// This file is a part of Framsticks SDK. http://www.framsticks.com/ // Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Maciej Komosinski and Szymon Ulatowski. // See LICENSE.txt for details. #include #include "fS_general.h" #include "frams/model/geometry/geometryutils.h" #include "frams/genetics/genooperators.h" #include "common/Convert.h" #include "frams/util/rndutil.h" #include "frams/neuro/neurolibrary.h" int fS_Genotype::precision = 4; double round2(double var) { double value = (int) (var * 100 + .5); return (double) value / 100; } double fS_stod(const string& str, int start, size_t* size) { try { return std::stod(str, size); } catch(const std::invalid_argument& ex) { throw fS_Exception("Invalid numeric value", start); } } State::State(State *_state) { location = Pt3D(_state->location); v = Pt3D(_state->v); fr = _state->fr; s = _state->s; } State::State(Pt3D _location, Pt3D _v) { location = Pt3D(_location); v = Pt3D(_v); } void State::addVector(const double length) { location += v * length; } void rotateVector(Pt3D &vector, const Pt3D &rotation) { Orient rotmatrix = Orient_1; rotmatrix.rotate(Pt3D( Convert::toRadians(rotation.x), Convert::toRadians(rotation.y), Convert::toRadians(rotation.z) )); vector = rotmatrix.transform(vector); } void State::rotate(const Pt3D &rotation) { rotateVector(v, rotation); v.normalize(); } fS_Neuron::fS_Neuron(const char *str, int start, int length) { if (length == 0) return; vector inputStrings; strSplit(SString(str, length), NEURON_INTERNAL_SEPARATOR, false, inputStrings); if (inputStrings.empty()) return; int inputStart = 0; SString details = "N"; SString tmp = inputStrings[0]; if(tmp.indexOf(':') != -1) tmp = tmp.substr(0, tmp.indexOf(':')); if (NeuroLibrary::staticlibrary.findClassIndex(tmp, true) != -1) { inputStart = 1; details = inputStrings[0]; } setDetails(details); for (int i = inputStart; i < int(inputStrings.size()); i++) { SString keyValue = inputStrings[i]; int separatorIndex = keyValue.indexOf(NEURON_I_W_SEPARATOR); const char *buffer = keyValue.c_str(); size_t keyLength; double value; if (separatorIndex == -1) { keyLength = keyValue.len(); value = DEFAULT_NEURO_CONNECTION_WEIGHT; } else { keyLength = separatorIndex; size_t valueLength = keyValue.len() - (separatorIndex); value = fS_stod(buffer + separatorIndex + 1, start, &valueLength); } inputs[fS_stod(buffer, start, &keyLength)] = value; } } Node::Node(Substring &restOfGeno, bool _modifierMode, bool _paramMode, bool _cycleMode, Node *_parent) { parent = _parent; modifierMode = _modifierMode; paramMode = _paramMode; cycleMode = _cycleMode; partDescription = new Substring(restOfGeno); try { extractModifiers(restOfGeno); extractPartType(restOfGeno); extractNeurons(restOfGeno); extractParams(restOfGeno); partDescription->shortenBy(restOfGeno.len); if (restOfGeno.len > 0) getChildren(restOfGeno); } catch(fS_Exception &e) { cleanUp(); throw e; } } Node::~Node() { cleanUp(); } void Node::cleanUp() { delete partDescription; if (state != nullptr) delete state; for (int i = 0; i < int(neurons.size()); i++) delete neurons[i]; for (int i = 0; i < int(children.size()); i++) delete children[i]; } int Node::getPartPosition(Substring &restOfGenotype) { for (int i = 0; i < restOfGenotype.len; i++) { if (GENE_TO_SHAPETYPE.find(restOfGenotype.at(i)) != GENE_TO_SHAPETYPE.end()) return i; } return -1; } void Node::extractModifiers(Substring &restOfGenotype) { int partTypePosition = getPartPosition(restOfGenotype); if (partTypePosition == -1) throw fS_Exception("Part type missing", restOfGenotype.start); for (int i = 0; i < partTypePosition; i++) { // Extract modifiers and joint char mType = restOfGenotype.at(i); if (JOINTS.find(tolower(mType)) != string::npos) joint = tolower(mType); else if (MODIFIERS.find(toupper(mType)) != string::npos) modifiers[toupper(mType)] += isupper(mType) ? 