// This file is a part of Framsticks SDK. http://www.framsticks.com/ // Copyright (C) 1999-2015 Maciej Komosinski and Szymon Ulatowski. // See LICENSE.txt for details. #include "stdiofile.h" #include #include #include #include #ifdef __ANDROID__ #include #include #endif VirtFILE* StdioFileSystem::Vfopen(const char *path, const char *mode) { //log_printf("Vfopen %s %s",path,mode); #if defined USE_MFILE || defined _WIN32 MFILE *f = mfopen(path, mode); #else FILE *f = fopen(path, mode); #endif //log_printf("%p",f); if (f) return new StdioFILE(f, path); else return NULL; } VirtDIR* StdioFileSystem::Vopendir(const char* path) { //log_printf("Vopendir %s",path); #ifdef __ANDROID__ int resources_prefix_length=getAppResourcesDir().length(); if (strncmp(path, getAppResourcesDir().c_str(), resources_prefix_length) == 0) //it is a resources dir { VirtDIR *vd = AndroidAPK_DIR::opendir(path+resources_prefix_length+1); //+1 because we also skip '/' and start with a "relative" dir, otherwise it does not work. return vd; } #endif #ifdef _WIN32 DIRTYPE *d = wopendir(Convert::utf8ToUtf16(path).c_str()); #else DIR *d = opendir(path); #endif //log_printf("%p",d); if (d) return new StdioDIR(d); else return NULL; } bool StdioFileSystem::Vfexists(const char* path) { return fileExists(path); } #ifndef NO_STD_IN_OUT_ERR void StdioFILE::setStdio() { static StdioFILEDontClose si(stdin); static StdioFILEDontClose so(stdout); static StdioFILEDontClose se(stderr); setVstdin(&si); setVstdout(&so); setVstderr(&se); } #endif dirent* StdioDIR::Vreaddir() { //log_printf("Vreaddir %s",dir); #ifdef _WIN32 wdirent *wde=wreaddir(dir); if (wde==NULL) return NULL; strcpy(de.d_name, Convert::wstrToUtf8(wde->d_name).c_str()); return &de; #else return readdir(dir); #endif }