// This file is a part of Framsticks SDK. http://www.framsticks.com/ // Copyright (C) 1999-2020 Maciej Komosinski and Szymon Ulatowski. // See LICENSE.txt for details. #include "geometrytestutils.h" #include "../genotypeloader.h" #include "frams/genetics/preconfigured.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include int printGenotypesList(const char *file) { long count = 0; long totalSize = 0; GenotypeMiniLoader loader(file); GenotypeMini *genotype; while (genotype = loader.loadNextGenotype()) { count++; totalSize += genotype->genotype.length(); fprintf(stderr, "%d. (%6d chars) %s\n", count, genotype->genotype.length(), genotype->name.c_str()); } if (loader.getStatus() == GenotypeMiniLoader::OnError) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", loader.getError().c_str()); return 2; } else { fprintf(stderr, "\ntotal: %d items, %d chars\n", count, totalSize); return 0; } } class TestInvoker { public: virtual void operator()(Model &model) = 0; virtual ~TestInvoker() {} }; int executeTestUsingLoadedModel(const char *file, const char *genoId, TestInvoker &test) { const char* genoName = genoId; const int genoIndex = isdigit(genoId[0]) ? atol(genoId) : 0; long count = 0; GenotypeMiniLoader loader(file); GenotypeMini *genotype; while (genotype = loader.loadNextGenotype()) { count++; if ((genoIndex == count) || (strcmp(genotype->name.c_str(), genoName) == 0)) { Model model(genotype->genotype, Model::SHAPETYPE_UNKNOWN); if (!model.isValid()) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot build a valid Model from this genotype!\n"); return 4; } SolidsShapeTypeModel sst_model(model); test(sst_model); return 0; } } if (loader.getStatus() == GenotypeMiniLoader::OnError) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", loader.getError().c_str()); return 2; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Genotype %s not found in %s\n", genoId, file); return 3; } } int executeTestUsingRandomModel(int shape, TestInvoker &test) { Model model; model.open(); if ((shape < 1) || (shape > 3)) { shape = (rand() % 3) + 1; } Part *part = model.addNewPart(Part::Shape(shape)); GeometryUtils::randomizePositionScaleAndOrient(part); model.close(); test(model); GeometryTestUtils::describePart(part, stdout); return 0; } class ModelBasedTestInvoker : public TestInvoker { private: void(*test)(Model &); public: ModelBasedTestInvoker(void(*_test)(Model &)) : test(_test) {} void operator()(Model &model) { test(model); } }; int GeometryTestUtils::execute(const SString header, int argc, char *argv[], void(*test)(Model &)) { LoggerToStdout messages_to_stdout(LoggerBase::Enable); //comment this object out to mute error/warning messages StdioFileSystem_autoselect stdiofilesys; PreconfiguredGenetics genetics; srand(time(NULL)); if ((argc == 3) && (strcmp("-l", argv[1]) == 0)) { return printGenotypesList(argv[2]); } if ((argc == 4) && (strcmp("-l", argv[1]) == 0)) { ModelBasedTestInvoker invoker(test); return executeTestUsingLoadedModel(argv[2], argv[3], invoker); } if ((argc == 2) && (strcmp("-c", argv[1]) == 0)) { ModelBasedTestInvoker invoker(test); return executeTestUsingRandomModel(-1, invoker); } if ((argc == 3) && (strcmp("-c", argv[1]) == 0) && isdigit(argv[2][0])) { int shape = atol(argv[2]); ModelBasedTestInvoker invoker(test); return executeTestUsingRandomModel(shape, invoker); } fprintf(stderr, "%s\n\n" "argument lists:\n" "-l FILENAME - to print list of models in file\n" "-l FILENAME GENO_ID - to load model from file and run test\n" "-c [SHAPE] - to create simple random model and run test\n\n" "FILENAME - name of file containing named f0 genotypes\n" "GENO_ID - either genotype name or index (1-based)\n" "SHAPE - 1=ellipsoid, 2=cuboid, 3=cylinder, others or none=random\n", header.c_str()); return 1; } class ModelAndDensityBasedTestInvoker : public TestInvoker { private: void(*test)(Model &, const double); double density; public: ModelAndDensityBasedTestInvoker(void(*_test)(Model &, const double), double _density) : test(_test), density(_density) {} void operator()(Model &model) { test(model, density); } }; int GeometryTestUtils::execute(const SString header, int argc, char *argv[], void(*test)(Model &, const double)) { LoggerToStdout messages_to_stdout(LoggerBase::Enable); //comment this object out to mute error/warning messages StdioFileSystem_autoselect stdiofilesys; PreconfiguredGenetics genetics; srand(time(NULL)); if ((argc == 3) && (strcmp("-l", argv[1]) == 0)) { return printGenotypesList(argv[2]); } if ((argc == 5) && (strcmp("-l", argv[1]) == 0) && isdigit(argv[4][0])) { double density = atol(argv[4]); ModelAndDensityBasedTestInvoker invoker(test, density); return executeTestUsingLoadedModel(argv[2], argv[3], invoker); } if ((argc == 3) && (strcmp("-c", argv[1]) == 0) && isdigit(argv[2][0])) { double density = atol(argv[2]); ModelAndDensityBasedTestInvoker invoker(test, density); return executeTestUsingRandomModel(-1, invoker); } if ((argc == 4) && (strcmp("-c", argv[1]) == 0) && isdigit(argv[2][0]) && isdigit(argv[3][0])) { double density = atol(argv[2]); int shape = atol(argv[3]); ModelAndDensityBasedTestInvoker invoker(test, density); return executeTestUsingRandomModel(shape, invoker); } fprintf(stderr, "%s\n\n" "argument list:\n" "-l FILENAME - to print the list of models in file\n" "-l FILENAME GENO_ID DENSITY - to load the model from the file and run test\n" "-c DENSITY [SHAPE] - to create a simple random model and run test\n\n" "FILENAME - name of the file containing named f0 genotypes\n" "GENO_ID - either genotype name or index (1-based)\n" "DENSITY - minimal number of samples per unit\n" "SHAPE - 1=ellipsoid, 2=cuboid, 3=cylinder, others or none=random\n", header.c_str()); return 1; } void GeometryTestUtils::describePart(const Part *part, FILE *output) { fprintf(output, "# shape=%d\n", part->shape); fprintf(output, "# x=%f\n", part->p.x); fprintf(output, "# y=%f\n", part->p.y); fprintf(output, "# z=%f\n", part->p.z); fprintf(output, "# sx=%f\n", part->scale.x); fprintf(output, "# sy=%f\n", part->scale.y); fprintf(output, "# sz=%f\n", part->scale.z); fprintf(output, "# rx=%f\n", part->rot.x); fprintf(output, "# ry=%f\n", part->rot.y); fprintf(output, "# rz=%f\n", part->rot.z); }