// This file is a part of Framsticks SDK. http://www.framsticks.com/ // Copyright (C) 1999-2018 Maciej Komosinski and Szymon Ulatowski. // See LICENSE.txt for details. #include #include #include "fL_general.h" #include #include const char *fL_part_names[FL_PART_PROPS_COUNT] = { "dn", "fr", "ing", "as" }; const char *fL_part_fullnames[FL_PART_PROPS_COUNT] = { "details", "friction", "ingestion", "assimilation" }; const char *fL_joint_names[FL_JOINT_PROPS_COUNT] = { "stif", "rotstif", "stam" }; const char *fL_joint_fullnames[FL_JOINT_PROPS_COUNT] = { "stiffness", "rotation stiffness", "stamina" }; #define FIELDSTRUCT fL_Word ParamEntry fL_word_paramtab[] = { { "Word", 1, 2, "w" }, { "name", 0, PARAM_CANOMITNAME, "word name", "s", FIELD(name), }, { "npar", 0, PARAM_CANOMITNAME, "number of parameters", "d 0 " FL_MAXPARAMS " 0", FIELD(npar), }, { 0, 0, 0, } }; #undef FIELDSTRUCT #define FIELDSTRUCT fL_Rule ParamEntry fL_rule_paramtab[] = { { "Rule", 1, 3, "r" }, { "pred", 0, 0, "predecessor", "s", FIELD(predecessor), }, { "cond", 0, 0, "parameter condition", "s", FIELD(condition), }, { "succ", 0, 0, "successor", "s", FIELD(successor), }, { 0, 0, 0, } }; #undef FIELDSTRUCT #define FIELDSTRUCT fL_Builder ParamEntry fL_builder_paramtab[] = { {"LSystemInfo", 1, 4, "i"}, {"axiom", 0, 0, "starting sequence of L-System", "s", FIELD(axiom),}, {"time", 0, PARAM_CANOMITNAME, "development time", "f 0.0 " FL_MAXITER " 1.0", FIELD(time),}, {"numckp", 0, PARAM_CANOMITNAME, "number of checkpoints", "d 1 50 1", FIELD(numckp),}, {"maxwords", 0, PARAM_CANOMITNAME, "Maximum number of words within genotype sequence", "d -1 9999 -1", FIELD(maxwords),}, {0,0,0,} }; #undef FIELDSTRUCT fL_Builder::~fL_Builder() { // first remove words from builder for (fL_Word *word : genotype) { delete word; } genotype.clear(); // remove rules from builder for (fL_Rule *rule : rules) { delete rule; } rules.clear(); // remove words definitions with their ParamTabs std::unordered_map::iterator it; for (it = words.begin(); it != words.end(); it++) { ParamObject::freeParamTab(it->second->tab); delete it->second; } words.clear(); } bool fL_Builder::getNextObject(int &pos, const SString &src, SString &token) { // if position exceeds length then return false if (pos >= src.len()) return false; int opencount = -1; int i = pos; for (; i < src.len(); i++) { // token cannot contain branching parenthesis if (src[i] == '[' || src[i] == ']') { // if token started - return parenthesis mismatch if (opencount != -1) { pos = -1; return false; } // otherwise [ and ] are interpreted as tokens and they do not have parenthesis token = src.substr(pos, i + 1 - pos); pos = i + 1; return true; } // every word, except [ and ], has () parenthesis // every open parenthesis increment opencount counter; if (src[i] == '(') { if (opencount == -1) opencount = 1; else opencount++; } // every close parenthesis decrement opencount counter else if (src[i] == ')') { // if there were no open parenthesis, return parenthesis mismatch if (opencount == -1) { pos = -1; return false; } else opencount--; } // if counter reaches 0, the token extraction is finished if (opencount == 0) { break; } } if (opencount == 0) { token = src.substr(pos, i + 1 - pos); pos = i + 1; return true; } // if there was no closing parenthesis, then return parenthesis mismatch pos = -1; return false; } std::string fL_Builder::trimSpaces(const std::string& data) { size_t first = data.find_first_not_of(' '); if (std::string::npos == first) { return data; } size_t last = data.find_last_not_of(' '); return data.substr(first, (last - first + 1)); } int fL_Builder::createWord(const SString &token, fL_Word *&word, int numparams, int begin, int end) { SString wordn; int tokpos = 0; // if word name cannot be extracted, then return error if (!token.getNextToken(tokpos, wordn, '(')) { return 1; } std::string wordname = fL_Builder::trimSpaces(wordn.c_str()); // if word cannot be found in available words, then return error if (words.find(wordname) == words.end()) { SString message = "Word '"; message += wordname.c_str(); message += "' in sequence does not exist"; logMessage("fL_Builder", "createWord", LOG_ERROR, message.c_str()); return 1; } if (word) delete word; // create new word and assign parameters word = new fL_Word(false, begin, end); *word = *words[wordname]; SString temp; temp = token.substr(tokpos); temp = temp.substr(0, temp.len() - 1); // if word has parameters if (word->npar > 0) { // create ParamObject that will hold parameter data word->data = ParamObject::makeObject(word->tab); Param par(word->tab); par.select(word->data); par.setDefault(); ParamInterface::LoadOptions opts; // load parameters from string par.load(ParamInterface::FormatSingleLine, temp, &opts); for (int i = 0; i < par.getPropCount(); i++) { SString t(par.id(i)); if (word->builtin && (t == SString("d") || t == SString(FL_PE_CONN_ATTR))) { word->parevals.push_back(NULL); } else { // create MathEvaluation object to check if string contained by // parameter is valid double tmp; MathEvaluation *eval = NULL; SString seq = par.getString(i); // if string is empty, then evaluate this with 0 // if sequence could not be evaluated, then return error if (seq.len() > 0) { eval = new MathEvaluation(numparams); if (eval->evaluate(seq.c_str(), tmp) != 0) { SString message = "Word in sequence has invalid parameter: "; message += temp; logMessage("fL_Builder", "createWord", LOG_ERROR, message.c_str()); delete eval; delete word; word = NULL; return 1; } } word->parevals.push_back(eval); } } } else if (word->npar == 0 && temp.len() > 0) { SString message = "Too many parameters for word: "; message += token; logMessage("fL_Builder", "createWord", LOG_ERROR, message.c_str()); delete word; word = NULL; return 1; } return 0; } int fL_Builder::tokenize(const SString &sequence, std::list &result, int numparams, int begin, int end) { int pos = 0; SString token; int branchcount = 0; if (result.size() > 0) { for (fL_Word *word : result) { delete word; } result.clear(); } // iterate through available tokens while (getNextObject(pos, sequence, token)) { // if token is of open branch type, then add start of branch if (token.indexOf("[", 0) != -1) { fL_Branch *word = new fL_Branch(fL_Branch::BranchType::OPEN, begin, end); result.push_back(word); branchcount++; continue; } // if token is of closed branch type, then add end of branch if (token.indexOf("]", 0) != -1) { if (branchcount == 0) { SString message = "Branch parenthesis mismatch at: "; message += sequence; logMessage("fL_Builder", "tokenize", LOG_ERROR, message.c_str()); return 1; } fL_Branch *word = new fL_Branch(fL_Branch::BranchType::CLOSE, begin, end); result.push_back(word); branchcount--; continue; } fL_Word *word = NULL; if (createWord(token, word, numparams, begin, end) != 0) { SString message = "Error during parsing words sequence: "; message += sequence; logMessage("fL_Builder", "tokenize", LOG_ERROR, message.c_str()); return 1; } if (word->name == "C") { Param par(word->tab, word->data); SString attr = par.getStringById(FL_PE_CONN_ATTR); if (attr.indexOf("$t", 0) != -1) { logMessage("fL_Builder", "tokenize", LOG_ERROR, "Attractor definition cannot contain time variable"); delete word; return 1; } if (attr != "") { fL_Word *attrword = NULL; if (createWord(attr, attrword, numparams, begin, end) != 0) { SString message = "Error during parsing attractor word: "; message += attr; logMessage("fL_Builder", "tokenize", LOG_ERROR, message.c_str()); delete word; if (attrword) delete attrword; return 1; } if (attrword->builtin) { logMessage("fL_Builder", "tokenize", LOG_ERROR, "Attractor words cannot be built-in"); delete word; delete attrword; return 1; } delete attrword; } } result.push_back(word); } // check if there were no parenthesis errors in genotype if (pos == -1) { SString message = "Parenthesis mismatch at: "; message += sequence; logMessage("fL_Builder", "tokenize", LOG_ERROR, message.c_str()); return 1; } if (branchcount != 0) { SString message = "Branching mismatch at: "; message += sequence; logMessage("fL_Builder", "tokenize", LOG_ERROR, message.c_str()); return 1; } return 0; } void fL_Word::operator=(const fL_Word& src) { if (&src != this) { name = src.name; npar = src.npar; //mut = src.mut; tab = src.tab; parevals = src.parevals; builtin = src.builtin; data = NULL; // properties cannot be copied } } int fL_Word::processDefinition(fL_Builder *builder) { // if word already exist, then return error if (this->name.len() == 0) { logMessage("fL_Word", "processDefinition", LOG_ERROR, "Axiom name is empty"); return 1; } if (builder->words.find(this->name.c_str()) != builder->words.end()) { std::string message = "Word redefinition: "; message += this->name.c_str(); logMessage("fL_Word", "processDefinition", LOG_ERROR, message.c_str()); return 1; } // create ParamTab for word for (int i = 0; i < npar; i++) { std::string n = "n"; n += std::to_string(i); mut.addProperty(NULL, n.c_str(), LSYSTEM_PARAM_TYPE, n.c_str(), "", PARAM_CANOMITNAME, 0, -1); } tab = ParamObject::makeParamTab((ParamInterface *)&mut, 0, 0, mut.firstMutableIndex()); builder->words[this->name.c_str()] = this; builder->wordnames.push_back(this->name.c_str()); return 0; } int fL_Rule::processDefinition(fL_Builder *builder) { // if there is no word among words that matches predecessor, then return error if (builder->words.find(predecessor.c_str()) == builder->words.end()) { logMessage("fL_Rule", "processDefinition", LOG_ERROR, "Word in Rule condition does not exist"); return 1; } objpred = new fL_Word(); *objpred = *builder->words[predecessor.c_str()]; if (objpred->builtin) { logMessage("fL_Rule", "processDefinition", LOG_ERROR, "Builtin words cannot be predecessors"); return 1; } // parse condition if (condition != "") { if (objpred->builtin && (objpred->name == "N" || objpred->name == "C")) { logMessage("fL_Rule", "processDefinition", LOG_ERROR, "Rules with neuron/connection word predecessors cannot contain conditions"); return 1; } std::string cond = condition.c_str(); condeval = new MathEvaluation(objpred->npar); double tmp; if (condeval->evaluate(condition.c_str(), tmp) != 0) { SString message = "Parametric condition of rule invalid: "; message += condition; logMessage("fL_Rule", "processDefinition", LOG_ERROR, message.c_str()); return 1; } } // parse successor if (successor == "") { logMessage("fL_Rule", "processDefinition", LOG_ERROR, "Successor cannot be empty"); return 1; } if (builder->tokenize(successor, objsucc, objpred->npar, begin, end) != 0) { logMessage("fL_Rule", "processDefinition", LOG_ERROR, "Unable to process successor sequence"); return 1; } builder->rules.push_back(this); return 0; } int fL_Builder::processDefinition(fL_Builder *builder) { // tokenize axiom if (tokenize(axiom, genotype, 0, begin, end) != 0) { logMessage("fL_Builder", "processDefinition", LOG_ERROR, "Unable to process axiom sequence"); return 1; } else if (genotype.size() == 0) { logMessage("fL_Builder", "processDefinition", LOG_ERROR, "Axiom sequence is empty"); return 1; } return 0; } int fL_Builder::processLine(fLElementType type, const SString &line, fL_Element *&obj, int linenumber, int begin, int end) { ParamEntry *tab; // choose proper ParamTab and construct proper object switch (type) { case fLElementType::TERM: { tab = fL_word_paramtab; obj = new fL_Word(); break; } case fLElementType::INFO: { tab = fL_builder_paramtab; obj = this; break; } case fLElementType::RULE: { tab = fL_rule_paramtab; obj = new fL_Rule(begin, end); break; } default: break; } Param par(tab); par.select(obj); par.setDefault(); ParamInterface::LoadOptions opts; par.load(ParamInterface::FormatSingleLine, line, &opts); if (opts.parse_failed) { std::string message = "Error in parsing parameters at line: " + std::to_string(linenumber); logMessage("fL_Builder", "processLine", LOG_ERROR, message.c_str()); if (obj != this) delete obj; return begin + 1; } return 0; } void fL_Builder::addModelWords() { // stick