// This file is a part of the Framsticks GDK. // Copyright (C) 1999-2014 Maciej Komosinski and Szymon Ulatowski. See LICENSE.txt for details. // Refer to http://www.framsticks.com/ for further information. #include #include #include "3d.h" Pt3D operator+(const Pt3D &p1, const Pt3D &p2) { return Pt3D(p1.x + p2.x, p1.y + p2.y, p1.z + p2.z); } Pt3D operator-(const Pt3D &p1, const Pt3D &p2) { return Pt3D(p1.x - p2.x, p1.y - p2.y, p1.z - p2.z); } Pt3D Pt3D_0(0, 0, 0); bool Pt3D::report_errors = true; double Pt3D::operator()() const { double q = x*x + y*y + z*z; if (q < 0) { if (report_errors) FramMessage("Pt3D", "operator()", "sqrt domain error", 3); return 0; } return sqrt(q); } bool Pt3D::normalize() { double len = length(); if (fabs(len) < 1e-50) { if (report_errors) FramMessage("Pt3D", "normalize()", "vector too small", 1); x = 1; y = 0; z = 0; return false; } operator/=(len); return true; } double Pt3D::distanceTo(const Pt3D& p) const { return sqrt((x - p.x)*(x - p.x) + (y - p.y)*(y - p.y) + (z - p.z)*(z - p.z)); } double Pt3D::manhattanDistanceTo(const Pt3D& p) const { return fabs(x - p.x) + fabs(y - p.y) + fabs(z - p.z); } Orient Orient_1(Pt3D(1, 0, 0), Pt3D(0, 1, 0), Pt3D(0, 0, 1)); // prosty obrot void rotate2D(double k, double &x, double &y) { double s = sin(k), c = cos(k); double t = c*x - s*y; y = s*x + c*y; x = t; } void rotate2D(double s, double c, double &x, double &y) { double t = c*x - s*y; y = s*x + c*y; x = t; } int Pt3D::getAngle(double dx, double dy, double &wyn) { if ((fabs(dx) + fabs(dy)) < 0.0001) return 0; wyn = atan2(dy, dx); return 1; } void Pt3D::getAngles(const Pt3D& X, const Pt3D& dir) { Pt3D t1(X), t2(dir); if (getAngle(t1.x, t1.y, z)) // non-vertical { rotate2D(-z, t1.x, t1.y); rotate2D(-z, t2.x, t2.y); getAngle(t1.x, t1.z, y); } else // vertical { z = 0; if (t1.z < 0) y = -M_PI_2; // down else y = M_PI_2; // up } rotate2D(-y, t2.x, t2.z); if (!getAngle(t2.z, -t2.y, x)) x = 0; // incorrect result, but there is no correct one } void Pt3D::getMin(const Pt3D& p) { if (p.x < x) x = p.x; if (p.y < y) y = p.y; if (p.z < z) z = p.z; } void Pt3D::getMax(const Pt3D& p) { if (p.x > x) x = p.x; if (p.y > y) y = p.y; if (p.z > z) z = p.z; } void Pt3D::vectorProduct(const Pt3D& a, const Pt3D& b) { x = a.y*b.z - a.z*b.y; y = a.z*b.x - a.x*b.z; z = a.x*b.y - a.y*b.x; } void Orient::lookAt(const Pt3D& X, const Pt3D& dir) { x = X; x.normalize(); y.vectorProduct(dir, x); z.vectorProduct(x, y); if ((!y.normalize()) || (!z.normalize())) lookAt(X);// dir was (nearly?) parallel, there is no good solution, use the x-only variant } void Orient::lookAt(const Pt3D& X) { x = X; x.normalize(); // "invent" y vector, not parallel to x double ax = fabs(x.x), ay = fabs(x.y), az = fabs(x.z); // find the smallest component if ((ax <= ay) && (ax <= az)) // x { y.x = 0; y.y = -x.z; y.z = x.y; // (0,-z,y) } if ((ay <= ax) && (ay <= az)) // y { y.x = -x.z; y.y = 0; y.z = x.x; // (-z,0,x) } else // z { y.x = -x.y; y.y = x.x; y.z = 0; // (-y,x,0) } y.normalize(); z.vectorProduct(x, y); } // 2D distance double d2(double x, double y) { double q = x*x + y*y; if (q < 0) { if (Pt3D::report_errors) FramMessage("", "d2()", "sqrt domain error", 3); return 0; } return sqrt(q); } Orient::Orient(const Matrix44& m) { x.x = m[0]; x.y = m[1]; x.z = m[2]; y.x = m[4]; y.y = m[5]; y.z = m[6]; z.x = m[8]; z.y = m[9]; z.z = m[10]; } void Orient::operator=(const Pt3D &rot) { *this = Orient_1; rotate(rot); } void Orient::rotate(const Pt3D &v) { double s, c; if (fabs(v.x) > 0.0001) { s = sin(v.x); c = cos(v.x); rotate2D(s, c, x.y, x.z); rotate2D(s, c, y.y, y.z); rotate2D(s, c, z.y, z.z); } if (fabs(v.y) > 0.0001) { s = sin(v.y); c = cos(v.y); rotate2D(s, c, x.x, x.z); rotate2D(s, c, y.x, y.z); rotate2D(s, c, z.x, z.z); } if (fabs(v.z) > 0.0001) { s = sin(v.z); c = cos(v.z); rotate2D(s, c, x.x, x.y); rotate2D(s, c, y.x, y.y); rotate2D(s, c, z.x, z.y); } } void Orient::transform(Pt3D& target, const Pt3D &s) const { target.x = s.x*x.x + s.y*y.x + s.z*z.x; target.y = s.x*x.y + s.y*y.y + s.z*z.y; target.z = s.x*x.z + s.y*y.z + s.z*z.z; } void Orient::revTransform(Pt3D& target, const Pt3D &s) const { target.x = s.x*x.x + s.y*x.y + s.z*x.z; target.y = s.x*y.x + s.y*y.y + s.z*y.z; target.z = s.x*z.x + s.y*z.y + s.z*z.z; } void Orient::transform(Orient& target, const Orient& src) const { transform(target.x, src.x); transform(target.y, src.y); transform(target.z, src.z); } void Orient::revTransform(Orient& target, const Orient& src) const { revTransform(target.x, src.x); revTransform(target.y, src.y); revTransform(target.z, src.z); } void Orient::getAngles(Pt3D &angles) const { angles.getAngles(x, z); } bool Orient::normalize() { bool ret = 1; y.vectorProduct(z, x); z.vectorProduct(x, y); if (!x.normalize()) ret = 0; if (!z.normalize()) ret = 0; if (!y.normalize()) ret = 0; return ret; } Matrix44::Matrix44(const Orient &rot) { m[0] = rot.x.x; m[1] = rot.x.y; m[2] = rot.x.z; m[3] = 0; m[4] = rot.y.x; m[5] = rot.y.y; m[6] = rot.y.z; m[7] = 0; m[8] = rot.z.x; m[9] = rot.z.y; m[10] = rot.z.z; m[11] = 0; m[12] = 0; m[13] = 0; m[14] = 0; m[15] = 1; } void Matrix44::operator+=(const Pt3D &) { } void Matrix44::operator*=(const Pt3D &) { } void Matrix44::operator*=(double sc) { }