// This file is a part of Framsticks SDK. http://www.framsticks.com/ // Copyright (C) 1999-2020 Maciej Komosinski and Szymon Ulatowski. // See LICENSE.txt for details. #include "measure-mds-based.h" #include "SVD/matrix_tools.h" #include SimilMeasureMDSBased::SimilMeasureMDSBased() { coordinates[0] = nullptr; coordinates[1] = nullptr; with_alignment = true; save_matching = false; fixedZaxis = 0; wMDS = 1; } double SimilMeasureMDSBased::getDistance() { double dResult = -1; m_iSmaller = models[0]->getPartCount() <= models[1]->getPartCount() ? 0 : 1; prepareData(); if (with_alignment) { if (!getPartPositions()) { logPrintf("SimilMDSBasedMeasure", "getDistance", LOG_ERROR, "Cannot compute part positions"); return -1; } if (!computePartsPositionsByMDS()) { logPrintf("SimilMDSBasedMeasure", "getDistance", LOG_ERROR, "Cannot perform MDS"); return -1; } // tutaj zacznij pętlę po przekształceniach geometrycznych const int NO_OF_TRANSFORM = 8; // liczba transformacji geometrycznych (na razie tylko ID i O_YZ) // tablice transformacji współrzędnych; nie są to dokładnie tablice tranformacji, ale raczej tablice PRZEJŚĆ // pomiędzy transformacjami; const int dMulX[NO_OF_TRANSFORM] = { 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1 }; const int dMulY[NO_OF_TRANSFORM] = { 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1 }; const int dMulZ[NO_OF_TRANSFORM] = { 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1 }; #ifdef max #undef max //this macro would conflict with line below #endif double dMinSimValue = std::numeric_limits::max(); // minimum value of similarity int iTransform; // a counter of geometric transformations for (iTransform = 0; iTransform < NO_OF_TRANSFORM; iTransform++) { beforeTransformation(); for (int iPart = 0; iPart < models[m_iSmaller]->getPartCount(); iPart++) { // for each iPart, a part of the model iMod coordinates[m_iSmaller][iPart].x *= dMulX[iTransform]; coordinates[m_iSmaller][iPart].y *= dMulY[iTransform]; coordinates[m_iSmaller][iPart].z *= dMulZ[iTransform]; } // now the positions are recomputed double dCurrentSim = distanceForTransformation(); // załóż poprawną wartość podobieństwa assert(dCurrentSim >= 0.0); // porównaj wartość obliczoną z dotychczasowym minimum if (dCurrentSim < dMinSimValue) { //printf("lesser sim\n"); dMinSimValue = dCurrentSim; if (save_matching) copyMatching(); } } dResult = dMinSimValue; SAFEDELETEARRAY(coordinates[0]); SAFEDELETEARRAY(coordinates[1]); } else { dResult = distanceWithoutAlignment(); } cleanData(); return dResult; } /** Gets information about Parts' positions in 3D from models into the arrays coordinates. Assumptions: - Models (models) are created and available. - Arrays coordinates are created. @return 1 if success, otherwise 0. */ int SimilMeasureMDSBased::getPartPositions() { // for each model copy its part coordinates Part *pPart; for (int iMod = 0; iMod < 2; iMod++) { // utworz tablice dla pozycji 3D Parts (wielkosc tablicy: liczba Parts organizmu) coordinates[iMod] = new Pt3D[models[iMod]->getPartCount()]; assert(coordinates[iMod] != NULL); // dla każdego z modeli iMod for (int iPart = 0; iPart < models[iMod]->getPartCount(); iPart++) { // dla każdego iPart organizmu iMod // pobierz tego Part pPart = models[iMod]->getPart(iPart); // zapamietaj jego pozycje 3D w tablicy coordinates coordinates[iMod][iPart].x = pPart->p.x; coordinates[iMod][iPart].y = pPart->p.y; coordinates[iMod][iPart].z = pPart->p.z; } } return 1; } bool SimilMeasureMDSBased::computePartsPositionsByMDS() { bool bResult = true; // use MDS to obtain different point of view on organisms // and store the new positions (currently the original ones are still stored) for (int iMod = 0; iMod < 2; iMod++) { // prepare the vector of errors of approximation for the SVD std::vector vEigenvalues; int nSize = models[iMod]->getPartCount(); double *pDistances = new double[nSize * nSize]; for (int i = 0; i < nSize; i++) { pDistances[i] = 0; } Model *pModel = models[iMod]; // use the model of the iMod (current) organism int iP1, iP2; // indices of Parts in the model Part *P1, *P2; // pointers to Parts Pt3D P1Pos, P2Pos; // positions of parts double dDistance; // the distance between Parts double *weights = new double[nSize]; for (int i = 0; i < nSize; i++) { if (wMDS == 1 && models[iMod]->getPartCount()>1) weights[i] = 0; else weights[i] = 1; } if (wMDS == 1) for (int i = 0; i < pModel->getJointCount(); i++) { weights[pModel->getJoint(i)->p1_refno]++; weights[pModel->getJoint(i)->p2_refno]++; } for (iP1 = 0; iP1 < pModel->getPartCount(); iP1++) { // for each iP1, a Part index in the model of organism iMod P1 = pModel->getPart(iP1); // get the position of the Part P1Pos = P1->p; if (fixedZaxis == 1) { P1Pos.z = 0; //fixed vertical axis, so pretend all points are on the xy plane } for (iP2 = 0; iP2 < pModel->getPartCount(); iP2++) { // for each (iP1, iP2), a pair of Parts index in the model P2 = pModel->getPart(iP2); // get the position of the Part P2Pos = P2->p; if (fixedZaxis == 1) { P2Pos.z = 0; //fixed vertical axis, so pretend all points are on the xy plane } // compute the geometric (Euclidean) distance between the Parts dDistance = P1Pos.distanceTo(P2Pos); // store the distance pDistances[iP1 * nSize + iP2] = dDistance; } // for (iP2) } // for (iP1) MatrixTools::weightedMDS(vEigenvalues, nSize, pDistances, coordinates[iMod], weights); if (fixedZaxis == 1) //restore the original vertical coordinate of each Part { for (int part = 0; part < pModel->getPartCount(); part++) { coordinates[iMod][part].z = pModel->getPart(part)->p.z; } } delete[] pDistances; delete[] weights; } return bResult; }