// This file is a part of Framsticks GenoFX library. // Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Maciej Komosinski. See LICENSE.txt for details. // Refer to http://www.framsticks.com/ for further information. #ifndef _GENO_FTEST_H_ #define _GENO_FTEST_H_ #include "param.h" #include "sstring.h" #include "geno_fx.h" /** \file */ ///A sample class for genetic operations on DNA-like genotypes /** \author Maciej Komosinski This is a very simple class to illustrate basic genetic operations. To compile this code, you may need some GDK files. For a more sophisticated example of Geno_f4 derived from Geno_fx, refer to the available source on developmental encoding and f4 genotype format. \sa \ref geno_ftest_example */ class Geno_ftest : public Geno_fx { public: Geno_ftest(); int checkValidity(const char *); int validate(char *&); int mutate(char *&g,float& chg); int crossOver(char *&g1,char *&g2,float& chg1,float& chg2); unsigned long style(const char *g, int pos); char* getSimplest() {return "GTTCAGATC";} double prob; }; #endif