// This file is a part of Framsticks SDK. http://www.framsticks.com/ // Copyright (C) 1999-2020 Maciej Komosinski and Szymon Ulatowski. // See LICENSE.txt for details. #include "measure-hungarian.h" const int SimilMeasureHungarian::iNOFactors = 4; #define FIELDSTRUCT SimilMeasureHungarian static ParamEntry simil_hungarian_paramtab[] = { { "Creature: Similarity: Graph optimal", 1, 7, "SimilMeasureHungarian", "Evaluates morphological dissimilarity using hungarian measure. More information:\nhttp://www.framsticks.com/bib/Komosinski-et-al-2001\nhttp://www.framsticks.com/bib/Komosinski-and-Kubiak-2011\nhttp://www.framsticks.com/bib/Komosinski-2016\nhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-16692-2_8", }, { "simil_parts", 0, 0, "Weight of parts count", "f 0 100 0", FIELD(m_adFactors[0]), "Differing number of parts is also handled by the 'part degree' similarity component.", }, { "simil_partdeg", 0, 0, "Weight of parts' degree", "f 0 100 1", FIELD(m_adFactors[1]), "", }, { "simil_neuro", 0, 0, "Weight of neurons count", "f 0 100 0.1", FIELD(m_adFactors[2]), "", }, { "simil_partgeom", 0, 0, "Weight of parts' geometric distances", "f 0 100 0", FIELD(m_adFactors[3]), "", }, { "simil_fixedZaxis", 0, 0, "Fix 'z' (vertical) axis?", "d 0 1 0", FIELD(fixedZaxis), "", }, { "simil_weightedMDS", 0, 0, "Should weighted MDS be used?", "d 0 1 0", FIELD(wMDS), "If activated, weighted MDS with vertex (i.e., Part) degrees as weights is used for 3D alignment of body structure.", }, { "evaluateDistance", 0, PARAM_DONTSAVE | PARAM_USERHIDDEN, "Evaluate model dissimilarity", "p f(oGeno,oGeno)", PROCEDURE(p_evaldistance), "Calculates dissimilarity between two models created from Geno objects.", }, { 0, }, }; #undef FIELDSTRUCT SimilMeasureHungarian::SimilMeasureHungarian() : localpar(simil_hungarian_paramtab, this) { localpar.setDefault(); nSmaller = 0; nBigger = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { degrees[i] = nullptr; neurons[i] = nullptr; on_joint[i] = 0; anywhere[i] = 0; } assignment = nullptr; parts_distances = nullptr; temp_parts_distances = nullptr; save_matching = false; } void SimilMeasureHungarian::prepareData() { m_iSmaller = models[0]->getPartCount() <= models[1]->getPartCount() ? 0 : 1; nSmaller = models[m_iSmaller]->getPartCount(); nBigger = models[1 - m_iSmaller]->getPartCount(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { int size = models[i]->getPartCount(); degrees[i] = new int[size](); neurons[i] = new int[size](); } countDegrees(); countNeurons(); parts_distances = new double[nBigger*nBigger](); fillPartsDistances(parts_distances, nBigger, nSmaller, false); assignment = new int[nBigger](); if (save_matching) for (int i = 0; i < nBigger; i++) min_assignment.push_back(0); if (m_adFactors[3] == 0) with_alignment = false; } void SimilMeasureHungarian::beforeTransformation() { temp_parts_distances = new double[nBigger*nBigger](); std::copy(parts_distances, parts_distances + nBigger * nBigger, temp_parts_distances); } double SimilMeasureHungarian::distanceForTransformation() { fillPartsDistances(temp_parts_distances, nBigger, nSmaller, true); std::fill_n(assignment, nBigger, 0); double distance = hungarian.Solve(temp_parts_distances, assignment, nBigger, nBigger); delete[] temp_parts_distances; return addNeuronsPartsDiff(distance); } double SimilMeasureHungarian::distanceWithoutAlignment() { double distance = hungarian.Solve(parts_distances, assignment, nBigger, nBigger); if (save_matching) copyMatching(); return addNeuronsPartsDiff(distance); } double SimilMeasureHungarian::addNeuronsPartsDiff(double dist) { //add difference in anywhere and onJoint neurons dist += m_adFactors[2] * (abs(on_joint[0] - on_joint[1]) + abs(anywhere[0] - anywhere[1])); //add difference in part numbers dist += (nBigger - nSmaller) * m_adFactors[0]; return dist; } void SimilMeasureHungarian::copyMatching() { min_assignment.clear(); min_assignment.insert(min_assignment.begin(), assignment, assignment + nBigger); } void SimilMeasureHungarian::cleanData() { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { // delete degree and position arrays SAFEDELETEARRAY(degrees[i]); SAFEDELETEARRAY(neurons[i]); on_joint[i] = 0; anywhere[i] = 0; } delete[] assignment; delete[] parts_distances; if (save_matching) min_assignment.clear(); with_alignment = true; //restore default value } void SimilMeasureHungarian::countDegrees() { Part *P1, *P2; int i, j, i1, i2; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { for (j = 0; j < models[i]->getJointCount(); j++) { Joint *J = models[i]->getJoint(j); P1 = J->part1; P2 = J->part2; i1 = models[i]->findPart(P1); i2 = models[i]->findPart(P2); degrees[i][i1]++; degrees[i][i2]++; } } } void SimilMeasureHungarian::countNeurons() { Part *P1; Joint *J1; int i, j, i2; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { for (j = 0; j < models[i]->getNeuroCount(); j++) { Neuro *N = models[i]->getNeuro(j); // count parts attached to neurons P1 = N->getPart(); if (P1) { i2 = models[i]->findPart(P1); neurons[i][i2]++; } else // count unattached neurons { J1 = N->getJoint(); if (J1) on_joint[i]++; else anywhere[i]++; } } } } void SimilMeasureHungarian::fillPartsDistances(double*& dist, int bigger, int smaller, bool geo) { for (int i = 0; i < bigger; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < bigger; j++) { // assign penalty for unassignment for vertex from bigger model if (j >= smaller) { if (geo) dist[i*bigger + j] += m_adFactors[3] * coordinates[1 - m_iSmaller][i].length(); else dist[i*bigger + j] = m_adFactors[1] * degrees[1 - m_iSmaller][i] + m_adFactors[2] * neurons[1 - m_iSmaller][i]; } // compute distance between parts else { if (geo){ dist[i*bigger + j] += m_adFactors[3] * coordinates[1 - m_iSmaller][i].distanceTo(coordinates[m_iSmaller][j]); } else dist[i*bigger + j] = m_adFactors[1] * abs(degrees[1 - m_iSmaller][i] - degrees[m_iSmaller][j]) + m_adFactors[2] * abs(neurons[1 - m_iSmaller][i] - neurons[m_iSmaller][j]); } } } } /** Returns number of factors involved in final distance computation. These factors include differences in numbers of parts, degrees, number of neurons. */ int SimilMeasureHungarian::getNOFactors() { return SimilMeasureHungarian::iNOFactors; } int SimilMeasureHungarian::setParams(std::vector params) { int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < SimilMeasureHungarian::iNOFactors; i++) m_adFactors[i] = params.at(i); fixedZaxis = params.at(i); return 0; }