1 : -1; else throw fS_Exception("Invalid modifier", restOfGenotype.start + i); } restOfGenotype.startFrom(partTypePosition); } void Node::extractPartType(Substring &restOfGenotype) { auto itr = GENE_TO_SHAPETYPE.find(restOfGenotype.at(0)); if (itr == GENE_TO_SHAPETYPE.end()) throw fS_Exception("Invalid part type", restOfGenotype.start); partType = itr->second; restOfGenotype.startFrom(1); } vector getSeparatorPositions(const char *str, int len, char separator, char endSign, int &endIndex) { endIndex = -1; vector separators {-1}; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (str[i] == separator) separators.push_back(i); else if (str[i] == endSign) { endIndex = i; break; } } separators.push_back(endIndex); // End of string as last separator return separators; } void Node::extractNeurons(Substring &restOfGenotype) { if (restOfGenotype.len == 0 || restOfGenotype.at(0) != NEURON_START) return; const char *ns = restOfGenotype.c_str() + 1; int neuronsEndIndex; vector separators = getSeparatorPositions(ns, restOfGenotype.len, NEURON_SEPARATOR, NEURON_END, neuronsEndIndex); if(neuronsEndIndex == -1) throw fS_Exception("Lacking neuro end sign", restOfGenotype.start); for (int i = 0; i < int(separators.size()) - 1; i++) { int start = separators[i] + 1; int length = separators[i + 1] - start; fS_Neuron *newNeuron = new fS_Neuron(ns + start, restOfGenotype.start + start, length); neurons.push_back(newNeuron); } restOfGenotype.startFrom(neuronsEndIndex + 2); } void Node::extractParams(Substring &restOfGenotype) { if (restOfGenotype.len == 0 || restOfGenotype.at(0) != PARAM_START) return; const char *paramString = restOfGenotype.c_str() + 1; // Find the indexes of the parameter separators int paramsEndIndex; vector separators = getSeparatorPositions(paramString, restOfGenotype.len, PARAM_SEPARATOR, PARAM_END, paramsEndIndex); if(paramsEndIndex == -1) throw fS_Exception("Lacking param end sign", restOfGenotype.start); for (int i = 0; i < int(separators.size()) - 1; i++) { int start = separators[i] + 1; int length = separators[i + 1] - start; const char *buffer = paramString + start; // Find the index of key-value separator int separatorIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (buffer[i] == PARAM_KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR) { separatorIndex = i; break; } } if (-1 == separatorIndex) throw fS_Exception("Parameter separator expected", restOfGenotype.start); // Compute the value of parameter and assign it to the key int valueStartIndex = separatorIndex + 1; string key(buffer, separatorIndex); if(std::find(PARAMS.begin(), PARAMS.end(), key) == PARAMS.end()) throw fS_Exception("Invalid parameter key", restOfGenotype.start + start); const char *val = buffer + valueStartIndex; size_t len = length - valueStartIndex; double value = fS_stod(val, restOfGenotype.start + start + valueStartIndex, &len); if((key==SIZE_X || key==SIZE_Y || key==SIZE_Z) && value <= 0.0) throw fS_Exception("Invalid value of radius parameter", restOfGenotype.start + start + valueStartIndex); params[key] = value; } restOfGenotype.startFrom(paramsEndIndex + 2); } double Node::getParam(string key) { auto item = params.find(key); if (item != params.end()) return item->second; else return defaultParamValues.at(key); } double avg(double a, double b) { return 0.5 * (a + b); } double min3(Pt3D p) { double tmp = p.x; if (p.y < tmp) tmp = p.y; if (p.z < tmp) tmp = p.z; return tmp; } double max3(Pt3D p) { double tmp = p.x; if (p.y > tmp) tmp = p.y; if (p.z > tmp) tmp = p.z; return tmp; } double getSphereCoordinate(double dimension, double sphereDiameter, double index, int count) { if (count == 1) return 0; return (dimension - sphereDiameter) * (index / (count - 1) - 0.5); } Pt3D *findSphereCenters(int &sphereCount, double &sphereRadius, Pt3D radii, Pt3D rotations) { double sphereRelativeDistance = SPHERE_RELATIVE_DISTANCE; double minRadius = min3(radii); if(minRadius <= 0) throw fS_Exception("Invalid part size", 0); double maxRadius = max3(radii); if (MAX_DIAMETER_QUOTIENT > maxRadius / minRadius) sphereRadius = minRadius; else { // When max radius is much bigger than min radius sphereRelativeDistance = 1.0; // Make the spheres adjacent to speed up the computation sphereRadius = maxRadius / MAX_DIAMETER_QUOTIENT; } double sphereDiameter = 2 * sphereRadius; double *diameters = new double[3] {2 * radii.x, 2 * radii.y, 2 * radii.z}; int counts[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { counts[i] = 1; if (diameters[i] > sphereDiameter) counts[i] += ceil((diameters[i] - sphereDiameter) / sphereDiameter / sphereRelativeDistance); } sphereCount = counts[0] * counts[1] * counts[2]; double x, y, z; int totalCount = 0; Pt3D *centers = new Pt3D[sphereCount]; for (double xi = 0; xi < counts[0]; xi++) { x = getSphereCoordinate(diameters[0], sphereDiameter, xi, counts[0]); for (double yi = 0; yi < counts[1]; yi++) { y = getSphereCoordinate(diameters[1], sphereDiameter, yi, counts[1]); for (double zi = 0; zi < counts[2]; zi++) { z = getSphereCoordinate(diameters[2], sphereDiameter, zi, counts[2]); centers[totalCount] = Pt3D(x, y, z); rotateVector(centers[totalCount], rotations); totalCount++; } } } delete[] diameters; return centers; } int isCollision(Pt3D *centersParent, Pt3D *centers, int parentSphereCount, int sphereCount, Pt3D &vector, double distanceThreshold) { double upperThreshold = distanceThreshold; double lowerThreshold = SPHERE_DISTANCE_TOLERANCE * distanceThreshold; double distance; double dx, dy, dz; bool existsAdjacent = false; Pt3D *tmpPoint; for (int sc = 0; sc < sphereCount; sc++) { Pt3D shiftedSphere = Pt3D(centers[sc]); shiftedSphere += vector; for (int psc = 0; psc < parentSphereCount; psc++) { tmpPoint = ¢ersParent[psc]; dx = shiftedSphere.x - tmpPoint->x; dy = shiftedSphere.y - tmpPoint->y; dz = shiftedSphere.z - tmpPoint->z; distance = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz); if (distance <= upperThreshold) { if (distance >= lowerThreshold) existsAdjacent = true; else { return COLLISION; } } } } if (existsAdjacent) return ADJACENT; else return DISJOINT; } double getDistance(Pt3D radiiParent, Pt3D radii, Pt3D vector, Pt3D rotationParent, Pt3D rotation) { int parentSphereCount, sphereCount; double parentSphereRadius, sphereRadius; Pt3D *centersParent = findSphereCenters(parentSphereCount, parentSphereRadius, radiiParent, rotationParent); Pt3D *centers = findSphereCenters(sphereCount, sphereRadius, radii, rotation); double distanceThreshold = sphereRadius + parentSphereRadius; double minDistance = 0.0; double maxDistance = 2 * (max3(radiiParent) + max3(radii)); double currentDistance = avg(maxDistance, minDistance); int result = -1; while (result != ADJACENT) { Pt3D currentVector = vector * currentDistance; result = isCollision(centersParent, centers, parentSphereCount, sphereCount, currentVector, distanceThreshold); if (result == DISJOINT) { maxDistance = currentDistance; currentDistance = avg(currentDistance, minDistance); } else if (result == COLLISION) { minDistance = currentDistance; currentDistance = avg(maxDistance, currentDistance); } if (currentDistance > maxDistance) throw fS_Exception("Internal error; then maximal distance between parts exceeded.", 0); if (currentDistance < minDistance) throw fS_Exception("Internal error; the minimal distance between parts exceeded.", 0); } delete[] centersParent; delete[] centers; return round2(currentDistance); } void Node::getState(State *_state, const Pt3D &parentSize) { if (state != nullptr) delete state; if (parent == nullptr) state = _state; else state = new State(_state); // Update state by modifiers for (auto it = modifiers.begin(); it != modifiers.end(); ++it) { char mod = it->first; double multiplier = pow(MODIFIER_MULTIPLIER, it->second); if (mod == MODIFIERS[0]) state->ing *= multiplier; else if (mod == MODIFIERS[1]) state->fr *= multiplier; else if (mod == MODIFIERS[2]) state->s *= multiplier; } Pt3D size = calculateSize(); if (parent != nullptr) { // Rotate state->rotate(getVectorRotation()); double distance = getDistance(parentSize, size, state->v, getRotation(), getRotation()); state->addVector(distance); } for (int i = 0; i < int(children.size()); i++) children[i]->getState(state, size); } void Node::getChildren(Substring &restOfGenotype) { vector branches = getBranches(restOfGenotype); for (int i = 0; i < int(branches.size()); i++) { children.push_back(new Node(branches[i], modifierMode, paramMode, cycleMode, this)); } } vector Node::getBranches(Substring &restOfGenotype) { vector children; if (restOfGenotype.at(0) != BRANCH_START) { children.push_back(restOfGenotype); // Only one child return children; } int depth = 0; int start = 1; char c; const char *str = restOfGenotype.c_str(); for (int i = 0; i < restOfGenotype.len; i++) { if (depth < 0) throw fS_Exception("The number of branch start signs does not equal the number of branch end signs", restOfGenotype.start + i); c = str[i]; if (c == BRANCH_START) depth++; else if ((c == BRANCH_SEPARATOR && depth == 1) || i + 1 == restOfGenotype.len) { Substring substring(restOfGenotype); substring.startFrom(start); substring.len = i - start; children.push_back(substring); start = i + 1; } else if (c == BRANCH_END) depth--; } if (depth != 1) // T throw fS_Exception("The number of branch start signs does not equal the number of branch end signs", restOfGenotype.start); return children; } Pt3D Node::calculateSize() { double sizeMultiplier = getParam(SIZE) * state->s; double sx = getParam(SIZE_X) * sizeMultiplier; double sy = getParam(SIZE_Y) * sizeMultiplier; double sz = getParam(SIZE_Z) * sizeMultiplier; return Pt3D(sx, sy, sz); } double Node::calculateVolume() { double result; Pt3D size = calculateSize(); double radiiProduct = size.x * size.y * size.z; switch (partType) { case Part::Shape::SHAPE_CUBOID: result = 8.0 * radiiProduct; break; case Part::Shape::SHAPE_CYLINDER: result = 2.0 * M_PI * radiiProduct; break; case Part::Shape::SHAPE_ELLIPSOID: result = (4.0 / 3.0) * M_PI * radiiProduct; break; default: logMessage("fS", "calculateVolume", LOG_ERROR, "Invalid part type"); } return result; } bool Node::isPartSizeValid() { Pt3D size = calculateSize(); double volume = calculateVolume(); Part_MinMaxDef