// This file is a part of Framsticks SDK. http://www.framsticks.com/ // Copyright (C) 1999-2020 Maciej Komosinski and Szymon Ulatowski. // See LICENSE.txt for details. #include #include #include "simil-match.h" /** Creates an empty matching for two objects of specified size. @param Obj0Size Size of the first object. Must be positive. @param Obj1Size Size of the second object. Must be positive. */ SimilMatching::SimilMatching(int Obj0Size, int Obj1Size) { // assure that sizes of objects are positive assert(Obj0Size > 0); assert(Obj1Size > 0); // create necessary vectors m_apvMatched[0] = new std::vector(Obj0Size); m_apvMatched[1] = new std::vector(Obj1Size); // assure that vectors are created assert(m_apvMatched[0] != NULL); assert(m_apvMatched[1] != NULL); // fill vectors with "unmatched" indicator for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_apvMatched[0]->size(); i++) { m_apvMatched[0]->operator[](i) = -1; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_apvMatched[1]->size(); i++) { m_apvMatched[1]->operator[](i) = -1; } } /** A copying constructor. @param Source The object to be copied. */ SimilMatching::SimilMatching(const SimilMatching &Source) { // copy the vectors of the actual matching m_apvMatched[0] = new std::vector(*(Source.m_apvMatched[0])); m_apvMatched[1] = new std::vector(*(Source.m_apvMatched[1])); // assure that vectors are created assert(m_apvMatched[0] != NULL); assert(m_apvMatched[1] != NULL); } /** Destroys a matching object. */ SimilMatching::~SimilMatching() { // delete vectors of matching delete m_apvMatched[0]; delete m_apvMatched[1]; } /** Gets size of the specified object. @param Index of an object (must be 0 or 1). @return Size of the object (in elements). */ int SimilMatching::getObjectSize(int Obj) { // check parameter assert((Obj == 0) || (Obj == 1)); // return the result return (int)m_apvMatched[Obj]->size(); } /** Matches elements given by indices in the given objects. @param Obj0 Index of the first object. Must be 0 or 1. @param index0 Index of element in the first object. Must be a valid index ( >= 0 and < size of the object). @param Obj1 Index of the second object. Must be 0 or 1 and different from Obj0. @param Index1 index of element in the second object. Must be a valid index ( >= 0 and < size of the object). */ void SimilMatching::match(int Obj0, int Index0, int Obj1, int Index1) { // check parameters of object 0 assert((Obj0 == 0) || (Obj0 == 1)); assert((Index0 >= 0) && (Index0 < (int)m_apvMatched[Obj0]->size())); // check parameters of object 1 assert(((Obj1 == 0) || (Obj1 == 1)) && (Obj0 != Obj1)); assert((Index1 >= 0) && (Index1 < (int)m_apvMatched[Obj1]->size())); // match given elements // matching_Obj0(Index0) = Index1 m_apvMatched[Obj0]->operator[](Index0) = Index1; // matching_Obj1(Index1) = Index0 m_apvMatched[Obj1]->operator[](Index1) = Index0; } /** Checks if the given element in the given object is already matched. @param Obj Index of an object (must be 0 or 1). @param Index Index of an element in the given object. Must be a valid index ( >=0 and < size of the object). @return true if the given element is matched, false otherwise. */ bool SimilMatching::isMatched(int Obj, int Index) { // check parameters assert((Obj == 0) || (Obj == 1)); assert((Index >= 0) && (Index < (int)m_apvMatched[Obj]->size())); // check if the element is matched if (m_apvMatched[Obj]->operator[](Index) >= 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** Gets index of the element thet is matched in the other object withe the element given by parameters. @param Obj Index of an object (must be 0 or 1). @param Index Index of checked element in the given object. @return Index of the element (in the other organism) that is matched with the given element. WARNING! If the given element is not matched, the result may be smaller than 0 (check IsMatched() before using GetMatchedIndex()). */ int SimilMatching::getMatchedIndex(int Obj, int Index) { // check parameters assert((Obj == 0) || (Obj == 1)); assert((Index >= 0) && (Index < (int)m_apvMatched[Obj]->size())); // return the index of the matched element return m_apvMatched[Obj]->operator[](Index); } /** Checks if the matching is already full, i.e. if the smaller object already has all its elements matched. @return true if matching is full, false otherwise. */ bool SimilMatching::isFull() { // assume that the matching is full bool bResult = true; // index of the smallest object int nObj; // find the smallest object (its index) if (m_apvMatched[0]->size() < m_apvMatched[1]->size()) { nObj = 0; } else { nObj = 1; } // check if all elements of the smallest object are matched for (unsigned int nElem = 0; nElem < m_apvMatched[nObj]->size(); nElem++) { if (m_apvMatched[nObj]->operator[](nElem) < 0) { // if any element is not matched, the result is false bResult = false; break; } } // return the result return bResult; } /** Checks if the matching is empty (i.e. none of elements is matched). @return true if matching is empty, otherwise - false. */ bool SimilMatching::isEmpty() { // result - assume that matching is empty bool bResult = true; // matching is empty if either of objects has only unmatched elements // so it may be first object int nObj = 0; for (unsigned int nElem = 0; nElem < m_apvMatched[nObj]->size(); nElem++) { if (m_apvMatched[nObj]->operator[](nElem) >= 0) { // if any element of the object is matched (unmatched objects have (-1)) bResult = false; break; } } // return the result from the loop return bResult; } /** Makes the matching completely empty. After a call to this method IsEmpty() should return true. */ void SimilMatching::empty() { for (int iObj = 0; iObj < 2; iObj++) // a counter of objects { // for each object in the matching for (unsigned int iElem = 0; iElem < m_apvMatched[iObj]->size(); iElem++) // a counter of objects' elements { // for each element iElem for the object iObj // set it as unmatched (marker: -1) m_apvMatched[iObj]->operator[](iElem) = -1; } } // the exit condition assert(isEmpty() == true); } /** Prints the current state of the matching */ void SimilMatching::printMatching() { int nBigger; // check which object is bigger if (m_apvMatched[0]->size() >= m_apvMatched[1]->size()) { nBigger = 0; } else { nBigger = 1; } // print first line - indices of objects printf("[ "); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_apvMatched[nBigger]->size(); i++) { printf("%2d ", i); } printf("]\n"); // print second line and third - indices of elements matched with elements of the objects for (int nObj = 0; nObj < 2; nObj++) { // for both objects - print out lines of matched elements printf("[ "); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_apvMatched[nObj]->size(); i++) { if (isMatched(nObj, i)) { // if the element is matched - print the index printf("%2d ", getMatchedIndex(nObj, i)); } else { // if the element is not matched - print "X" printf(" X "); } } printf("]\n"); } }