#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "genotypeloader.h" #include "paramtree_print.h" // This program tests parameter tree construction for all paramtab's that are available in SDK. // See paramtree_stdin_test.cpp and app_group_names.txt for a more complete set (from Framsticks GUI) of paramtab objects. // See mutableparam_test.cpp for a demonstration on how to detect (and possibly respond to) changing parameter definitions. int main() { StdioFILE::setStdio(); //setup VirtFILE::Vstdin/out/err PreconfiguredGenetics genetics; Param genotypemini_param(genotypemini_paramtab); NeuroFactory neurofac; neurofac.setStandardImplementation(); NeuroNetConfig nn_config(&neurofac); ModelGeometry modelgeo; MutableParamList combined; combined += &genetics.genman.par; combined += &GenoObj::getStaticParam(); combined += &ModelObj::getStaticParam(); combined += &VectorObject::getStaticParam(); combined += &DictionaryObject::getStaticParam(); combined += &Pt3D_Ext::getStaticParam(); combined += &Orient_Ext::getStaticParam(); combined += &genotypemini_param; combined += &nn_config.par; combined += &modelgeo.par; ParamTree tree(&combined); printTree(&tree.root); }