minP = Model::getMinPart(); Part_MinMaxDef maxP = Model::getMaxPart(); if (volume > maxP.volume || minP.volume > volume) return false; if (size.x < minP.scale.x || size.y < minP.scale.y || size.z < minP.scale.z) return false; if (size.x > maxP.scale.x || size.y > maxP.scale.y || size.z > maxP.scale.z) return false; if (partType == Part::Shape::SHAPE_ELLIPSOID && max3(size) != min3(size)) // When not all radii have different values return false; if (partType == Part::Shape::SHAPE_CYLINDER && size.x != size.y) // If base radii have different values return false; return true; } bool Node::hasPartSizeParam() { return params.count(SIZE_X) > 0 || params.count(SIZE_Y) > 0 || params.count(SIZE_Z) > 0; } Pt3D Node::getVectorRotation() { double rx = getParam(ROT_X); double ry = getParam(ROT_Y); double rz = getParam(ROT_Z); return Pt3D(rx, ry, rz); } Pt3D Node::getRotation() { double rx = getParam(RX); double ry = getParam(RY); double rz = getParam(RZ); return Pt3D(rx, ry, rz); } void Node::buildModel(Model &model, Node *parent) { createPart(); model.addPart(part); if (parent != nullptr) addJointsToModel(model, parent); for (int i = 0; i < int(neurons.size()); i++) { Neuro *neuro = new Neuro(*neurons[i]); model.addNeuro(neuro); if (neuro->getClass()->preflocation == 2 && parent != nullptr) { neuro->attachToJoint(model.getJoint(model.getJointCount() - 1)); } else neuro->attachToPart(part); } model.checkpoint(); part->addMapping(partDescription->toMultiRange()); for (int i = 0; i < int(children.size()); i++) { Node *child = children[i]; child->buildModel(model, this); } } void Node::createPart() { part = new Part(partType); part->p = Pt3D(round2(state->location.x), round2(state->location.y), round2(state->location.z)); part->friction = round2(getParam(FRICTION) * state->fr); part->ingest = round2(getParam(INGESTION) * state->ing); Pt3D size = calculateSize(); part->scale.x = round2(size.x); part->scale.y = round2(size.y); part->scale.z = round2(size.z); part->setRot(getRotation()); } void Node::addJointsToModel(Model &model, Node *parent) { Joint *j = new Joint(); j->attachToParts(parent->part, part); switch (joint) { case HINGE_X: j->shape = Joint::Shape::SHAPE_HINGE_X; break; case HINGE_XY: j->shape = Joint::Shape::SHAPE_HINGE_XY; break; default: j->shape = Joint::Shape::SHAPE_FIXED; } model.addJoint(j); j->addMapping(partDescription->toMultiRange()); } void Node::getGeno(SString &result) { if (joint != DEFAULT_JOINT) result += joint; for (auto it = modifiers.begin(); it != modifiers.end(); ++it) { char mod = it->first; int count = it->second; if(it->second < 0) { mod = tolower(mod); count = fabs(count); } result += std::string(count, mod).c_str(); } result += SHAPETYPE_TO_GENE.at(partType); if (!neurons.empty()) { // Add neurons to genotype string result += NEURON_START; for (int i = 0; i < int(neurons.size()); i++) { fS_Neuron *n = neurons[i]; if (i != 0) result += NEURON_SEPARATOR; if (n->getClassName() != "N") { result += n->getDetails(); if (!n->inputs.empty()) result += NEURON_INTERNAL_SEPARATOR; } for (auto it = n->inputs.begin(); it != n->inputs.end(); ++it) { if (it != n->inputs.begin()) result += NEURON_INTERNAL_SEPARATOR; result += SString::valueOf(it->first); if (it->second != DEFAULT_NEURO_CONNECTION_WEIGHT) { result += NEURON_I_W_SEPARATOR; result += SString::valueOf(it->second); } } } result += NEURON_END; } if (!params.empty()) { // Add parameters to genotype string result += PARAM_START; for (auto it = params.begin(); it != params.end(); ++it) { if (it != params.begin()) result += PARAM_SEPARATOR; result += it->first.c_str(); // Add parameter key to string result += PARAM_KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR; string value_text = std::to_string(it->second); // Round the value to two decimal places and add to string result += value_text.substr(0, value_text.find(".") + fS_Genotype::precision).c_str(); } result += PARAM_END; } if (children.size() == 1) children[0]->getGeno(result); else if (children.size() > 1) { result += BRANCH_START; for (int i = 0; i < int(children.size()) - 1; i++) { children[i]->getGeno(result); result += BRANCH_SEPARATOR; } children.back()->getGeno(result); result += BRANCH_END; } } bool Node::changeSizeParam(string paramKey, double multiplier, bool ensureCircleSection) { double oldValue = getParam(paramKey); params[paramKey] = oldValue * multiplier; if (!ensureCircleSection || isPartSizeValid()) return true; else { params[paramKey] = oldValue; return false; } } void Node::getAllNodes(vector &allNodes) { allNodes.push_back(this); for (int i = 0; i < int(children.size()); i++) children[i]->getAllNodes(allNodes); } int Node::getNodeCount() { vector allNodes; getAllNodes(allNodes); return allNodes.size(); } fS_Genotype::fS_Genotype(const string &genotype) { try { string geno = genotype.c_str(); // M - modifier mode, S - standard mode size_t modeSeparatorIndex = geno.find(':'); if (modeSeparatorIndex == string::npos) throw fS_Exception("No mode separator", 0); string modeStr = geno.substr(0, modeSeparatorIndex).c_str(); bool modifierMode = modeStr.find(MODIFIER_MODE) != string::npos; bool paramMode = modeStr.find(PARAM_MODE) != string::npos; bool cycleMode = modeStr.find(CYCLE_MODE) != string::npos; int actualGenoStart = modeSeparatorIndex + 1; Substring substring(geno.c_str(), actualGenoStart, geno.length() - actualGenoStart); startNode = new Node(substring, modifierMode, paramMode, cycleMode, nullptr); validateNeuroInputs(); } catch (fS_Exception &e) { delete startNode; throw e; } } fS_Genotype::~fS_Genotype() { delete startNode; } void fS_Genotype::getState() { State *initialState = new State(Pt3D(0), Pt3D(1, 0, 0)); startNode->getState(initialState, Pt3D(1.0)); } double fS_Genotype::randomParamMultiplier() { double multiplier = 1 + fabs(RndGen.GaussStd()); if (multiplier > PARAM_MAX_MULTIPLIER) multiplier = PARAM_MAX_MULTIPLIER; if (rndUint(2) == 0) multiplier = 1.0 / multiplier; return multiplier; } void fS_Genotype::buildModel(Model &model) { getState(); startNode->buildModel(model, nullptr); buildNeuroConnections(model); // Additional joints vector allNodes = getAllNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < int(allNodes.size()); i++) { Node *node = allNodes[i]; if (node->params.find(JOINT_DISTANCE) != node->params.end()) { Node *otherNode = getNearestNode(allNodes, node); if (otherNode != nullptr) { // If other node is close enough, add a joint double distance = node->state->location.distanceTo(otherNode->state->location); if (distance < node->params[JOINT_DISTANCE]) { Joint *joint = new Joint(); joint->attachToParts(node->part, otherNode->part); joint->shape = Joint::Shape::SHAPE_FIXED; model.addJoint(joint); } } } } } void fS_Genotype::buildNeuroConnections(Model &model) { // All the neurons are already created in the model vector allNeurons = getAllNeurons(); for (int i = 0; i < int(allNeurons.size()); i++) { fS_Neuron *neuron = allNeurons[i]; Neuro *modelNeuro = model.getNeuro(i); for (auto it = neuron->inputs.begin(); it != neuron->inputs.end(); ++it) { Neuro *inputNeuro = model.getNeuro(it->first); modelNeuro->addInput(inputNeuro, it->second); } } } Node *fS_Genotype::getNearestNode(vector allNodes, Node *node) { Node *result = nullptr; double minDistance = DBL_MAX, distance = DBL_MAX; for (int i = 0; i < int(allNodes.size()); i++) { Node *otherNode = allNodes[i]; auto v = node->children; if (otherNode != node && find(v.begin(), v.end(), otherNode) == v.end()) { // Not the same node and not a child distance = node->state->location.distanceTo(otherNode->state->location); if (distance < minDistance) { minDistance = distance; result = otherNode; } } } return result; } SString fS_Genotype::getGeno() { SString geno; geno.memoryHint(100); // Provide a small buffer from the start to improve performance if (startNode->modifierMode) geno += MODIFIER_MODE; if (startNode->paramMode) geno += PARAM_MODE; if (startNode->cycleMode) geno += CYCLE_MODE; geno += ':'; startNode->getGeno(geno); return geno; } vector fS_Genotype::extractNeurons(Node *node) { vector allNodes; node->getAllNodes(allNodes); vector allNeurons; for (int i = 0; i < int(allNodes.size()); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < int(allNodes[i]->neurons.size()); j++) { allNeurons.push_back(allNodes[i]->neurons[j]); } } return allNeurons; } int fS_Genotype::getNeuronIndex(vector neurons, fS_Neuron *changedNeuron) { int neuronIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < int(neurons.size()); i++) { if (changedNeuron == neurons[i]) { neuronIndex = i; break; } } return neuronIndex; } void fS_Genotype::shiftNeuroConnections(vector &neurons, int start, int end, SHIFT shift) { if (start == -1 || end == -1) return; int shiftValue = end - start + 1; if (shift == SHIFT::LEFT) shiftValue *= -1; for (int i = 0; i < int(neurons.size()); i++) { fS_Neuron *n = neurons[i]; std::map newInputs; for (auto it = n->inputs.begin(); it != n->inputs.end(); ++it) { if (start > it->first) newInputs[it->first] = it->second; else if (it->first >= start) { if (end >= it->first) { if (shift == SHIFT::RIGHT) newInputs[it->first + shiftValue] = it->second; // If shift == -1, just delete the input } else if (it->first > end) newInputs[it->first + shiftValue] = it->second; } } n->inputs = newInputs; } } vector fS_Genotype::getAllNodes() { vector allNodes; startNode->getAllNodes(allNodes); return allNodes; } vector fS_Genotype::getAllNeurons() { return extractNeurons(startNode); } Node *fS_Genotype::chooseNode(int fromIndex) { vector allNodes = getAllNodes(); return allNodes[fromIndex + rndUint(allNodes.size() - fromIndex)]; } int fS_Genotype::getNodeCount() { return startNode->getNodeCount(); } int fS_Genotype::checkValidityOfPartSizes() { getState(); vector nodes = getAllNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < int(nodes.size()); i++) { if (!nodes[i]->isPartSizeValid()) { return nodes[i]->partDescription->start; } } return 0; } void fS_Genotype::validateNeuroInputs() { // Validate neuro input numbers vector allNeurons = getAllNeurons(); int allNeuronsSize = allNeurons.size(); for(int i=0; iinputs.begin(); it != n->inputs.end(); ++it) { if (it->first < 0 || it->first >= allNeuronsSize) throw fS_Exception("Invalid neuron input", 0); } } } void fS_Genotype::rearrangeNeuronConnections(fS_Neuron *changedNeuron, SHIFT shift) { vector neurons = getAllNeurons(); int changedNeuronIndex = getNeuronIndex(neurons, changedNeuron); shiftNeuroConnections(neurons, changedNeuronIndex, changedNeuronIndex, shift); }