S fL_Word *stick = new fL_Word(true); stick->name = "S"; stick->npar = 8; for (int i = 0; i < FL_PART_PROPS_COUNT; i++) { stick->mut.addProperty(NULL, fL_part_names[i], "s", fL_part_fullnames[i], fL_part_fullnames[i], PARAM_CANOMITNAME, 0, -1); } for (int i = 0; i < FL_JOINT_PROPS_COUNT; i++) { stick->mut.addProperty(NULL, fL_joint_names[i], "s", fL_joint_fullnames[i], fL_joint_fullnames[i], PARAM_CANOMITNAME, 0, -1); } stick->mut.addProperty(NULL, "l", "s", "length", "length", PARAM_CANOMITNAME, 0, -1); stick->tab = ParamObject::makeParamTab((ParamInterface *)&stick->mut, 0, 0, stick->mut.firstMutableIndex()); words["S"] = stick; wordnames.push_back("S"); // neuron N fL_Word *neuron = new fL_Word(true); neuron->name = "N"; neuron->npar = 1; neuron->mut.addProperty(NULL, "d", "s", "details", "details", 0, 0, -1); neuron->tab = ParamObject::makeParamTab((ParamInterface *)&neuron->mut, 0, 0, neuron->mut.firstMutableIndex()); words["N"] = neuron; wordnames.push_back("N"); // connection C fL_Word *connection = new fL_Word(true); connection->name = "C"; connection->npar = 2; connection->mut.addProperty(NULL, FL_PE_CONN_WEIGHT, "s", "weight", "weight", PARAM_CANOMITNAME, 0, -1); connection->mut.addProperty(NULL, FL_PE_CONN_ATTR, "s", "attractor", "connection attractor", PARAM_CANOMITNAME, 0, -1); connection->tab = ParamObject::makeParamTab((ParamInterface *)&connection->mut, 0, 0, connection->mut.firstMutableIndex()); words["C"] = connection; wordnames.push_back("C"); // rotation objects fL_Word *rotx = new fL_Word(true); rotx->name = "rotX"; rotx->npar = 1; rotx->processDefinition(this); fL_Word *roty = new fL_Word(true); roty->name = "rotY"; roty->npar = 1; roty->processDefinition(this); fL_Word *rotz = new fL_Word(true); rotz->name = "rotZ"; rotz->npar = 1; rotz->processDefinition(this); //fL_Branch *branch = new fL_Branch(fL_Branch::BranchType::OPEN, 0, 0); //branch->processDefinition(this); builtincount = words.size(); } int fL_Builder::parseGenotype(const SString &genotype) { int pos = 0; int lastpos = 0; SString line; int linenumber = 0; fLElementType type = fLElementType::TERM; // add default words first to prevent redefinitions addModelWords(); while (genotype.getNextToken(pos, line, '\n')) { if (line.len() > 0) { // words can be defined in the beginning of genotype if (line.startsWith("w:") && type != fLElementType::TERM) { logMessage("fL_Builder", "parseGenotype", LOG_ERROR, "All words should be defined in the beginning of genotype"); return lastpos + 1; } else if (line.startsWith("i:")) { // after all words are defined, next definition should be information if (type == fLElementType::TERM) { type = fLElementType::INFO; } else { logMessage("fL_Builder", "parseGenotype", LOG_ERROR, "Axioms and iteration number should be defined after word definitions"); return lastpos + 1; } } else if (line.startsWith("r:")) { // after information definition, the last thing is rule definitions if (type == fLElementType::TERM) { logMessage("fL_Builder", "parseGenotype", LOG_ERROR, "Axiom is not defined - define it after words definition"); return lastpos + 1; } else if (type == fLElementType::INFO) { type = fLElementType::RULE; } } // create object fL_Element *obj = NULL; int res = processLine(type, line.substr(2), obj, linenumber, lastpos, pos - 1); if (res != 0) { if (obj && obj != this) delete obj; return res; } if (obj == this) { begin = lastpos; end = pos - 1; } res = obj->processDefinition(this); if (res != 0) { if (obj && obj != this) delete obj; return res; } } lastpos = pos; } if (type == fLElementType::TERM) { logMessage("fL_Builder", "parseGenotype", LOG_ERROR, "Info line was not declared"); return 1; } return 0; } int fL_Word::saveEvals(bool keepformulas) { if (npar > 0) { Param par(tab); par.select(data); for (int i = 0; i < npar; i++) { SString t(par.id(i)); if (parevals[i] != NULL) { double val; if (parevals[i]->evaluateRPN(val) != 0) { logMessage("fL_Word", "saveEvals", LOG_ERROR, "Could