// This file is a part of Framsticks GDK library. // Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Szymon Ulatowski. See LICENSE.txt for details. // Refer to http://www.frams.alife.pl/ for further information. #include #include #include #include "model.h" #include "defgenoconv.h" #include "stdouterr.h" /** @file Sample code: Accessing model elements */ StdoutErrorHandler err; //redirect model-related errors to stdout DefaultGenoConvManager gcm; //without this object the application would only handle "format 0" genotypes void printNiceBanner(const char* title) { printf(" ########################################\n" " ## ##\n" " ## %-32s ##\n" " ## ##\n" " ########################################\n",title); } void printProperties(ParamInterface &pi) { printf(" # id type name group (%d properties)\n",pi.getPropCount()); for (int i=0;iproperties()); printf("\nHowever, there is a subset of properties which may be modified more freely.\n" "Properties on this list are related only to this part and can be changed\n" "without much consideration. They are guaranteed to be always valid; any inconsistencies\n" "will be silently repaired.\n" "\n [this data is provided by Part::extraProperties() ]\n"); printProperties(p->extraProperties()); printf("\nThis set of properties can vary from release to release,\n" "but can be safely accessed by using extraProperties() call.\n" "This method accesses the full set of properies (even those\n" "which appear in future releases).\n" "Now we will try to change some of properties:\n\n"); p->getModel().open(); changeOneProperty(p->extraProperties()); p->getModel().close(); printf("\nLet's see f0... (check out part #%d !)\n\n%s\n", p->refno, (const char*)p->getModel().getF0Geno().getGene()); } void playWithAbsolute(Joint *j) { printf("\nAbsolute Joints adapt to its Parts' positions.\n" "We can move a Part, and it does not influence the second part, nor the Joint.\n" "Let's move the first Part along y axis by -0.1...\n"); j->getModel().open(); j->part1->p.y-=0.1; j->getModel().close(); printf("The Part's position is changed, but everything else stays intact:\n\n%s\n", (const char*)j->getModel().getF0Geno().getGene()); } void playWithDelta(Joint *j) { printf("\nDelta fields (dx,dy,dz) describe relative location of the second part.\n" "This joint will change the second Part's positions to preserve delta distance.\n" "Let's move the first Part (#%d) along y axis (+0.1) and change delta.z (dz) by 0.1.\n",j->part1->refno); j->getModel().open(); j->part1->p.y+=0.1; j->d.z+=0.1; j->getModel().close(); printf("Position of the second Part referenced by this joint (part #%d) is now changed:\n\n%s\n", j->part2->refno, (const char*)j->getModel().getF0Geno().getGene()); printf("If no delta fields are defined, they will be computed automatically.\n" "You can always delete existing delta values by using Joint::resetDelta().\n" "Now we will change the second Part's z position by -0.2 and call resetDelta()...\n"); j->getModel().open(); j->part2->p.z-=0.2; j->resetDelta(); j->getModel().close(); printf("As you can see, Joint's delta fields have altered:\n\n%s\n", (const char*)j->getModel().getF0Geno().getGene()); } void switchDelta(Joint *j) { int option=! j->isDelta(); printf("How would this joint look like with delta option %s?\n[ by calling Joint::useDelta(%d) ]\n",option?"enabled":"disabled",option); j->getModel().open(); j->useDelta( ! j->isDelta() ); j->getModel().close(); printf("f0 is now:\n\n%s\n...so this is %s joint.\n", (const char*)j->getModel().getF0Geno().getGene(), option?"a delta":"an absolute"); } void moreAboutJoint(Joint* j) { printf("Similarly as with Part, the full list of properties comes first:\n\n"); printProperties(j->properties()); printf("\nActually, there are two kinds of Joints: delta and absolute.\n" "For this object, Joint::isDelta() returns %d, so this is the %s Joint.\n", j->isDelta(),j->isDelta()?"delta":"absolute"); if (j->isDelta()) { playWithDelta(j); switchDelta(j); playWithAbsolute(j); } else { playWithAbsolute(j); switchDelta(j); playWithDelta(j); } printf("Part references and delta fields are the 'core' properties of the Joint.\n" "The other properties are available from Joint::extraProperties()\n" "and at the moment are defined as follows:\n\n"); printProperties(j->extraProperties()); printf("\nThey can be changed just like Part's extra properties:\n"); j->getModel().open(); changeOneProperty(j->extraProperties()); j->getModel().close(); printf("And after that we have this genotype:\n\n%s\n", (const char*)j->getModel().getF0Geno().getGene()); } void moreAboutNeuro(Neuro* n) { printf("Basic features of Neuro object are similar to those of Part and Joint.\n" "We can request a property list:\n\n"); printProperties(n->properties()); printf("\n...and extra properties (which are designed to be always valid and easy to change):\n\n"); printProperties(n->extraProperties()); printf("\nAs usual, we will change something:\n"); n->getModel().open(); changeOneProperty(n->extraProperties()); n->getModel().close(); printf("Each neuron can have any number of inputs = weighted connections\n with other neurons.