. If false every field will be treated as a string. :return: A list of dictionaries representing Framsticks objects. """ file = open(filename, encoding='UTF-8') if context is None: try: _, extension = filename.split(".") context = extension + " file" if context not in _contexts: context = None warnings.warn(_UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSION_WARNING.format(extension)) except RuntimeError: warnings.warn(_NO_FILE_EXTENSION_WARNING) context = None s = file.close() return loads(s, context=context, autocast=autocast)