not stringify mathematical expression in Word"); return 1; } if (val == 0) { par.setString(i, ""); } else { if (keepformulas) { std::string res; if (parevals[i]->RPNToInfix(res) != 0) { logMessage("fL_Word", "saveEvals", LOG_ERROR, "Could not stringify mathematical expression in Word"); return 1; } par.setString(i, res.c_str()); } else { SString r = SString::valueOf(val); par.setString(i, r); } } } } } return 0; } // Methods for converting L-System objects to string SString fL_Word::toString() { Param par(fL_word_paramtab); fL_Word *obj = new fL_Word(); par.select(this); SString res; par.saveSingleLine(res, obj, true, false); res = SString("w:") + res; delete obj; return res; } SString fL_Word::stringify(bool keepformulas) { SString res = name; SString params = ""; if (npar > 0) { saveEvals(keepformulas); Param par(tab); void *obj = ParamObject::makeObject(tab); par.select(obj); par.setDefault(); par.select(data); par.saveSingleLine(params, obj, false, false); ParamObject::freeObject(obj); } res += "("; res += params + ")"; return res; } SString fL_Rule::toString() { predecessor = objpred->name; std::string tmp; if (condeval) { condeval->RPNToInfix(tmp); condition = tmp.c_str(); } else { condition = ""; } successor = ""; std::list::iterator i; for (i = objsucc.begin(); i != objsucc.end(); i++) { successor += (*i)->stringify(); } Param par(fL_rule_paramtab); fL_Rule *obj = new fL_Rule(0, 0); par.select(this); SString res; par.saveSingleLine(res, obj, true, false); res = SString("r:") + res; delete obj; return res; } SString fL_Builder::getStringifiedProducts() { axiom = ""; std::list::iterator i; for (i = genotype.begin(); i != genotype.end(); i++) { axiom += (*i)->stringify(false); } return axiom; } SString fL_Builder::toString() { SString res; for (std::unordered_map::iterator it = words.begin(); it != words.end(); it++) { if (!it->second->builtin) { res += it->second->toString(); } } getStringifiedProducts(); removeRedundantRules(); Param par(fL_builder_paramtab); fL_Builder *obj = new fL_Builder(); par.select(this); SString tmp; par.saveSingleLine(tmp, obj, true, false); res += SString("i:") + tmp; delete obj; for (fL_Rule * rule : rules) { res += rule->toString(); } return res; } int fL_Rule::deploy(fL_Builder *builder, fL_Word *in, std::list::iterator &it, double currtime) { // if predecessor and given word differ, then rule is not applicable if (in->name != objpred->name || in->npar != objpred->npar) { return 1; } // store predecessor values in separate array double *inwordvalues = new double[in->npar]; for (int i = 0; i < in->npar; i++) { if (in->parevals[i] != NULL) { in->parevals[i]->modifyVariable(-1, currtime == in->creationiter + 1.0 ? 1.0 : currtime - floor(currtime)); in->parevals[i]->evaluateRPN(inwordvalues[i]); } else { inwordvalues[i] = 0; } } // if condition exists if (condeval) { // check if condition is satisfied. If not, rule is not applicable for (int i = 0; i < in->npar; i++) { condeval->modifyVariable(i, inwordvalues[i]); } double condvalue; condeval->evaluateRPN(condvalue); if (condvalue == 0) { delete[] inwordvalues; return 1; } } // remove predecessor word from genotype and replace it with successor it = builder->genotype.erase(it); for (std::list::iterator word = objsucc.begin(); word != objsucc.end(); word++) { // create new word and copy properties from word definition fL_Word *nword = new fL_Word(false, begin, end); *nword = **word; // store information about when word has been created nword->creationiter = currtime; nword->parevals.clear(); if (nword->npar > 0) { nword->data = ParamObject::makeObject(nword->tab); } // calculate word parameters and store MathEvaluation objects for further // time manipulations. Param par((*word)->tab, (*word)->data); Param npar(nword->tab, nword->data); for (int q = 0; q < nword->npar; q++) { if ((*word)->parevals[q] == NULL) { if ((*word)->builtin && (strcmp(npar.id(q), "d") == 0)) { SString t = par.getString(q); npar.setString(q, t); nword->parevals.push_back(NULL); } if ((*word)->builtin && (strcmp(npar.id(q), FL_PE_CONN_ATTR) == 0)) { SString t = par.getString(q); if (t.len() > 0) { fL_Word *attrword = NULL; builder->createWord(t, attrword, in->npar, begin, end); for (int j = 0; j < attrword->npar; j++) { if (attrword->parevals[j]) { for (int i = 0; i < in->npar; i++) { attrword->parevals[j]->modifyVariable(i, inwordvalues[i]); } } } SString res = attrword->stringify(false); npar.setString(q, res); nword->parevals.push_back(NULL); delete attrword; } } else { //MathEvaluation *ev = new MathEvaluation(0); //ev->convertString("0"); //nword->parevals.push_back(ev); nword->parevals.push_back(NULL); } } else { std::string tmp; (*word)->parevals[q]->RPNToInfix(tmp); MathEvaluation *ev = new MathEvaluation(in->npar); for (int i = 0; i < in->npar; i++) { ev->modifyVariable(i, inwordvalues[i]); } ev->modifyVariable(-1, currtime == (*word)->creationiter + 1.0 ? 1.0 : currtime - floor(currtime)); ev->convertString(tmp); nword->parevals.push_back(ev); } } builder->genotype.insert(it, nword); } delete[] inwordvalues; delete in; return 0; } int fL_Builder::iterate(double currtime) { // deploy proper rules for all words in current genotype std::list::iterator word = genotype.begin(); while (word != genotype.end()) { bool deployed = false; for (fL_Rule * rule : rules) { if (rule->deploy(this, (*word), word, currtime) == 0) { deployed = true; break; } } if (!deployed) word++; } return 0; } int fL_Builder::alterTimedProperties(double currtime) { // alter parameters of all words, if they are time-dependent std::list::iterator word = genotype.begin(); while (word != genotype.end()) { if (currtime - (*word)->creationiter <= 1.0) { for (MathEvaluation *ev : (*word)->parevals) { if (ev) ev->modifyVariable(-1, currtime == (*word)->creationiter + 1.0 ? 1.0 : currtime - floor(currtime)); } } word++; } return 0; } int fL_Builder::alterPartProperties(Part *part, fL_Word *stickword, double &alterationcount) { Param par(stickword->tab, stickword->data); Param ppar = part->properties(); for (int i = 0; i < FL_PART_PROPS_COUNT; i++) { double mn, mx, df; ppar.getMinMaxDouble(ppar.findId(fL_part_names[i]), mn, mx, df); double currval; if (!stickword->parevals[i]) { currval = df; } else { stickword->parevals[i]->evaluateRPN(currval); currval = sigmoidTransform(currval, mn, mx); } double partprop = (ppar.getDoubleById(fL_part_names[i]) * alterationcount + currval) / (alterationcount + 1.0); ppar.setDoubleById(fL_part_names[i], partprop); } return 0; } double fL_Word::distance(fL_Word *right) { if (name != right->name || npar != right->npar) { return -1; } double distance = 0; for (int i = 0; i < npar; i++) { double l = 0; double r = 0; if (parevals[i]) parevals[i]->evaluateRPN(l); if (right->parevals[i]) right->parevals[i]->evaluateRPN(r); distance += (l - r) * (l - r); } return sqrt(distance); } Neuro *fL_Builder::findInputNeuron(std::pair::iterator, Neuro *> currneu, fL_Word *attractor) { if (!attractor) { std::list::reverse_iterator riter(currneu.first); std::list::iterator iter(currneu.first); iter++; while (riter != genotype.rend() || iter != genotype.end()) { if (iter != genotype.end()) { if ((*iter)->name == "N" && (*iter)->bodyelementpointer != currneu.second) { return (Neuro *)(*iter)->bodyelementpointer; } iter++; } if (riter != genotype.rend()) { if ((*riter)->name == "N" && (*riter)->bodyelementpointer != currneu.second) { return (Neuro *)(*riter)->bodyelementpointer; } riter++; } } return NULL; } else { double mindistance = -1; std::list::iterator minit = genotype.end(); for (std::list::iterator it = genotype.begin(); it != genotype.end(); it++) { double currdist = attractor->distance((*it)); if (currdist != -1 && (currdist < mindistance || mindistance == -1)) { mindistance = currdist; minit = it; } } if (minit != genotype.end()) { for (; minit != genotype.end(); minit++) { if ((*minit)->name == "N" && (*minit)->bodyelementpointer) { Neuro *n = (Neuro *)(*minit)->bodyelementpointer; if (n->getClass()->getPreferredOutput() != 0) { return n; } } } } } return NULL; } double fL_Builder::sigmoidTransform(double input, double mn, double mx) { return mn + (mx - mn) * (1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-input))); } int fL_Builder::buildModelFromSequence(Model *model) { fL_State currstate; std::unordered_map counters; std::stack statestack; std::vector::iterator, Neuro *>> connsbuffer; Part *firstpart = NULL; for (std::list::iterator w = genotype.begin(); w != genotype.end(); w++) { fL_Word *word = (*w); if (word->builtin) { if (word->name == "S") { if (!currstate.currpart) { if (!firstpart) { firstpart = new Part(); firstpart->p = Pt3D_0; counters[firstpart] = 0; model->addPart(firstpart); if (using_mapping) firstpart->addMapping(IRange(word->begin, word->end)); } currstate.currpart = firstpart; } if (alterPartProperties(currstate.currpart, word, counters[currstate.currpart]) != 0) { return 1; } counters[currstate.currpart] += 1; Part *newpart = new Part(); counters[newpart] = 0; if (alterPartProperties(newpart, word, counters[newpart]) != 0) { delete newpart; return 1; } Param par(word->tab, word->data); double length; if (!word->parevals[FL_PART_PROPS_COUNT + FL_JOINT_PROPS_COUNT]) { length = FL_DEFAULT_LENGTH; // default length value } else { double parsedval = 0.0; if (word->parevals[FL_PART_PROPS_COUNT + FL_JOINT_PROPS_COUNT]->evaluateRPN(parsedval) != 0) { delete newpart; logMessage("fL_Builder", "developModel", LOG_ERROR, "Error parsing word parameter"); return 1; } length = sigmoidTransform(parsedval, FL_MINIMAL_LENGTH, FL_MAXIMAL_LENGTH); } newpart->p = currstate.currpart->p + currstate.direction * length; counters[newpart] += 1; model->addPart(newpart); if (using_mapping) newpart->addMapping(IRange(word->begin, word->end)); Joint *newjoint = new Joint(); newjoint->attachToParts(currstate.currpart, newpart); Param jpar = newjoint->properties(); for (int i = 0; i < FL_JOINT_PROPS_COUNT; i++) { double mn, mx, df; jpar.getMinMaxDouble(jpar.findId(fL_joint_names[i]), mn, mx, df); double jointprop; if (!word->parevals[FL_PART_PROPS_COUNT + i]) { jointprop = df; // assign default value } else { if (word->parevals[FL_PART_PROPS_COUNT + i]->evaluateRPN(jointprop) != 0) { logMessage("fL_Builder", "developModel", LOG_ERROR, "Error parsing word parameter"); delete newjoint; return 1; } jointprop = sigmoidTransform(jointprop, mn, mx); } jpar.setDoubleById(fL_joint_names[i], jointprop); } model->addJoint(newjoint); if (using_mapping) newjoint->addMapping(IRange(word->begin, word->end)); currstate.currpart = newpart; } else if (word->name == "N") { Param npar(word->tab, word->data); Neuro *neu = new Neuro(); SString details = npar.getStringById("d"); if (details == "") { details = "N"; } neu->setDetails(details); if (!neu->getClass()) { logMessage("fL_Builder", "developModel", LOG_ERROR, "Error parsing neuron class"); delete neu; return 1; } model->addNeuro(neu); if (using_mapping) neu->addMapping(IRange(word->begin, word->end)); if (neu->getClass()->getPreferredInputs() != 0) { currstate.currneuron = neu; } word->bodyelementpointer = neu; } else if (word->name == "C") { connsbuffer.push_back({w, currstate.currneuron}); } else if (word->name.startsWith("rot")) { Orient rotmatrix = Orient_1; double rot; if (!word->parevals[0]) { rot = 0; } else if (word->parevals[0]->evaluateRPN(rot) != 0) { logMessage("fL_Builder", "developModel", LOG_ERROR, "Error parsing rotation word"); return 1; } rot = sigmoidTransform(rot, -M_PI, M_PI); if (word->name == "rotX") { rotmatrix.rotate(Pt3D(rot,0,0)); } else if (word->name == "rotY") { rotmatrix.rotate(Pt3D(0,rot,0)); } else if (word->name == "rotZ") { rotmatrix.rotate(Pt3D(0,0,rot)); } currstate.direction = rotmatrix.transform(currstate.direction); currstate.direction.normalize(); } else if (word->name == "[") { statestack.push(currstate); } else if (word->name == "]") { currstate = statestack.top(); statestack.pop(); } } } // connections