\n" "According to Neuro::getInputCount(), this one has %d inputs.\n",n->getInputCount()); printf("Standard API is provided for accessing those inputs (getInput(int)),\n" "adding inputs (addInput(Neuro*)) and removing them (removeInput(int)).\n\n"); printf("\nThe most unusual thing is 'item details' field (d).\n" "It is something like separate object with its own set of properties.\n" "Currently the value of 'd' is '%s'.\n",(const char*)n->getDetails()); { NeuroClass* cl=n->getClass(); if (!cl) printf("It should contain the class name but the meaning of '%s' is unknown\n",(const char*)n->getDetails()); else { printf("'%s' is the class name (NeuroItem::getClassName() == '%s') and means '%s'.\n", (const char*)cl->getName(),(const char*)cl->getName(),(const char*)cl->getLongName()); printf("Neuro::getClass() gives you information about basic characteristic\n" "of the class, that can be analyzed automatically.\n"); printf("For the current object we can get know, that this object likes to have "); if (cl->getPreferredInputs()<0) printf("any number of inputs"); else if (cl->getPreferredInputs()==0) printf("no inputs"); else printf("%d inputs",cl->getPreferredInputs()); printf(" (getPreferredInputs()) "); printf(cl->getPreferredOutput()?"and provides meaningful output signal (getPreferredOutput==1).\n":"and doesn't provide useful output signal (getPreferredOutput==0).\n"); SyntParam p=n->classProperties(); if (p.getPropCount()>0) { printf("The class defines its own properties:\n\n [ data provided by Neuro::classProperties() ]\n"); printProperties(p); printf("and they can be changed:\n"); n->getModel().open(); changeOneProperty(p); p.update(); n->getModel().close(); printf("After that, 'item details' contains the new object: '%s'.\n",(const char*)n->getDetails()); } else printf("(This class does not have its own properties\n" " - Neuro::classProperties().getPropCount()==0)\n"); } } printf("The class of this object can be changed using Neuro::setClassName()\n" "The following classes are available:\n" " [ data provided by Neuro::getClassInfo()->getProperties() ]\n\n"); printf(" # class description properties\n"); for (int i=0;igetClassCount();i++) { NeuroClass* cl=n->getClass(i); Param p=cl->getProperties(); printf("%2d.%6s %-20s %2d\n",i,(const char*)cl->getName(),(const char*)cl->getLongName(),p.getPropCount()); } int cl=rand() % n->getClassCount(); printf("\nLet's change the NeuroItem's class to '%s'...\n",(const char*)n->getClassName(cl)); n->getModel().open(); n->setClass(n->getClass(cl)); { SyntParam p=n->classProperties(); if (p.getPropCount()>0) { printProperties(p); changeOneProperty(p); p.update(); } } if (n->getInputCount()>0) { printf("input info 0 = \"%s\"\n",(const char*)n->getInputInfo(0)); printf("input info 0 abc = \"%s\"\n",(const char*)n->getInputInfo(0,"abc")); n->setInputInfo(0,"test",44); n->setInputInfo(0,"abc","yeah"); } n->getModel().close(); printf("The final object description will be then: '%s'\nAnd the full f0 genotype:\n\n%s\n", (const char*)n->getDetails(), (const char*)n->getModel().getF0Geno().getGene()); } int main(int argc,char*argv[]) { srand(time(0)); printNiceBanner("Welcome to GDK test application!"); //Geno g(argc>1?argv[1]:"X[|G:1.23]"); Geno g(argc>1?argv[1]:"//0\np:\nn:\nc:0,0,i=\"abc=7\"\n"); printf("\nSource genotype: '%s'\n",(const char*)g.getGene()); printf(" ( format %c %s)\n", g.getFormat(), (const char*)g.getComment()); Model m(g);//.getConverted('0')); if (!m.isValid()) { printf("Cannot build Model from this genotype!\n"); return 2; } printf("Converted to f0:\n%s\n",(const char*)m.getF0Geno().getGene()); printf("Model contains: %d part(s)\n" " %d joint(s)\n" " %d neuron(s)\n",m.getPartCount(),m.getJointCount(),m.getNeuroCount()); printf("\nInvestigating details...\n"); if (m.getPartCount()>0) { int p=rand()%m.getPartCount(); printNiceBanner("P A R T O B J E C T"); printf(" (part # %d)\n",p); moreAboutPart(m.getPart(p)); } if (m.getJointCount()>0) { int j=rand()%m.getJointCount(); printNiceBanner("J O I N T O B J E C T"); printf(" (joint # %d)\n",j); moreAboutJoint(m.getJoint(j)); } if (m.getNeuroCount()>0) { int n=rand()%m.getNeuroCount(); printNiceBanner("N E U R O O B J E C T"); printf(" (neuro # %d)\n",n); moreAboutNeuro(m.getNeuro(n)); } #ifdef MODEL_V1_COMPATIBLE printNiceBanner("Old Neuro/NeuroItem view"); int nc=m.old_getNeuroCount(); printf("Model::old_getNeuroCount() = %d\n",nc); for (int i=0;ipart_refno,n->joint_refno, n->force,n->inertia,n->sigmo); int nicount=n->getItemCount(); printf(" %d items\n",nicount); for (int j=0;jgetNeuroItem(j); printf(" item #%d - '%s', conn=%d, weight=%g\n", j,(const char*)ni->getDetails(),ni->conn_refno,ni->weight); } } printf("end.\n"); #endif printf("\n######### THE END ###########\n\n" "Hints:\n" " 1. You can redirect output: gdktest >filename.txt\n" " 2. Each run can yield different results because some\n" " values are randomly generated.\n" " 3. Application will use custom genotype passed as\n" " a commandline parameter: gdktest X\n" "\n"); return 0; }