need // std::pair::iterator, Neuro *> conndata : connsbuffer for (unsigned int i = 0; i < connsbuffer.size(); i++) { if (connsbuffer[i].second == NULL || (connsbuffer[i].second->getClass()->getPreferredInputs() != -1 && connsbuffer[i].second->getInputCount() >= connsbuffer[i].second->getClass()->getPreferredInputs())) { // since connections are separated entities from neurons, it may happen // that there will be no neuron to connect to // logMessage("fL_Builder", "developModel", LOG_DEBUG, "Connection could not be established"); } else { Param par((*connsbuffer[i].first)->tab, (*connsbuffer[i].first)->data); SString attr = par.getStringById(FL_PE_CONN_ATTR); fL_Word *attractor = NULL; if (attr.len() > 0) { createWord(attr, attractor, 0, (*connsbuffer[i].first)->begin, (*connsbuffer[i].first)->end); } Neuro *neu = findInputNeuron(connsbuffer[i], attractor); double weight = 0.0; if ((*connsbuffer[i].first)->parevals[0]) { if ((*connsbuffer[i].first)->parevals[0]->evaluateRPN(weight) != 0) { logMessage("fL_Builder", "developModel", LOG_ERROR, "Error parsing word parameter"); delete attractor; return 1; } } if (neu) { connsbuffer[i].second->addInput(neu, weight); if (using_mapping) neu->addMapping( IRange((*connsbuffer[i].first)->begin, (*connsbuffer[i].first)->end)); } else { connsbuffer[i].second->addInput(connsbuffer[i].second, weight); if (using_mapping) neu->addMapping( IRange((*connsbuffer[i].first)->begin, (*connsbuffer[i].first)->end)); } delete attractor; } } return 0; } void fL_Builder::clearModelElements(Model *m) { for (int i = 0; i < m->getJointCount(); i++) { m->removeJoint(i, 0); } for (int i = 0; i < m->getNeuroCount(); i++) { m->removeNeuro(i, true); } for (int i = 0; i < m->getNeuroCount(); i++) { m->removePart(i, 0, 0); } m->clearMap(); } Model* fL_Builder::developModel(double &neededtime) { double curriter = 0; double timestamp = 1.0 / numckp; double t = 0; Model *m = new Model(); m->open(using_checkpoints); bool wordsexceeded = false; for (; t <= time; t+= timestamp) { alterTimedProperties(t); // always alter timed properties in the beginning // if iteration exceeds integer value, then deploy rules if (floor(t) > curriter) { iterate(t); curriter+=1.0; } if (using_checkpoints) { clearModelElements(m); if (buildModelFromSequence(m) != 0) { delete m; return NULL; } m->checkpoint(); } if (maxwords != -1 && ((int)genotype.size()) > maxwords) { wordsexceeded = true; break; } } if (wordsexceeded) { neededtime = t; } else { neededtime = time; } // if exact time of development was not reached due to floating point errors, // then alter timed properties if (time < t) { alterTimedProperties(time); } clearModelElements(m); if (buildModelFromSequence(m) != 0) { delete m; return NULL; } if (using_checkpoints) { m->checkpoint(); } m->close(); return m; } int fL_Builder::countSticksInSequence(std::list *sequence) { int count = 0; for (std::list::iterator it = sequence->begin(); it != sequence->end(); it++) { if ((*it)->builtin && (*it)->name == "S") { count++; } } return count; } int fL_Builder::countDefinedWords() { return words.size() - builtincount; } int fL_Builder::countWordsInLSystem() { int count = genotype.size(); for (fL_Rule *rul: rules) { count += rul->objsucc.size(); } count += words.size(); return count; } void fL_Builder::removeRedundantRules() { for (std::vector::iterator it = rules.begin(); it != rules.end(); it++) { std::vector::iterator it2 = it; it2++; while (it2 != rules.end()) { bool todelete = false; if ((*it)->objpred->name == (*it2)->objpred->name) { if ((*it)->condeval == NULL && (*it2)->condeval == NULL) { todelete = true; } else if ((*it)->condeval == NULL && (*it2)->condeval != NULL) { std::iter_swap(it, it2); } else if ((*it)->condeval != NULL && (*it2)->condeval != NULL) { if ((*it)->condeval->getStringifiedRPN() == (*it2)->condeval->getStringifiedRPN()) { todelete = true; } } } if (todelete) { delete (*it2); it2 = rules.erase(it2); } else { it2++; } } } }